Episode 22: The ultimate command, part 1

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Our episode opens up on Tritor's ship where Cera watching footage of Vrak's destruction at the hands of the rangers on her tablet saying she will make the power rangers pay before hooking both Lurker and Sasquatcho up to wires that connect to a machine she built. General Tritor enters the lab and asks Cera what she's doing, and Cera then tells him to watch and uses her tablet activate the machine that supercharges the Aurora box with mutant energy from both Lurker and Sasquatcho, the two dim-witted mutants commenting on how much it tickles while the vengeful Cera gives off an evil smile. Tritor is impressed, followed by Cera asking Tritor permission for her to go to Earth to avenge her lover's death. Tritor tells her that if it means destroying the power rangers then yes before we cut to the command center where we see Jamie walking into the command center to see Alpha opening up a compartment in the wall tinkering with the internal circuitry. Jamie asks exactly what the heck she's doing saying that he just came here after school, saying that he better have a good reason why she called him here, as he doesn't want to worry his parents. Alpha tells him that Zador needs him to help her repair the command ship and she needs his technological expertise, tossing a wrench to Jamie who asks the female robot "the command center's a spaceship?" Zador tells Jamie "Indeed, this Eltarian command ship is how Alpha and I came to this planet, but the damage sustained by the " followed by a flashback scene showing the command ship flying through space being attacked by General Tritor's ship while General Tritor watches from the window of the bridge with Vrak, Cera, and Predatox at the helm General Tritor ordering his crew to open fire on that cruiser, the fire from Tritor's ship severely damaging the command ship causing it to fall to the planet Earth below, Alpha warning Zador that the ship's engine has been damaged, they're going down. Zador tells Alpha to brace for impact followed by the command ship crash-landing on the beach of Angel Grove, California. we then cut back to present day where Jamie asks Zador what he plans on doing once the ship is repaired, and Zador explains to Jamie that there's a reason why he hasn't told the other rangers about this yet: once the ship is repaired, he will use it to return to Eltar to help rebuild the planet. after that, we cut to Lance, Austin, Molly, and Brenda walking home from school only for Zador to contact them on their mega morphers informing them to come to the command center immediately, there's news he needs to tell them. the four then teleport to the command center to see Jamie and Alpha working on the machinery together, Austin asking what the heck is going on. Zador explains to the rangers that he plans on leaving the Earth once Jamie and Alpha are done making repairs to the command ship. naturally the four get upset, Lance asking "after all we've been through together, you're just gonna ditch us?" however Jamie tells the others to hear the big floating head out followed by Zador that he needs to return to Eltar in order to heal the planet from all the damage that was caused by the galactic Armada, this is something bigger than all of them. Austin then asks "and what about us? are we chopped liver?" Zador explains that the five of them will remain Earth's defenders saying that Robo Knight will take over mentoring duties while he's gone, followed by Robo Knight detaching from the command center wall and transforming into robot mode. the rangers then leave the command center and take a walk on the beach, Robo Knight trying to reason with the rangers telling them to be more understanding of Zador's choice, saying that the restoration of his homeworld is important to him and that the five of them would have done the same for their world, Jamie agreeing with Robo Knight's point. Alpha then shows up to tell the rangers goodbye, saying that it's been an honor serving them. Alpha and Robo Knight both hold hands and share a final electric "kiss" goodbye before Alpha returns to the command center to press buttons activating the launch of the command ship. the rangers and Robo Knight watch as the command ship launch into the air and leave Earth's atmosphere, followed by Cera watching the launch from atop a cliff with Lurker and Sasquatcho by her side as she smiles, communicating with General Tritor on her tablet informing him that with their mentor no longer there to save their butts the power rangers will be left vulnerable to her master plan, Tritor telling Cera "excellent" followed by Cera, Lurker, and Sasquatcho teleporting to downtown Angel Grove with Cera telling the two mutants that now is time to commence operation: ooze. Lurker then places the Aurora box onto the ground followed by Lurker standing atop the box with Cera using her tablet to activate the Aurora box causing endless amounts of purple sludge to leak from Lurker's body followed by Sasquatcho spinning Lurker around flinging the toxic slime all over Angel Grove, spreading it to many familiar locations such as Ernie's and Angel Grove high school, and many more slathering many people in the toxic goop including Fat Jack and Skinny Mack, Ernie jr. and Mr. Fowler. Robo Knight then arrives on the scene to see purple slime covering the town, Robo Knight shooting the slime however doing so causes it to multiply. Cera arrives on the scene to mock Robo Knight, telling him that it's no use and that soon the entire city will be drowned in Lurker's bodily sludge followed by Lurker and Sasquatcho laughing along with her. Robo