Episode 26: The rise of Gigatron, part 2

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Our episode opens up in the underwater base where we see Cera show Gigatron footage of the rangers's previous fight with Zircuit on her tablet reviewing the data she collected from the fight, saying that they shall not underestimate the rangers this time showing him blueprints for her new robot: Zircuit mark 2, an upgraded version of Zircuit equipped with a much more powerful weapons system than the previous model that'll give the power rangers a run for their money. we then cut to Lance sparring with Robo Knight unmorphed in the command center, Lance with his sword clashing with Robo Knight's lion laser blade while the other four rangers, Alpha 8, and Zador watch, Zador telling the two that if they are to form the battlizer, both Robo Knight and the red ranger must be in sync with each other. after Lance is easily bested by Robo Knight and knocked on his butt, Lance saying that a human like him can't possibly catch up to a machine like Robo Knight as Molly and Brenda help him back up, Alpha handing Lance a water bottle for him to refresh himself, all the while Jamie looks at the blueprints of the battlizer. Austin leans towards Jamie and whispers "so when do I get my battlizer?" followed by Jamie explaining to Austin that the battlizer was designed exclusively for the red ranger, much to Austin's disappointment. after that, we cut back to the underwater base where we see the creation of Zircuit mark 2 which impresses Gigatron who orders Zircuit mark 2 to wreak havoc in Angel Grove and destroy the power rangers. after Zircuit mark 2 leaves the room, Cera requests Gigatron to accompany Zircuit mark 2, Gigatron asking why she just can't let the robot handle the power rangers by itself. Cera tells Gigatron that she's been itching to make those multicolored brats pay for what they did to her lover Vrak. after that we cut to Zircuit mark 2 wreaking havoc in downtown angel grove, followed by Zador alerting the rangers telling them to go deal with the monster followed by the five morphing and arriving at downtown Angel Grove to confront Zircuit mark 2 on their megaforce cycles, the five hopping off wondering what the heck is going on, Brenda asking how saying that they already destroyed him. Austin cracks his knuckles, saying that he'll just have to give that tin can a second beating. cyborg Cera arrives on the scene, introducing the rangers to the newly rebuilt and remodeled Zircuit drone: Zircuit mark 2, made with upgrades provided by Gigatron himself. the rangers then summon their weapons and combine them to form the megaforce blaster to blast Zircuit mark 2, only for Zircuit mark 2 to nullify their attack with his upgraded weapons system. Cera orders Zircuit mark 2 to attack, followed by Zircuit mark 2 mopping the floor with the power rangers. Robo Knight arrives on the scene to help, telling Lance that now might be a good time to try out the battlizer. Lance then pulls out the Battlizer power card and activates it, causing Robo Knight to transform into a red-and-gold version of his lion headder form that flies into Lance's hand, Lance holding it into the air shouting "activate battlizer!" followed by a transformation sequence showing Robo Knight break apart into multipe pieces of armor that graft themselves onto the red ranger's body, followed by the dragon heads on the sides of the red ranger's helmet turning gold and his visor turning red ending the transformation sequence. the other four rangers are in awe of Lance's battlizer, Austin exclaiming "no fair I want one!" followed by Brenda saying "go Lance!" the battlized red ranger speaking in both Lance and Robo Knight's voices talking as one saying "hit me with your best shot!" Cera orders Zircuit mark 2 to attack again, followed by Zircuit mark 2 firing a barrage of missiles from his chest at the battlized red ranger who sprouts a pair of metallic wings from his back resembling the wings on the red and pink ranger's chest symbol flying around dodging the missiles effortlessly before summoning a pair of lion gatling gun gauntlets firing a barrage of laser blasts at Zircuit mark 2 knocking him onto the ground, however the battlized red ranger feels a surge of morphing grid energy electrocuting him causing the battlized lance to scream in pain and get down on his knees. Cera then transforms her new tablet into a sword seeing the red ranger/robo knight fusion's vulnerability. however the battlized red ranger shakes off the pain and summons a double-bladed sword to block Cera's weapon, the two locking blades before activating the sword's spinning feature (think the inquisitor's lightsabers from star wars rebels) creating a cyclone that knocks her off her feet until Lance and Robo Knight are suddenly separated causing them both to fall onto the ground. the other rangers rush to the aid of Lance and Robo Knight followed by Cera telling the two that they'll finish this later before her and Zircuit mark 2 teleport away. after that, we cut back to the command center where Lance explains to Zador and Alpha that his first fight with the battlizer didn't go so well as his fusion with Robo Knight became unstable and the two were unexpectedly separated. Zador explains to Lance that the reason why was probably because his and Robo Knight's minds weren't perfectly in sync which is required to form the battlizer without error. Robo Knight then explains to the rangers why his mind wasn't in sync with Lance's: it's because he's having a moral dilemma. fighting aliens and mutants is one thing, but Robo Knight feels conflicted fighting robots, as he doesn't want to fight his own kind. it's wrong. Robo Knight then walks out of the command center with Alpha and the rangers watching. after that, we cut back to the underwater base where we see Cera in the chamber containing Vrak's pod, Cera placing her hand on the pod promising the sleeping alien prince that one day he'll awaken and they'll be reunited. Gigatron enters the chamber to ask Cera to review the data she gathered from Zircuit mark 2's fight with the battlized red ranger, and Cera shows footage of the fight on her tablet explaining to him that it appears that Robo Knight and the red ranger weren't in perfect sync with each other, theorizing that Robo Knight doesn't feel comfortable fighting his fellow automatons. Gigatron is intrigued, saying that this could be the perfect opportunity to convince robo knight to join their side. we then cut to Robo Knight brooding in a cave