Episode 12: Robo knight, Part 1

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Our episode opens up with Mr. Fowler taking his class on a school field trip to Angel Grove national park to study the local wildlife in the area, each student being paired up with a "study buddy": Lance with Brenda (the two high fiving), Austin with Molly (leading to yet another moment with Austin acting flirtatious around Molly), and finally Jamie with Fat Jack and Skinny Mack (much to his dismay of poor Jamie being stuck with two bumbling idiots). Jamie begs for Mr. Fowler to pair him up with another study buddy, however Mr. Fowler tells Jamie that there are no take-backs, followed by the two teasing Jamie by telling him "you're stuck with us!", followed by Jamie burying his face in his hands and screaming. Molly places her hand on Jamie's shoulder telling him that she knows exactly how he feels given that she's stuck with lover boy Austin, followed by Lance and Brenda telling them that they both need to knock it off and learn to get along with their respective study buddies. however the five are suddenly contacted by Zador and Alpha that Vrak has been spotted near the area they are in, followed by the five running off into the nearby forest deserting the rest of their class which makes Mr. Fowler very suspicious. once the five are sure the coast is clear, they then morph and summon their megaforce cycles. we then cut to Vrak finding the aurora box only for him to be stopped in his tracks by the rangers on their megaforce cycles who blast Vrak with lasers from their bikes causing him to drop the aurora box. the rangers then confront Vrak, telling him to step away from the box and nobody gets hurt, Vrak telling the rangers that he begs to differ before picking up the aurora box and opening it, freeing two mutants, a sewer blob named Lurker and a bigfoot named Sasquatcho that pledge their loyalty to Vrak for freeing them from that accursed prison before Vrak orders them to attack the rangers. the mutants then mop the floor with the rangers in an original footage fight followed by Vrak and the mutants retreating. the five rangers then de-morph and inform Zador of the situation, followed by Zador telling the rangers that this is worse than he thought. after that, we cut to general Tritor's ship where we see general Tritor call Cera into his throneroom. Cera then asks Tritor why he has summoned her, followed by general Tritor demanding her to tell him where Vrak is. Cera then tells general Tritor that Vrak is on earth searching for "new recruits" for his army as a replacement for Predatox. and right on cue, Vrak enters the throneroom with the two mutants by his side, Lurker telling general Tritor long time no see followed by Sasquatcho telling him that he had some nerve imprisoning them in the aurora box like that. Cera is disgusted by the sight of the two mutants, telling Vrak that she finds them gross. Vrak then whispers to Cera that they are powerful allies, telling her that they are extremely loyal to him which makes them quite useful to his agenda. Tritor then demands Vrak to tell him why he set them free, acting completely terrified of the two hinting towards him having a history with them. Vrak then explains to Tritor that he recruited the two mutants with the hopes of adding some extra muscles to his forces, since they're running short on troops right now after the loss of Predatox. Tritor then turns his head towards Lurker and Sasquatcho, telling them that they better not try to pull what they did 10,000 years ago or else he will personally vaporize them followed by Tritor telling Vrak to send them to earth to keep the rangers busy, if not just to get them out of his sights. Cera then interjects telling the two mutants that they may not want to go alone, presenting them with a new monster: Toxinoko, a toxic tsuchinoko monster with the ability of spewing toxic sludge. after that, we cut back to the rangers regrouping with their study buddies and returning their school assignments, Lance and Brenda documenting a family of birds, Austin and Molly documenting a rare flower (with Austin picking said flower and giving it Molly as a token of his love for her), and Jamie along with Fat Jack and Skinny Mack finding a mysterious footprint on the ground. Fat Jack and Skinny Mack then get excited, realizing that they might have finally found proof of bigfoot. Jamie then tells the two to calm down, telling them that there's no such thing as bigfoot. the two tell the non-believer to shut up and they start taking pictures of the footprints, thinking that they're gonna be famous and become millionaires all the while Jamie picks up a stick with some mysterious purple goo dripping off it. Jamie then bags