Episode 6: The plant project

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Our episode opens up with Mr. Fowler lecturing to his class about today's science project: each student will be given a plant to take care of for a day and they need to bring it back by tomorrow. Austin is frustrated by this, saying that he'd rather watch paint dry than look after some stupid plant all the while Fat Jack and Skinny Mack are both laughing at him from the desks behind him before Austin turns around and tells the two to cut it out. once class is dismissed and every student has gotten their plant, Lance places his hand on Austin's shoulder and tells him that it's okay as this science project is only for a day and that once it's over he'll be free all the while Austin looks at his plant with frustration thinking about how boring it's going to be. after that, we cut to Tritor's ship where we see general Tritor sitting on his throne monitoring the earth from a computer screen, wondering what his next move in the conquest of earth should be. Predatox then asks Tritor yet again to let him go after the rangers, however Cera enters the room to tell the alien brute that won't be necessary before presenting Tritor with a monster named datasect whom is a dedicated researcher, explaining that he has the ability to scan and analyze data on lifeforms and figure out their weaknesses so he can exploit them. Tritor is pleased with this creature, telling Cera that he could be the perfect weapon to counterattack the power rangers, all the while Predatox watches with jealousy before leaving the room. after that, we cut to the rangers walking home from school on their way to Ernie's, with Austin frustrated by the fact that he has to carry this stupid plant everywhere he goes. Molly then tells Austin that Mr. Fowler wanted their class to learn a lesson in responsibility which is something that he desperately needs followed by Austin telling Molly that he'll do anything for her, even something as humiliating as this followed by Molly rolling her eyes while Lance tells Austin to knock it off all the while the five are being watched by Cera in her earth disguise. the five then notice Datasect teleporting on the scene causing hundreds of civilians to panic and run away, the stampede of civilians bumping into Austin causing him to drop his plant shattering the pot. Austin then panics, saying that the plant was his school science project and that Mr. Fowler is so going to kill him before looking at Datasect in the eye telling him that he's gonna pay for that followed by the five morph to fight the monster (cue Goseiger episode 7 first fight) before Datasect tells the rangers that he's gathered enough data on their individual fighting styles (said data is immediately uploaded to Cera's tablet for research) before teleporting away. after that, Austin scoops up the soil that was dropped on the ground with the plant inside it, asking the others what he's going to do now that he just ruined his science project before Molly hands Austin an old used froyo cup from Ernie's telling him to put it in here. Austin thanks Molly, telling her that she's a real life-saver followed by him hitting on her much to her disgust yet again. Molly then tells Austin that she will help him on his little plant project before we cut to a montage of Molly and Austin working together to take care of the plant. once the montage is done, Austin tells Molly that now the plant is healthy and fully taken care of he can finally return it to Mr. Fowler tomorrow. however the plant starts to wilt causing Austin to panic asking what's going on as he did everything he was supposed to do before he and Molly both is contacted by Zador and Alpha whom informs the rangers that the monster Datasect is causing the earth's plant life to die followed by the five teleporting to Datasect's location. Cera then shows up to accompany Datasect, informing the rangers that they've arrived just in time to witness her and Datasect's plan to eradicate the earthlings by way of deforestation, explaining that without plant life to supply oxygen the human race will suffocate and die. Austin looks at his wilted plant in his hands and tells the two that they won't get away with this before Cera tells them that they already have before she teleports back to the ship leaving Datasect to deal with the rangers by himself followed by the five rangers morphing (cue Goseiger episode 7 second fight), with Datasect counteracting each of the ranger's attacks taking each of them out one by one using data he gathered on them from their last fight. however Austin manages to get back up thanks to his determination, shooting the monster out of the sky with his headder blaster before he can fly away and escape. Austin then fights Datasect one-on-one using the techniques he learned from his time taking care of the plant catching Datasect off-guard before slashing him with his snake axe. the other four rangers then arrive on the scene Datasect asking how it's possible that his research didn't predict those moves followed by Molly placing her hand on Austin's shoulder telling Datasect that he's learned some new tricks (with her help, of course). the other rangers are confused followed by Austin admitting that he learned it all from his time taking care of the plant, Molly telling the others that it's true and she helped followed by Lance telling Austin that Molly was right he did learn a lesson in responsibility. Cera then tells Vrak that he knows what to do and Vrak snaps his fingers summoning the zombats to make the monster grow. the rangers then summon their zords to form the guardian megazord (cue Goseiger episode 7 zord fight), Datasect then attacks the black ranger's snake zord to prevent them from forming the guardian megazord, Austin contacting Alpha asking for a little assistance. Alpha then tells Austin that she's downmorphing a new set of zords, a gift from Zador as a reward for him learning his lesson in responsibility. Alpha then presses a button on the viewing screen followed by a new power card popping out of Austin's belt buckle. Austin then summons the new land brothers zords to attack the monster thus freeing the snake zord. the five rangers then combine the guardian megazord with the land brothers zords to form the land guardian megazord to destroy Datasect once and for all. after that, we cut to the next day where we see each of the students returning their plants to Mr. Fowler, Fat Jack and Skinny Mack both getting an F since they came back with a completely destroyed plant the two explaining that they broke it doing one of their little pranks before the two walk out in shame. Austin then gets nervous before noticing that the plant is no longer wilted and is back to being healthy and normal now that the monster was destroyed. Austin then presents his plant to Mr. Fowler who gives Austin an A+ and our episode ends with the other rangers congratulating him for passing.

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