Knight then contacts the rangers on his morpher informing them of the situation followed by the five rangers morphing before arriving at Robo Knight's location on their Megaforce cycles. Cera taunts the rangers by telling them that without their mentor Zador they have no hope to stop her and orders the two mutants to deal with the rangers before teleporting away. the five rangers then summon their weapons to fight off the two mutants (cue Goseiger episode 31 first fight) Lurker and Sasquatcho put up a decent fight off against the rangers however the rangers give it their all to knock the two mutants down a peg before combining their weapons to form the Megaforce blaster, however it is no use and Lurker and Sasquatcho emerge from the explosion unscathed and knock the rangers on their butts causing them to de-morph. Tritor sits on his throne and watches the rangers's defeat from the ship's computer screen, congratulating Cera on a job well done, followed by Cera telling Tritor that this is just the beginning, pressing buttons on her tablet that causes the Angel Grove radio tower to become encased in purple ooze much to the shock of the rangers. General Tritor and Cera both arrive on the scene in front of Lurker and Sasquatcho with Cera explaining to the rangers that with the Angel Grove radio tower under their control it will send a signal that will spread Lurker's bodily slime to the entire world causing the entire planet to become encased in slime. Tritor smirks, telling the rangers "shame Zador isn't here, I would have loved my old friend to watch the planet he tried to protect so hard be destroyed" before electrocuting the downed and de-morphed rangers with force lightning only for Robo Knight to arrive on the scene using a power card to freeze the slime-covered radio tower much to the frustration of General Tritor and Cera who retreat along with Lurker and Sasquatcho, Tritor telling the rangers that they'll finish this later before retreating. after that, we cut to the command ship flying through space before Alpha informs Zador that they've finally arrived at planet Eltar. upon landing on the planet's surface, Alpha steps out of the ship to inspect the planet to see that it has become a lifeless wasteland. Alpha 8 exclaims "ai-yi-yi, the planet's in worse shape than when we last left it!" to Zador over intercom. Zador asks Alpha if she sees any surviving Eltarians as she wanders the destroyed cities all the while the little robot is being watched from the shadows by mysterious hooded figures. after that, we cut back to Earth where we see Robo Knight help the rangers back up on their feet only for them to all witness the slime-covered radio tower being unfrozen thanks to Cera's interference, Cera arriving on the scene with Lurker and Sasquatcho by her side as she promises the rangers that she will make them suffer for taking her beloved Vrak followed by the five morphing and activating their guardian armor, Cera exclaiming "fire!" followed by Sasquatcho using Lurker as a cannon that fires a blast of mutant energy at the rangers followed by Austin and Molly using their power cards to summon a rock wall to block the blast however it shatters the rock knocking down the black and yellow rangers while Cera tells the rangers to give up, as it's no use before ordering the mutants to fire again Lurker and Sasquatcho getting in formation again to fire a second blast of mutant energy, however Molly counters their attack with a power card that electrocutes the two mutants much to the frustration of Cera who berates the two dim-witted mutants who are comically shaking feeling the buzz of the electricity. the rangers then combine their powers for a guardian strike attack knocking Lurker and Sasquatcho off their butts the two landing in front of Cera followed by Cera using her tablet to summon the zombats to make Lurker grow giant. the rangers then summon their zords to form the guardian megazord (cue Goseiger episode 31 megazord fight). the guardian megazord tries its best to hit Lurker with its sword however it's no use due to Lurker's squishy body. Austin and Molly then summon the land brothers zords to form the land guardian megazord, however that doesn't work either forcing Lance and Brenda to summon the sky brothers to form the sky guardian megazord only for Lurker to deflect the megazord's energy blast back at them reverting it back to the guardian megazord. Robo Knight then arrives on the scene to give the rangers motivation, telling them that Zador may be gone but they still need to keep on fighting, for both Earth and Eltar's sake. Jamie then gets an idea for how to beat this guy saying that if they dry his slimy body they'll have a chance and summons the ostrich zord to form the lightning guardian megazord to blowdry the giant-sized Lurker. the rangers then combine the guardian megazord and Robo Knight megazord to form the knight guardian megazord to destroy Lurker once and for all causing all the slime in angel grove to disappear. Cera and Sasquatcho watch this from atop a building, Cera saying that this isn't over yet before turning her head to Sasquatcho sucking the remaining pieces of Lurker into the Aurora box. after that we cut back to Eltar where Alpha is then suddenly ambushed by the platoon of hooded figures from earlier who take their cloaks off revealing them to be Caprisects much the shock of Alpha who is captured and restrained by the Caprisects followed by none other than General Tritor himself who asks Alpha to take him to Zador, saying that the two of them are in need of a long-overdue talk ending our episode on a cliffhanger.

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