the sample and contacts the other rangers telling them that he found something they might wanna see saying he might have found residue from those two monsters they fought earlier which could mean that they're still out there before telling Fat Jack and Skinny Mack to hurry up before we cut to all of Mr. Fowler's class regrouping and showing their teacher each of their finds, followed by Fat Jack and Skinny Mack showing him the pics of the footprint they found telling him that they found proof that bigfoot is real and that they are gonna be millionaires followed by Jamie facepalming. Mr. Fowler is surprisingly intrigued by this, telling the two that they might have made a breakthrough scientific discovery. Jamie tells Mr. Fowler that he can't be serious for believing these two, followed by Mr. Fowler telling Jamie that he is serious, telling him that these two found living proof that bigfoot is real. after that, Lance then asks Jamie what his little discovery was, followed by Jamie showing his friends the sample of purple sludge he collected, telling them that he plans on analyzing the sample at the command center after school, all the while Lance notices a mysterious yellow ball of light hover over his head that somehow triggers more legend war visions for Lance, this time seeing a mysterious metal warrior in said visions. after that, we cut to Jamie in the command center researching the mysterious sludge, analyzing it under a microscope. Austin then asks Jamie what that disgusting purple goo is, followed by Jamie telling him that it's some form of mutagen, followed by Austin telling Jamie "so we're dealing with mutants huh? hope none of them are turtles", only for Brenda to tell Austin to knock it off. Molly then asks Zador what the bigfoot and the walking slimeball were all about. Zador then explains to the rangers that the two creatures they encountered were mutants, followed by Jamie asking Zador if they're in any way connected to the mutants that attacked silver hills in 2001. Zador then explains to the rangers that the mutants Lurker and Sasquatcho are Eltarian mutants, saying that they were created by accident when the Eltar ministry of science visited earth thousands of years ago and experimented on earth lifeforms accidentally creating various mutations that plagued the earth and were responsible for earth's many myths and legends such as bigfoot, the loch ness monster, chupacabra, jersey devil, and many more. he then goes on to explain that some of these mutants were rounded up by the armada and were placed under the command of general Tritor, two of which being Lurker and Sasquatcho who attempted to doublecross Tritor and were sealed inside the aurora box as punishment for their treachery. Lance then asks Zador if there's a way that they can defeat these mutants, followed by Zador telling the five that the mutants are stronger and tougher than Tritor's aliens and that they will prove quite a challenge for them, telling them to stay strong and hopefully good will persevere. after that, Alpha informs the rangers that a monster is attacking downtown Angel Grove followed by the five teleporting to the scene of the attack to confront Toxinoko who then sprays toxic slime at the five rangers followed by the five morphing to dodge his attack. however before the five can even lay a finger on toxinoko, Lurker and Sasquatcho arrive on the scene to confront the rangers, explaining to them that they're here to turn their planet into a polluted wasteland on behalf of their new master Vrak (cue Goseiger episode 17 fight). the rangers then split up to fight each enemy: Jamie fights toxinoko, Austin and Molly fight Sasquatcho, and finally Lance and Brenda fight Lurker. the rangers however are no match for their new mutant foes, and when the rangers regroup they're sprayed by Toxinoko's toxic sludge covering them in the foul substance causing them to collapse and writhe in pain. Alpha watches it all happen from the viewing screen, asking Zador what they should do. Zador then tells Alpha that there is nothing they can do, except hope for the best. Alpha then tells Zador that she can't just stand by and watch them be defeated before teleporting herself out of the command center. we then cut back to the sludge-covered rangers who are still trying to fight off the mutants as best they can, however they are still too weak to fight and easily get trounced by Toxinoko. Lurker and Sasquatcho then blast the rangers with a purple slimeball attack that knocks them out cold, however when it seems like all hope is lost the yellow ball of light from before shows up and knocks over Toxinoko saving the rangers's skin in the process before landing on the ground causing an explosion. Lance then recognizes