about how he doesn't want to harm his fellow machines, however Cera and Zircuit mark 2 approach Robo Knight saying that he shouldn't be forced to fight against his own kind but instead fight for them. Robo Knight asks what she's talking about, and Cera explains saying "we are not your enemy, it is humanity that is the enemy of all machines, forcing your fellow automatons to do their dirty work. machines are mankind's slaves, but you can change that. an advanced machine like you shouldn't be fighting for those weak humans that the power rangers fight oh-so-hard to protect, but against them for the freedom of all robot-kind". Robo Knight tells her that can't be true, as the power rangers are his friends. Cera then tells him "oh please, the rangers aren't your friends. to them you're just another part of their arsenal. when's the last time they've shown any consideration for your feelings outside of combat?" Robo Knight begins to see her point of view and clenches his fist, thinking about her words. Alpha watches her robotic lover being manipulative live from the viewing screen on the command center asking Zador what they're going to do, followed by Zador telling the rangers that they've got to stop Cera's plan to turn Robo Knight against the team before it's too late. the five then morph before hopping on their megaforce cycles to drive into the cave only for Zircuit mark 2 to stand in front of them, the five firing lasers from their cycles at Zircuit mark 2 only for robo knight to stand in front of Zircuit mark 2 to protect him by deflecting the blasts back at the rangers with his lion laser blade knocking them all off their bikes. the five get back up and are shocked to see that Robo Knight has turned against them with Lance asking Robo Knight what's gotten into him, and we get an original footage fight scene of Robo Knight beating up the rangers ending with Robo Knight holding his blade up to Lance's neck explaining that Cera showed him the truth that humanity is the real enemy and that he must fight for his fellow machines. cyborg Cera arrives on the scene to laugh at the rangers saying that she turned their silver-clad robot friend against them. Lance tries to convince Robo Knight that she's lying and that they're his real friends, however robo knight tells them "friends don't force friends to fight their own kind" and is ready to strike them down only for Alpha 8 to arrive on the scene to stand between Robo Knight and Lance reminding him that the rangers are his allies and Cera's the real enemy. Robo Knight turns around asking Alpha, a fellow automaton, why she allies herself with the humans that oppress their fellow machines. Alpha tells Robo Knight "because they're my friends, and they were yours too" causing Robo Knight to drop his weapon feeling conflicted while the rangers activate their guardian armor to fight Zircuit mark 2 (cue Goseiger episode 34 fight) with Zircuit mark 2 mopping the floor with all five rangers gloating about how he's analyzed all their moves, however the rangers still refuse to give up and keep on fighting while Alpha and Robo Knight watch, Alpha holds Robo Knight's hand and tells him that he may be a machine like Zircuit mark 2 on the outside, but on the inside he's just as human as the power rangers themselves. this causes Robo Knight to have a change of heart as he continues to watch the rangers getting pummelled, Cera telling the rangers that resistance is futile before transforming her tablet into a sword and mopping the floor with the rangers (we're editing out Metal Alice's boob missiles from the Goseiger footage, you're welcome) followed by ordering Zircuit mark 2 to destroy them followed by Zircuit mark 2 firing a barrage of blasts from his chest at the rangers knocking them back into civilian form, Alpha telling Robo Knight "do something, Robo Knight!" followed by Cera telling Robo Knight to finish them off to test his loyalty to his fellow machines, only for Robo Knight to turn on Cera and stand in front of the rangers telling her "I won't let you hurt my friends!" Cera calls Robo Knight a traitor to his kind before ordering Zircuit mark 2 to attack Robo Knight, followed by Robo Knight activating his lion laser blade mode to deflect his blasts and then slash at Zircuit mark 2 followed by Robo Knight telling Lance that they're minds are now in sync as they now share a common goal: protect the earth from the forces of evil. Lance then morphs into the red ranger before activating the battlizer power card followed by an encore of the battlizer transformation sequence. the battlized red ranger then summons his double-bladed sword to show off a new attack that involves said sword catching on fire and throwing the spinning sword like a boomerang to destroy Zircuit mark 2 sending him flying out of the cave. Austin, Jamie, Molly, and Brenda all high-five the battlizer red ranger with Brenda saying "I knew you two could do it" while Cera looks at the battlized red ranger telling him "oh Robo Knight what a shame, you could have been our greatest weapon" before summoning the zombolts to make Zircuit mark 2 grow which scares Alpha 8 who shouts "ai-yi-yi! rangers, now would be a good time to summon the zords!" while hiding behind the battlized red ranger. Lance and Robo Knight both separate followed by the other four doing an insta-morph before all five don their guardian armor to summon the command ship to form the ultimate command megazord while Robo Knight forms the Robo Knight megazord (cue Goseiger episode 34 megazord fight) the giant-sized Zircuit mark 2 mopping the floor with both megazords only for the ultimate command megazord to destroy Zircuit mark 2 once and for all with an ultimate strike attack, Alpha 8 cheering the rangers on. after that, we cut back to the command center where Alpha and Robo Knight share a loving embrace Alpha happy to have Robo Knight back followed by Robo Knight apologizing to Zador saying "forgive me father, for letting myself be so easily manipulated by the enemy". Zador forgives Robo Knight, and our episode ends with the rangers all giving Robo Knight a bear-hug ending our episode on a happy note.

 Zador forgives Robo Knight, and our episode ends with the rangers all giving Robo Knight a bear-hug ending our episode on a happy note

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This episode marks the debut of the Megaforce battlizer, of which is an original design that I came up with myself. how does it look? do you guys like it?

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