Episode 14: Power of Six

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Our episode opens up aboard the Sky ship where we see Polly attach a cable to Orion's belt buckle connecting him to the computer console which has the 15 sixth ranger keys plugged into it, Orion asking Alpha and Jamie if this is safe. Jamie tells Orion "don't worry, me and Alpha already ran some tests. this upgrade will allow your silver ranger belt buckle to summon any of the ranger keys from the treasure chest just like us" Alpha then says "just think of what ranger key you want and BOOM!" Orion then says "alright, how about the mighty morphin' white ranger them?" Orion then presses the button on his buckle and out pops the MMPR white ranger key. Orion looks at the key and gives Jamie and Alpha a thumbs up on the successful test while the others applaud, Molly and Brenda both grabbing Orion by the arms with Brenda saying "now that you're a ranger just like us, you should try looking like us too" Orion asks Brenda what she's talking about, and Molly says "we're gonna give you a makeover of course" the two girls taking him away while Austin gives Orion a look of jealousy before we cut to a dressing up montage accompanied by the girls getting Orion's hair cut before Orion returns to the ship with his hair cut and trading out his old pirate garb for a new spiffy silver space pirate jacket matching the jackets of the main five, Orion asking the others "how do I look?" all of them giving the space pirate captain/mentor-turned-sixth ranger a thumbs up. we then cut to the Armada flagship where we see Prince Vekar enter the bridge through the door saying "hey boys, I'm home! what did I miss?" in a flamboyant manner. Destro explains to Vekar that the silver ranger destroyed General Osogain with his new zord, Vekar however tells Destro that it's no biggie saying that he's got a new monster that's just right for the job: Skeltox, Insidia asking what can he do. Cyberon explains that he can remove bone, much to the confusion of the others. Vekar orders Skeltox to go to Earth and de-bone those rangers, Skeltox saluting and saying "at once my prince!" we then cut to the deck of the Sky ship where we see Orion sparring with Austin and Jamie legendary saber-to-legendary trident while Lance and the girls watch, Molly commenting how Austin is slowly catching up to Orion with his swordsmanship skills, however Brenda makes the observation that Jamie seems to be falling behind. Orion knocks Jamie on his rear by accidentally smacking him with his legendary trident, Orion offering Jamie help back up only for Jamie to tell him no thanks before walking off, Austin asking "you okay nerd?" Jamie saying "shut up Austin". Orion tells Austin that he'll try talking to Jamie before entering the bridge to see Jamie sitting on the floor being comforted by Alpha who asks Jamie what's wrong. Jamie tells Alpha "Orion was cool as our space pirate mentor, but ever since he became a ranger I've been feeling like chopped liver. he's got the skills, the experience, the shiny costume, he can basically do everything we can do but better. face it Alpha, I'm obsolete" Orion's heart starts to sink upon hearing this, however Alpha comforts Jamie by saying "don't say that Jamie, you're a valuable member of the power rangers. your brilliant mind has helped us on so many occasions!" Polly then lands on Orion's shoulder, Polly exclaiming "go talk to him! go talk to him! sqwak!" Orion walks up to Jamie who asks Orion "what do you want?" and Orion tries to comfort Jamie telling him that he heard his entire conversation with Alpha, saying that everything she said is right he is just as important to this team as he is. Orion comes up with a solution, offering Jamie to come patrol Angel Grove with him. the two then teleport to downtown Angel Grove and split up patrolling the streets looking for any Armada activity keeping in touch on their morphers before we cut to Skeltox on a rooftop using his fishing rod to pull people's bones out causing their bodies to go limp. Jamie spots Skeltox and a group of X-borgs on a rooftop with Skeltox announcing about how he's gonna de-bone everyone on Earth, and with their bodies left immobile they will be left unable to rebel against the Armada's rule over this planet. Jamie contacts the other rangers to inform them that there's a monster in downtown Angel Grove only for Orion to arrive on the scene telling Jamie to morph already and the two morph to fight the monster (cue Gokaiger episode 19 fight) Orion fighting off the X-borgs without breaking a sweat while Jamie keeps fumbling around and tripping on himself which only furthers his inferiority complex, Jamie shouting "I refused to get upstaged by that silvery show-off!" only for the X-borgs to toss him off a cliff. Jamie is overwhelmed by X-borgs only for the robotic grunts to get skewered on Orion's legendary trident, Orion telling Jamie it's best not to try to take on multiple enemies alone. the