Episode 18: Last laugh

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Our episode opens up with Fat Jack and Skinny Mack doing a stand-up comedy routine in the outdoor school auditorium, only for none of the students to find their jokes funny and throw their popcorn at them while Jamie facepalms forcing the two failed comedians to cower behind the stage, Fat Jack telling Skinny Mack that they've gotta come up with better material, Skinny Mack agreeing. We then cut to General Tritor's ship where we see Cera watching the two from the screen of her tablet. Lurker and Sasquatcho look at each other, Sasquatcho saying "y'know, those two aren't very funny" with Lurker saying "Agreed". Cera then says "They want better material, then we'll give them better material. soon the Power Rangers, along with the rest of this planet's population will die laughing!" before introducing Tritor to her new monster Nojoke, who tells Tritor "Allow me to show those power brats what a real comedian is, General. and that's No Joke!" Tritor then grants Cera permission to send Nojoke to Earth. after that, we cut to Fat Jack and Skinny Mack walking home from school, Fat Jack scratching his head trying to think of more funnier joke material. then out of the bushes Nojoke appears, offering the two a job. the two cower in fear, shouting "Monster!" followed by Skinny Mack spraying Nojoke with pepper spray causing Nojoke to scream in pain, the two laughing at the monster's misery. Nojoke tells the two to stop, saying that he means no harm and that he's just here to offer the two a job as his proteges in the art of stand-up, pulling out a Joke book saying that he heard the two were looking for some better joke material so he wanted to give them this book full of jokes so funny it'll sweep everyone off their feet. Fat Jack and Skinny Mack both grab the book and skim through it before looking at each other, Fat Jack telling Skinny Mack that this'll be their ticket to fame. after that, we cut to the next day where we see the rangers sit back down in the outdoor school auditorium, Jamie turning his head to see Mr. Fowler who says that he can't believe those two imbeciles haven't given up on their haphazard stand-up act, saying the two of them don't know anything about good comedy, Jamie agreeing followed by Molly telling him not to be so harsh to the two, saying that they're just trying their best, Lance agreeing saying that she's right. Fat Jack and Skinny Mack both get up on stage while the other students boo them, all the while Nojoke hides backstage snickering with evil laughter. the two then tell the first joke in Nojoke's joke book causing Molly (along with several other students) to erupt with laughter, Jamie dumbfounded by the fact that Molly actually finds this garbage funny. Molly along with all the other laughing students then all suddenly get sucked into Nojoke's gourd much to the shock of the other rangers, Austin shouting "Molly no!" the four remaining rangers then hide backstage and contact Alpha on their mega morphers, informing her of the situation. Alpha and Zador agree that this must be the work of another monster, Zador warning the other rangers to not laugh. the rangers then run into Nojoke backstage, Nojoke running off to cover his tracks. the four rangers then morph and hop on their Megaforce cycles to chase after the monster through the schoolyard, only for Robo Knight to stop the monster in its tracks followed by the rangers hopping off their bikes to fight the monster (cue Goseiger episode 26 first fight) Nojoke taunting the rangers with the gourd revealing that the jokebook he gave to their annoying friends is filled with cursed jokes that cause people to get sucked inside his gourd if they laugh at them, all the while Fat Jack and Skinny mack hide in the bushes to watch the Megaforce rangers confrontation with Nojoke, Skinny Mack asking Fat Jack "what did we just do?" followed by Fat Jack looking at Nojoke's joke book saying "I don't know, but I think we just fell for that monster's sick joke" the rangers (and Robo Knight) get knocked around by Nojoke before the monster retreats, Austin slamming his fist into the ground, shouting "he got Molly!" only for Robo Knight to turn his head to see a terrified Fat Jack and Skinny Mack holding Nojoke's jokebook. Robo Knight holds his blaster to the two's heads, telling them to hand over the book saying that they have no idea what power they possess, followed by Lance grabbing Robo Knight's hand making the robot lower his blaster reminding him that this isn't what we do and they're just innocents. Lance tries to ask them nicely to hand it over but the two refuse, as this jokebook is their one-way ticket to fame and fortune, followed by the two running off to follow Nojoke. the rangers then de-morph, followed by Lance contacting Zador from his Mega Morpher telling him that Nojoke got away and that he gave Fat Jack and Skinny Mack a cursed Jokebook that causes whoever laughs at their jokes to be sucked inside the monster's gourd. not only that, but they're one ranger down since Molly got sucked in. Alpha tells Zador "ai-yi-yi! Zador, what are we going to do!" Zador tells the rangers "Destroy the jokebook, and whatever you do... don't laugh!" followed by Austin making a witty remark saying "That's easy for robo-knight, that guy doesn't have a funny bone in his body" with Robo Knight saying "what is a funny bone?" with Austin saying "see? jokes just go over his head". Jamie tells him "You may have a point, Robo Knight's lack of a sense of humor may be the key to stopping Nojoke". After that, we cut to Fat Jack and Skinny Mack catching up to Nojoke in the woods, Nojoke asking the two if they gave the book to the power rangers, followed by the two telling him that they still have it, Skinny Mack showing the book to Nojoke. Skinny Mack tells Nojoke "Man these jokes in your book are hilarious, you're a comedic genius! where to next?" Nojoke explains his plan for the three of them to travel across the country, sharing their comedic talent to the entire