the ball of light remembering he saw it during their field trip followed by Jamie wondering what it could be, followed by a robotic warrior identical to the one Lance saw in his visions emerging from the spot where the ball of light used to be. the rangers then wonder who he is, followed by Lance telling the others that he saw this robot in his dreams. Lurker and Sasquatcho then demand to know who the mysterious robotic warrior is, followed by him introducing himself as Robo Knight. the rangers are in awe of Robo Knight, followed by Alpha arriving on the scene shocked to see the silver-clad automoton shouting "no, it can't be.... Robo Knight, is that you?" Robo Knight then whips out his lion laser and blasts the monster followed by Toxinoko burrowing underground to escape, only for him to be stopped by Robo Knight's lion laser sword mode. Robo Knight then slashes the monster before finishing it off with a dynamic strike. the five rangers decide to join the fight channeling their morphing grid energy to cleanse themselves of the sludge to assist Robo Knight by fighting off Lurker and Sasquatcho. Lance then summons the sky brothers zords and use them in conjunction with their headder blasters to blast Lurker and Sasquatcho forcing the two to retreat. meanwhile Toxinoko manages to gain the upper hand on Robo Knight, rapid-spinning at the poor robot sending him flying into the side of a building. Robo Knight then emerges from the rubble telling the monster he can't get rid of him that easily before using his robo morpher to summon the vulcan headder which he attaches to his lion laser before combining it with his morpher to finish the monster off with a vulcan blast. the rangers are in shock that a robot knows how to use power cards similar to theirs, all the while general Tritor watches the whole thing from the screen in his throneroom aboard the ship. Tritor then asks Cera who the heck that tin man is and where did he come from, followed by her telling him that she doesn't know. Tritor then scolds Vrak, telling the alien prince that his little mutant friends failed. Vrak apologizes, telling Tritor that he didn't expect the sudden appearance of this mysterious automaton. Tritor however is still furious and takes his anger out on Lurker and Sasquatcho electrocuting the two with his force lightning. Vrak then assures Tritor that not all is lost snapping his fingers to summon the zombats and make toxinoko grow. the now-giant toxinoko then morphs into a weird snake-car thing and starts laying waste to Angel Grove. the rangers then whip out their zord cards before Robo Knight tells the five to stand down, Robo Knight whipping out his morpher to transform into his lion headder mode much to the shock of the rangers. the giant lion headder then tackles toxinoko head-on while the rangers are confused as to how this robot was also able to turn into a headder. the lion headder than attaches to a dump truck body to form the ground lion guardian zord, followed by the rangers being shocked that robot knight has his own guardian zord too, Austin exclaiming that he's like he's a "robot ranger". toxinoko tries to hit the ground lion zord with a rock, only for it to do nothing. the ground lion then uses a lion barrage attack to destroy the monster once and for all. the rangers and Alpha all watch in amazement only for the zord's headder to detach and transform back into Robo Knight. the rangers and Alpha then arrive on the scene to question Robo Knight, Austin asking Robo Knight as to what he exactly is followed by Jamie asking who built him and how he was able to use technology similar to theirs, Robo Knight responds by telling them both that is all classified information. Lance then tells Robo Knight that he saw him in his visions demanding him to explain that, followed by Robo Knight telling Lance that he doesn't know what he's talking about. Lance then gets angry over Robo Knight's refusal to answer his question followed by Brenda placing her hand on his chest and calming him down, Brenda telling Lance that he probably just got here and that they should welcome their new friend. Molly then tells Brenda that she doesn't know if he's friend or foe, he could be secretly working for general Tritor for all they know, Robo Knight telling the five teens that he doesn't work for general Tritor telling them as he is the enemy. Alpha then approaches Robo Knight and tells him that the rangers are friends and they're fighting for the same team and holds his hand, followed by Robo Knight telling our heroes that he doesn't need friends, especially ones who are disciples of Zador letting go of Alpha's hand and walking away ending our episode on a cliffhanger.

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