other rangers then arrive on the scene to help, Molly asking Jamie if they were late to the party while Lance tells Jamie that they got his message and came as soon as they can. Molly suggests that they use the RPM keys the five shouting "RPM, get in gear!" as they morph into the RPM rangers to fight off the X-borgs while Orion watches in confusion, unable to decide which of RPM's two sixth rangers he should morph into: Ranger gold or Ranger silver? Orion doesn't know what to do and asks Zador for help, Orion waking up in the white void again where Zador's ghost takes both RPM ranger keys and fuses them together creating a new gold/silver hybrid key before giving it to Orion. Jamie then says "hey space pirate! quit spacing out and help us!" Orion puts the hybrid key into his morpher and shouts "RPM, get in gear!" before morphing into the gold/silver hybrid ranger much to the confusion of the main five, who ask just who the heck is that ranger. Orion says "I don't know how that happened but I am now both gold and silver!" whipping out TWO cloud hatchets to propel himself into the air flying around and slashing through several X-borgs before fighting Skeltox one-on-one. the other rangers are impressed by Orion's new custom transformation and start complimenting him making Jamie feel even more inferior, wondering why nobody ever showers him with praise like that. Skeltox fires a blast at Jamie forcing Brenda to jump in and push him out of the way taking the hit for Jamie. Lance, Austin, and Molly ask Jamie why he's just standing there only for Skeltox to yank their bones out with his fishing rad causing Lance, Austin, Molly, and Brenda to de-morph and go limp to the shock of both Jamie and Orion while Jamie gets scared and goes down on his knees petrified in fear while Orion fights Skeltox one-on-one, Orion demanding Skeltox to tell him what he did to them. Skeltox then says "I'll be back for your bones!" and teleports away while Jamie and Orion de-morph and look down at their immobile teammates before we cut to the Sky ship where we see Alpha run scans on the limp rangers, Alpha informing Jamie and Orion that they're still alive but their bones have been completely removed from their bodies turning them into vegetables, Polly repeating what Alpha just said exclaiming "vegetables! vegetables! sqwak!" much to the annoyance of Alpha. this troubles Orion who says that they need to find that monster and destroy it if they are to turn their friends back to normal, however Orion Notices Jamie curled up in a corner in a fetal position Jamie blaming himself for why their friends got de-boned, saying that if he wasn't so scared he would have fought back and they would still be walking. Alpha then looks at the computer monitor and informs the two that Armada activity has been detected in downtown angel grove prompting Orion to morph and teleport out of the ship, Jamie is then visited by the spirit of Zador who reveals to Jamie that he was the one who fused Orion's RPM gold and silver keys together, because Orion was in his time of need. Zador tells Jamie that Orion needs his help and that the key to defeating Skeltox is by combining the power of six before disappearing. Jamie exclaims "Orion wait!" before we cut to Orion fighting Skeltox one-on-one, however Jamie arrives on the scene to shoot at the monster with his legendary blaster. Orion tells Jamie to get out of here, however Jamie tells Orion that a wise space pirate once told him "it's best not to try to take on multiple enemies alone" and morphs to help Orion (cue Gokaiger episode 19 second fight) Jamie fights Skeltox one-on-one, telling Orion that he got a visit from Zador who told him that the power of six is the key to defeating Skeltox. Orion exclaims "power of six? but we're four rangers down! if anything it should be the power of two!" Jamie using his brain then realizes something and says "maybe it doesn't mean the six of us, maybe it's a riddle! I got it... maybe he's talking about your sixth ranger keys! remember how he fused both your RPM keys, maybe what we need is the combined power of ALL the sixth ranger keys!" Orion then summons all 15 sixth ranger keys and says "please Zador, we need you right now! give me the power of six!" Orion then wakes up in the same white void from earlier where he is visited by the spirit of Zador who tells Orion "I always knew there was something special about you, that was why I specifically chose you to collect the ranger keys for me over the past year" the spirits of the past sixth rangers appear behind Zador's ghost including MMPR green, MMPR white, Zeo gold, Space silver, Titanium ranger, Quantum ranger, Ninja storm green, Dino thunder white, SPD omega, Solaris knight, Mercury ranger, RPM gold and silver, and Samurai gold much to the surprise of Orion before we cut to Jamie fighting Skeltox one-on-one, morphing into Samurai green exclaiming "Samurai code, ranger mode!" attacking Skeltox with his forest spear in