world. the two are all for it, Lurker and Sasquatcho arrive on the scene. the two hide behind Nojoke, with Lurker asking Nojoke what he's doing with these Earthings and Sasquatcho reminding him that he should focus on trapping the Power Rangers. Nojoke tells her that he already caught one, meaning there's only four more left to go. Fat Jack and Skinny Mack both look at Nojoke, the two asking him why he wants to trap the power rangers if he's one of the good ones, followed by Nojoke saying "Oh yeah, I lied" causing the two to look at each other realized what they got themselves into. Fat Jack and Skinny Mack both try to run away only for them to get blocked by Lurker and Sasquatcho with Cera and Nojoke cornering the two, Nojoke saying "Oh no you don't. you two are gonna perform for me at the Angel Grove civic center, or get trapped inside my gourd with every soul you made laugh". After that, we cut to the five rangers teleporting to the command center, Alpha informing the rangers to look at the viewing screen. the rangers see Fat Jack and Skinny Mack getting ready to perform on stage at the Angel Grove civic center, their jokes causing everybody to laugh and be sucked into Nojoke's gourd. Jamie says that they've got to stop Nojoke, and Zador tells them to go followed by the five rangers morphing and summoning their Megaforce cycles. the rangers on their cycles then arrive at the Civic Center where they witness audience members laughing at Fat Jack and Skinny Mack's jokes, the rangers standing in front of the crowd and warning everyone to not laugh followed by Fat Jack and Skinny Mack both turning on Nojoke who was hiding behind the stage, Fat Jack tossing the joke book onto the ground saying "We quit!" with Nojoke shouting "NOOOO!" followed by Robo Knight arriving on the scene to fire a blast from his lion laser burning the book, with Fat Jack and Skinny Mack both taunting the monster shouting "You suck, Nojoke!" and start laughing at him only for the two to cover their mouths upon realizing what they just did. Nojoke then sucks both Fat Jack and Skinny Mack into his gourd and retreats, telling the rangers that they're gonna have to break his gourd if they want to set everyone free. the rangers and Robo Knight chase the monster into the indoor parking lot outside the civic center (cue Goseiger episode 26 second fight) with both Jamie and Robo Knight standing behind to fend the monster off while the other three split up to avoid laughing. both Robo Knight and the blue ranger get attacked from all sides by Nojoke, however the two get back up and combine their power card attacks to slow the monster down only for Nojoke to send the attack back at both of them. the rangers then regroup with Nojoke managing to capture both Austin and Brenda, the wind tickling the two causing them to laugh and get sucked inside his gourd before retreating desperately trying not to laugh himself. Robo Knight walks off with Lance asking the robotic warrior where he thinks he's going, and Robo Knight tells him that he's going to rescue their teammates and defeat the monster. We then cut back to Nojoke arriving on the stage of the Civic center hiding from the rangers where he is confronted by Cera for being a coward, something General Tritor isn't fond of. however Nojoke tells her "I'm not a coward, I'm trying my best not to laugh too hard at my own jokes or else I'll get sucked into my own gourd. I crack myself up sometimes". however both Lance and Jamie arrive on the scene riding their Megaforce cycles, Cera telling Nojoke he's on his own before teleporting back to the ship. the two rangers hop off their bikes with Nojoke saying "You two are gonna die laughing!" only for Robo Knight to arrive on the scene and all three pointing their blasters at the monster, however Lance accidentally steps on a whoopee cushion causing him to laugh uncontrollably and get sucked into the monster's gourd followed by Nojoke blasting both Jamie and Robo Knight away. Jamie tells Robo Knight that he's come up with a new game plan: make Nojoke die laughing. Jamie then tells Nojoke a funny joke about feeling blue causing the monster to laugh uncontrollably causing him to slowly get sucked inside his own gourd forcing him to smash it freeing everyone he's trapped inside the gourd including the other four rangers along with Fat Jack and Skinny Mack who are both confused with Fat Jack asking what happened, and Skinny Mack tells him "I think the power rangers just stopped nojoke once and for all". we then cut to Jamie and Robo Knight helping Lance, Austin, Molly, and Brenda back on their feet. Nojoke is angry at the rangers for foiling his plans, followed by the rangers activating their guardian armor and doing a roll call before finishing off Nojoke with a combined guardian strike attack. we then cut to Vrak sitting in his cell aboard Tritor's ship only for Tritor to order the imprisoned prince to summon the zombats. Vrak then tells him "You may have power over me now General, but soon I will escape" before snapping his fingers summoning the zombats to make Nojoke grow giant much to the shock of a terrified Fat Jack and Skinny Mack. the rangers then form both the Guardian and Robo Knight megazords (cue Goseiger episode 26 Megazord fight). Nojoke's gusts of wind push back the two rangers, however Jamie summons the sea brothers zords to form the sea guardian megazord to get Nojoke wet followed by the Robo Knight megazord destroying Nojoke once and for all causing Fat Jack and Skinny Mack to cheer the rangers on. after that, we cut to the five rangers hopping out of their megazord followed by Fat Jack and Skinny Mack apologizing to the rangers for letting themselves get carried away, however Lance assures the two that all is forgiven. after that, our episode ends with Fat Jack and Skinny Mack doing an encore routine at the school auditorium with the five unmorphed rangers smiling from the audience followed by people cheering on their jokes ending our episode on a happy note.

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