Episode 34: Endgame, part 2

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Our episode opens up with a recap of part 1 before we begin part 2 with the guardian armored rangers fighting Gigatron (cue Goseiger episode 44 fight) the five combining their attacks to hold off Gigatron while Robo Knight is busy recharging in the command center, Alpha looking at the lion headder on the wall with concern, saying that she hopes he recovers soon. Zador assures Alpha that Robo Knight will fight again, but his recharging must take time. back at the rangers's fight with Gigatron who is severely weakened, Vrak limps towards the rangers with Gigatron saying "my prince, stop! you're in no condition to fight!" however Vrak tells him "I don't care, If I'm gonna go out I intend to take the rangers down with me!" however Cera suddenly stands in the way with the two looking at each other Vrak asking Cera what she's doing here, Cera pushing Vrak out of the way, telling him "your life matters to me more than my own. I will fight the rangers myself" Cera charging at the rangers and attacking them with her tablet-sword. Cera then puts the red ranger and puts him in a chokehold, telling him that she will destroy them in the name of Vrak, her beloved. Gigatron then says "Initiate self-destruct sequence" Cera asking "what?" as Lance manages to free himself with Cera getting down on her knees to tell Vrak "avenge me, my love!" before self-destructing with the rangers getting out of the way in time, Vrak watching in silence as he is forced to watch his lover explode. Cera lies on the ground her cyborg body severely damaged, saying "curse you, Gigatron". the rangers are in shock, Brenda asking Gigatron how he could do such a thing. Gigatron laughs, explaining to the rangers that he installed a self-destruct feature in Cera's cyborg body when he reconstructed her and that the real reason he saved her from the wreckage of Tritor's ship and made her a cyborg was because he needed her to help him build Vrak's new cyborg body, now that she's served her purpose she is no longer of use to him. Lance then gets up, telling Gigatron "you're just like General Tritor, using your own minions as sacrificial pawns" Gigatron saying "so what? her affection for Vrak was holding my prince back anyway, she was a distraction from his royal duties" while the downed Cera and Vrak overhear his speech. Jamie tells Gigatron "unlike you we treat our comrades as friends and equals, it's what makes us human!" with Molly saying "you're just a monster, just like the other sickos we fought!" along with Lance saying "come on rangers, let's take this guy down!" the rangers fire a guardian strike attack at Gigatron only for him to deflect their attacks while Alpha watches from the viewing screen, Alpha looking up at the lion headder on the wall saying "hurry up Robo Knight..." while Zador says "don't give up, rangers! use the power that Robo Knight gave you!" followed by Lance whipping out Robo Knight's lion laser that he uses in conjunction with the five's guardian swords to hit Gigatron with a suped-up guardian strike, Gigatron saying "It's not over yet, long live the armada!" before summoning the zombolts to make himself grow the rangers summoning the ultimate command megazord (cue Goseiger episode 44 megazord fight) Gigatron easily overpowers the ultimate command megazord meanwhile Alpha is still staring at the dormant lion headder only for Zador to tell Alpha that the rangers need her help prompting Alpha to downmorph the datazord to help the rangers. Gigatron hits the two megazords with a tornado that the rangers counteract by Lance and Brenda summoning the sky brother zords to make their own tornado. Gigatron summons his blade weapon followed by the Austin and Molly summoning the land brothers zords to attack Gigatron who switches to using his missiles prompting Jamie to summon the sea brothers zords to destroy the incoming projectiles. the datazord then stars punching Gigatron repeatedly. however Gigatron shouts "enough!" and shoots lightning from his fingertip at the two megazords. Gigatron then overheats as he charges himself up, saying that this attack is a last-ditch effort to destroy the rangers even if it means destroying himself, Alpha saying "ai-yi-yi! we're doomed!" only for her to hear a voice saying "no we're not" only for Robo Knight to detach from the wall and transform into robot mode saying that he's done recharging. Zador tells Robo Knight to go, saying that the rangers need him. we then cut to the two megazords being overwhelmed by Gigatron only for the lion guardian zord to arrive on the scene the rangers happy to see Robo Knight back in the fight. Robo Knight then combines the knight brothers zords to form the Robo Knight megazord. the three megazords confront Gigatron who tells the rangers that even if they defeat him they will still be unable to stop the sheer might of the armada. the rangers act fast and the three megazords combine their attacks, however not even that phases Gigatron forcing the rangers to switch things up by combining the guardian megazord with the ultimate command megazord to form the ultimate guardian megazord destroying Gigatron once and for all with its laser arrows, the rangers feeling a sense of relief from finally defeating the second main villain of the series, all the while the prince watches Gigatron's destruction from the computer monitor, the shadowy figure slamming his fist onto the computer console saying "men, prepare to set course for Earth. the invasion begins now" as we see a fleet of armada ships enter our solar system. we then cut to the now de-morphed rangers coming across Gigatron's severed head telling the rangers that he has already sent a signal to the prince's flagship meaning that the Armada's first wave is almost here and there's nothing they can do to stop it. however Vrak walks up to the severed Gigatron head, Gigatron telling Vrak "my prince, your brother is coming and he might not recognize you in your current form. It's best you hide and lay low when the invasion comes" however Vrak starts laughing much to the confusion of the rangers and Gigatron, followed by Vrak shouting "I've been waiting for this moment!" as he summons a raincloud and picks up Gigatron's severed head telling him "you tried to destroy my beloved Cera after using her as a pawn, AND you called my idiot brother over to this planet to steal my glory! your fate is sealed!" before tossing Gigatron's severed head into the air and blowing it up destroying him for good this time, the injured Cera uttering "Vrak..." under hear breath. the rangers and Robo Knight turn their heads to see Vrak walk over to Cera, the cyborg alien kneeling down to hold his cyborg girlfriend in his arms. Cera then asks Vrak "Is he gone? are we free from his reign of terror?" Vrak then tells her "of course my love, and I promise you that I will conquer this planet in your memory". Cera then asks Vrak what he means by "In my memory" only for Vrak to rip her core out and destroy her, Cyborg Vrak walking away from the explosion while the rangers watch in disbelief. Lance asks how he can do something like that to someone who loved him, and Vrak explains saying "Gigatron was right, my affection for Cera was holding me back. she was a mere distraction from my duty as a prince, and as this planet's future conqueror. so I removed her from the equation, now there's nothing holding me back from reaching my full potential. see you around rangers" followed by Vrak teleporting away while Lance clenches his fist, saying "we will be ready". after that, we cut to Vrak arriving at the wreckage of Tritor's ship where among the debris he comes across the cocoon still in perfect condition ending our episode on a cliffhanger. 

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