Episode 8: A lion's alliance

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Guest ranger of this episode: Cole Evans (red wild force ranger)

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Guest ranger of this episode: Cole Evans (red wild force ranger)

Our episode opens up with Orion, Alpha, and the Legend force team on the bridge of the sky ship watching clips of megazord fights from the past three tribute episodes on the computer monitor, Brenda saying how crazy it is that whenever they meet and befriend a past ranger they suddenly gain the ability to use one of their zords and combine it with the legendary megazord. Jamie says "you're right. Mystic force, SPD, Jungle fury, that can't be a coincidence". Lance says "yeah Orion, what gives? we'd like an explanation" while Alpha and Polly stare at each other awkwardly. Orion then explains to the five that the ranger keys are the powers of the past rangers given physical form by the universal morphing grid which connects their legend force powers to the powers of the past ranger teams which gives them the ability to unlock the greater powers of their predecessors by earning the respect of the rangers that came before them which usually manifests in the form of a new armament for the legendary megazord such as the mystic dragon and delta runner. the five then look at their ranger keys as their minds are blown by this revelation, Austin saying "so we get rewarded for helping out our power ranger elders? cool" with Molly saying "so cool". Lance then asks "where to next, Orion?" and Orion says that the next Armada-occupied city on the way is Turtle cove, saying that he got a call from Colonel Evan Taylor telling him that the resistance's intelligence division have reported that the armada is searching for some kind of floating island that hovers over the city, Orion displaying an image of the Animarium on the ship's computer monitor, the five looking at the screen with Austin asking "excuse me, is that a giant floating turtle?" as we get a shot of the sky ship floating over the city's turtle-shaped lake that gave the city its name. Jamie starts geeking out, asking Austin "did you ever visit the power rangers museum? they had an entire exhibit dedicated to this. 3000 years ago the lost kingdom of Animaria was magically lifted into the air to protect it from the evil Orgs, creatures who sought to spread pollution and destruction to the earth. the Animarium became home to the power rangers wild force and their wild zords" pulling up an image of the wild force team and their wild zords on his laptop. Orion tells Jamie "then maybe that's what the armada is after, they probably know the wild zords are their and want to weaponize them" as he takes the helm. meanwhile Alpha 8 steps out onto the deck of the sky ship and is blinded by a set of thick clouds the sky ship flies straight into, Alpha saying "ai-yi-yi, it's like pea soup out here!" while the five teens step out onto the deck themselves and are greeted by the same blinding clouds, Lance calling Orion on his legendary morpher asking what's going on. Orion telling Lance "I don't know, whatever it is it's screwing with the ship's navigation computer" while Polly who sits on Orion's shoulder exclaims "sqwak! we're doomed! we're doomed! sqwak!" Alpha then pulls out a telescope as the ship exits the clouds where she sees the Animarium, Alpha 8 exclaiming "land ho!" with the five teens looking at her in confusion, Alpha cocking her head saying "I always wanted to say that". Austin shrugs, saying "well our ranger suits and megazord look like pirates, so we might as well start talking like one. arr mateys!" only for Jamie to push Austin aside telling him to knock it off before asking Alpha to hand him the telescope. Jamie then looks through the telescope and recognizes it as the Animarium telling his teammates "I can't believe it, we're actually approaching the Animarium! it's like we're stepping into ranger history!" Lance then tells Orion over intercom to prepare to make landfall. Orion then deploys the anchors allowing the ship to safely latch onto the floating island while the five rangers teleport onto the Animarium's surface to explore the area, Molly asking the others if they think anyone still lives here. however the five are suddenly attacked by a platoon of X-borgs of X-borgs and bruisers led by Prowler, an intergalactic poacher hired by the Armada to capture the red lion zord, Prowler thanking the rangers for leading him and the troops to the Animarium. Lance smirks and says "I don't think so" before the five morph to fight off the grunts (cue Gokaiger episode 9 fight) after the rangers dispatch the X-borgs and bruisers Prowler attacks the rangers himself knocking them down with his giant claws and super-speed. the five rangers then morph into Turbo exclaiming "Shift into Turbo!" leading to an original footage fight with the five attacking Prowler and the grunts with their individual weapons before forming the