an original footage fight scene while Orion is being surrounded by the spirits of the past sixth rangers who all reach their hands out to Orion, Zador placing his hand on Orion's shoulder telling Orion "the power of six was inside you all along, Orion. you just got to believe in it" before we cut to Jamie's fight with Skeltox with Jamie morphing into Mystic force green exclaiming "Magical source, mystic force!" to engage in a fist-fight with Skeltox using the mystic force fighters. we then cut back to Orion in the void where Orion holds his hands out to touch hands with the past sixth rangers who all hold hands and start glowing their spirits merging to become a gold anchor key which materializes in Orion's hand, Zador telling Orion that Jamie's in trouble and needs his help before waking up in the world of the living. Orion looks at the gold anchor key, saying "Incredible, so that's what Zador was talking about! the power of six, thank you Zador!" all the while Jamie gets knocked back into Legend force green. the injured Jamie tells Orion to use the gold anchor key that Zador gave to defeat Skeltox. Orion plugs the gold anchor key into his morpher to activate his Gold mode armor granting him the power of the past 15 sixth rangers. Skeltox starts laughing, saying "oh my gosh! that armor looks ridiculous!" Jamie telling Orion to go get him. Orion then fights Skeltox one-on-one before destroying Skeltox with his gold mode's new finisher the legendary sixth ranger strike before the armor wears off and reverts Orion back to his regular silver ranger form. Orion looks at Jamie and asks him "does this mean we're cool now?" Jamie fist-bumping Orion saying "aye-aye, captain" meanwhile Lance, Austin, Molly, and Brenda wake up after having their bones return to their bodies along with everyone else who got de-boned by Skeltox. Prince Vekar throws another temper tantrum for having the rangers fool ANOTHER one of his plans before going limp, saying "oh who cares anymore". Insidia then says "It's not over yet, honey" activating the sattelasers to make Skeltox grow. we then see the sky ship arrive on the scene to open fire on Skeltox, Lance saying "you two need a lift?" with Jamie taking the cable back up into the ship before summoning the rest of the legendary fleet zords to form the legendary megazord while Orion summons the Q-rex zord (cue Gokaiger episode 19 megazord fight) Orion saying "alright rangers, let's show this guy the power of six!" as the two megazords fight Skeltox together. the legendary megazord then grabs Skeltox's cannon arm Jamie shouting "Orion now!" prompting Orion to use the Q-rex zord's drill tail to damage Skeltox's cannon arm before transforming the Q-rex into its megazord mode to finish off Skeltox with a triple drill strike. after that, we cut to aboard the Sky ship where we see our heroes relaxing with Lance putting his hand on Jamie's shoulder telling him that Alpha told the four of them the whole story congratulating Jamie for being a hero saying that if it wasn't for him their bones would all still be jelly while Austin gives Jamie a noogie while both Molly and Brenda giggle. Jamie tells his teammates that they should thank Orion, as they couldn't have defeated the monster without his new gold mode armor. Orion crosses his arms, saying that they all should be thanking Zador who gave him the gold anchor key in the first place, Zador's ghost appearing to the six telling them that it was all of them who saved the day making them smile while Alpha says "ai-yi-yi! rangers, check this out!" and the six then gather around the computer monitor to see a transmission from Mirinoi where we see Commander Mike Corbett (yes he got promoted) inform the legend force team that Terra Venture is under attack before we see Mike getting attacked by what looks like the Magna defender causing the transmission to end abruptly much to the concern of the rangers. Orion then takes the helm and tells the Legend force rangers that they're heading for Mirinoi with the ship blasting off into outer space ending our episode on a cliffhanger.

This short YouTube video is what inspired me to replace Robo Knight's mask on Orion's gold mode armor with the Titanium Ranger's. what do you think of this decision? It would mean a lot of the gold mode footage had to be re-shot much like how the footage of Camille's beast form from Jungle Fury had to be re-shot since Disney thought the chameleon eyes on her chest looked too much like nipples (I know I think it's dumb too) or just digitally add Titanium ranger's helmet to the gold mode armor in the stock footage via video editing software if necessary. I primarily made this decision not just to represent our first american-made ranger, but also since Robo Knight got turned into Barizorg in this rewrite/fan-pitch It wouldn't make sense for them to have a Robo Knight key just yet (not going to spoil anything beyond that point)

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