Turbo RAM cannon to counterattack Prowler's own blast leading to a beam struggles that results into an explosion that knocks both parties down. Lance gets back up as Prowler charges at him the two having a quick one-on-one super-speed fight with Lance using the turbo lightning sword before knocking Prowler back down. everyone then hears a loud roar noise before we get a brief close-up shot of Cole sensing that the red lion's in trouble. the five Legend force rangers along with Prowler look up to see the red lion wild zord standing atop a cliff. Jamie starts geeking out, saying "the wild force red lion zord, no way!" while Lance tries to tell the red lion zord "please red lion, we come in peace! we're power rangers just like the ones you fought beside" Prowler orders the X-borgs to capture that wild zord only for the red lion to swat away the Armada's forces AND the rangers knocking them off the island. the five then morph into Power rangers in space shouting "let's rocket!" before summoning the galaxy gliders to do an aerial battle with Prowler who rides on the backs of two bruisers. the five then shoot Prowler with their astro blasters causing him to fall off before safely landing onto Turtle cove below before de-morphing. Orion calls the rangers on their morphers, asking the five of them if they're okay as he watched them fall from several thousand feet in the air from the sky ship. Lance tells Orion that they're okay, but the Armada's poacher-for-hire is still out there and is hunting the red lion zord, Alpha 8 exclaiming "oh no rangers, that can't be good!" Orion tells the rangers this is very bad, telling them that they've got to tame the red lion if they are to stop Prowler. Lance tells Orion "easier said than done, that thing attacked us when we got near it" Orion suggests to the rangers that they try to earn the wild zord's respect with Polly saying "good luck, good luck!" before hanging up, Lance wondering how Orion expects the five of them to do that. Jamie suggests that they seek the help of one of the Wild force rangers, saying that they are in their home town after all. Brenda asks how they're going to find one of these Wild force rangers, and the five turn their heads to see an owner walking their dog with a bandaged-up paw out of the vet's office, the long-haired veterinarian wearing a red headband telling the patient that her dog's paw will heal soon before waving goodbye the five teens noticing name tag on the animal doctor's coat reading "Cole Evans" a name Jamie recognizes telling the others that he was the red Wild force ranger. Cole looks at the five and asks "do I know you? I've never seen you five in town before" Lance tells Cole "we are the power rangers Legend force, and we need your help" before we cut to the Armada flagship where Prince Vekar asks Destro why the poacher he hired hasn't returned with the red lion yet, and Destro explains that he had a run in with the rangers causing Vekar to have yet another temper tantrum upon hearing their mention, shaking his fist in anger. we then cut to the five sitting in Cole's vet clinic explaining to that the Armada is trying to hunt down and capture the red lion zord and they need his help taming the zord, since he was the original owner of the red lion it would obviously trust him. Austin has a cat sitting in his lap, Austin saying "the cat we're looking for is MUCH bigger than this one" Cole closes his eyes and senses their hearts confirming that they're telling him the truth, Cole agreeing to help our heroes get through to the red lion zord, Cole giving the five advice on opening their hearts to the red lion saying that the red lion has been through a lot especially after the legend war and the subsequent invasion which has stressed out the wild zord, Cole saying that takes time to open yourself up and forgiving others Cole having flashbacks to the Wild force finale with Cole putting flowers on the graves of both his parents and Dr. Viktor Adler showing that he was able to forgive his parents own killer in death. our heroes are moved by Cole's story however Molly asks "you seriously gave up being a power ranger to become a veterinarian?" with Cole saying "It is my duty as a guardian of the earth to help all creatures great and small, even without my powers" as he picks the cat off of Austin's lap. downtown Turtle cove is suddenly attacked by Prowler and the Armada's ground troops Prowler telling the rangers that they're gonna pay for making him lose his quarry ordering the X-borgs and Bruisers to attack those rangers prompting the five to morph and evacuate civilians getting them to safety before engaging the monster (cue Gokaiger episode 9 second fight) while Cole watches the rangers fight the Armada's forces from atop a balcony. Cole hears the red lion's voice calling to him and tells the rangers that he'll try to get through to the red lion, saying that it wants to fight by their side but doesn't fully trust them yet saying that it wants to see if they're worthy. Lance looks at Cole and tells his team "well then, in honor of Cole and the red lion let's go wild force!" the five Legend force rangers then morph into Wild force shouting "Wild access!" before charging at Prowler and the bruisers, the five rangers exclaiming "guardians of the Earth, united we roar!" as they attack their opponents with their claws before switching to attacking with their weapons Lance getting one more one-on-one fight with Prowler before the five combine their weapons to form the jungle sword Prowler ordering the bruisers to shield him before the rangers finish the grunts off with a savage slash. Cole closes his eyes and says "Red lion zord, hear me. Earth's current defenders need your help to free our planet from the invaders who threaten it, I know they are not the same rangers who fought beside you all those years ago but I ask you to give them a chance, they have proven themselves worthy of your power" the red lion wild zord hearing Cole's voice as it stands atop a cliff Orion that it appears that the red lion is communicating, but with who. Orion smirks and says that the rangers must be getting through to it, Alpha asking how with Orion saying that they probably did it with help from an old friend. meanwhile the rangers revert back to their legend force to finish off Prowler with a final strike. Prince Vekar has yet another hissy fit, demanding Insidia to fix this right now Insidia firing the sattelasers to make Prowler and the bruisers grow giant, Orion prompting the rangers to summon the zords forming the legendary megazord (cue Gokaiger episode 9 fight) the rangers attempt to use the legendary megazord's chest cannon only for Prowler to fire his hand claw which clamps down onto the wheel on the megazord's back preventing it from activating its cannon feature while bruisers hold it down. Prowler taunts the ranger saying that like an animal caught in a trap they have nowhere to run however the red lion lets out a loud roar followed by the five noticing their wild force keys glowing, Lance saying "I guess Cole really did get through to the red lion after all" while Molly says "looks like we are worthy of the lion's trust after all". the five then plug their wild force keys into the megazord console summoning the red lion wild zord from the animarium, the red lion freeing the legendary megazord and attacking Prowler. the red lion turns its head and roars at the megazord Jamie suggesting that the red lion is probably telling them to combine with it. the red lion and the Legendary megazord then combine to form the Legendary wild force megazord slashing its way through bruisers, Prowler saying "fine, I shall capture you myself red lion! you would make an excellent trophy to show to the prince!" only for the Legendary wild force megazord to fight back and destroy Prowler once and for all. Cole watches the ranger's victory, saying "thank you red lion, I hope you get along with the new rangers well" before walking off to meet none other than Merrick on the bridge, Merrick telling Cole that he's impressed that he convinced the red lion zord to work with the new ranger team. Cole tells Merrick that they're all fighting for the same common goal, as guardians of the earth. all they needed was for the lion to put its trust in them. Merrick then turns away from Cole who asks Merrick where he's going, and none other than Zen-aku steps out from behind Merrick telling him "wherever the wind takes us". Merrick then tells Cole "If you need us, we'll be willing to answer the call" before the two lone wolves walk off. we then cut to the red lion zord watching the sky ship take off while Jamie and Brenda watch from the window of the sky ship, Brenda waving the red lion goodbye, saying that she hopes they'll meet again while Orion notices the armada marker disappear from the map on the ship's computer telling the rangers that Turtle cove is officially freed from Armada occupation meaning they can now move onto the next city that needs their help. meanwhile Molly elbows Austin telling him that this is their fourth legendary ranger power they've unlocked, Austin saying that he thinks the red lion may prove to be a valuable ally in the rebellion against the Armada asking Lance if he agrees only to see that he's not in the bridge. Alpha tells Austin that he saw Lance leave the bridge followed by Lance standing on the crow's nest of the sky ship brooding, Austin asking Lance what's up. Lance tells Austin that befriending that lion zord reminded him of Robo Knight, who was also a lion. Austin puts his hand on Lance's shoulder assuring him that they'll find Robo Knight someday as we briefly flash to an image of Robo Knight's "face" before we cut to a shot of Cyberon staring down at the Earth below ending our episode on an ominous note.

I love the wild force theme song, so of course an instrumental rock cover would play during the tribute morph and fight:

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