Episode 27: Set Controls to Outer Space

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Guest rangers of this episode: Andros and Zhane (Red and Silver space rangers)

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Guest rangers of this episode: Andros and Zhane (Red and Silver space rangers)

Our episode opens up with a recap of "All hail Prince Vekar" before we open the story proper in Vrak's underwater base where we see Vrak reading an intergalactic news article about Prince Vekar's demise on the screen, Vrak saying "with my idiot brother out of the way the line of succession officially belongs to me" only to get interrupted by a transmission from the emperor who asks Vrak "what's this I hear about my favorite son's death?" Vrak bows before daddy dearest saying "my condolences father, it was this planet's current power rangers who were responsible. but don't worry, I will make sure my brother will be avenged" before ending the transmission. we cut to a brief flashback of Vrak and Vekar when they were kids fighting over their favorite toy only for the emperor (still sitting on his throne and concealed in shadows) to yell at them in a growly voice telling the two brothers to quit squabbling amongst themselves scaring both of the young princes into submission. we then cut back to present day where we see a pair of royal guards enter the underwater base to present Vrak with a gift from his father, presenting the alien prince with a caged alien monkey explaining that this primatoid was acquired from an auction on the planet Onyx, Vrak staring at the caged beast saying "my father gave me a pet?" the royal guard then says "not a mere pet your highness, your father believed this beast could be a valuable asset in your fight against the rangers" Vrak looks at the caged beast and asks it "what is your name, creature?" the caged primatoid says that "my name is Simi, oo oo!", and Vrak opens the lock letting her out of the cage with Vrak says "well Simi, you work for me now" before Vrak turns his head to the royal guards telling them to prep his shuttle saying that he and Simi are heading for KO-35. after that, we cut to the human resistance throwing a party at the Angel Grove youth center to celebrate the defeat of Prince Vekar at the hands of the power rangers. everybody is partying including Fat Jack and Skinny Mack with Ernie Junior serving drinks to the party guests even Colonel Evan Taylor joins his son with the celebration commemorating this victory for humanity. Lance, Austin, Jamie, Molly, and Brenda raise their glasses while Alpha 9 does the robot dance on a DDR game while Polly exclaims "go alpha, go alpha! sqwak!". however only one person isn't celebrating, and that's Orion Starskipper who's sitting at a table in the opposite corner crossing his arms brooding. Brenda walks up to Orion asking him why he isn't celebrating with his fellow rangers, and Orion tells her that the prince may be gone but the fight isn't over yet, reminding her that Vrak is still out there not to mention his father the Emperor of the whole galactic Armada. the whole party is interrupted by this with everybody stopping to turn their heads to stare at Orion awkwardly. however we then see none other than Karone herself enter the building causing Jamie to geek out saying "no way it's Karone the pink Galaxy ranger, formerly the villain Astronema!" Karone crosses her arms and says "Astronema, that name means nothing to me now" Orion asks Karone what brings her to this planet, and Karone explains "my brother Andros sent me here to request help from the Legend Force rangers. KO-35 has fallen under Armada occupation and without our ranger powers it's up to you now to help liberate our people from the emperor's tyranny" prompting the rangers (along with Alpha and Polly) to board the sky ship with Lance having a heartfelt goodbye with his father before boarding the vessel. the Sky Ship then launches out of Earth orbit and into space. we then cut to the war-ravaged cityscape of KO-35 flags bearing the Armada insignia planted into the ground where we see civilians run away from X-borgs and bruisers while Vrak and Simi take advantage of the chaos, Vrak handing a bunch of explosive charges to Simi telling her to go around and hide these around the capital city, once detonated they will blow this entire planet right off the starmap while a hooded figure eavesdrops on their conversation and contacts Zhane informing him of Vrak's plan to destroy KO-35, Zhane over intercom saying "that can't be good Andros". just as Simi runs off to plant the detonators, the hooded figure pulls out a gun that shoots out a tracking device that attaches to Simi's back. the Sky ship enters KO-35's atmosphere with Alpha and Polly looking out the window and seeing the carnage below Alpha 9 saying "oh no this can't be good" while Polly exclaims "not good, not good, sqwak!" Lance tells Alpha and Orion to stay on the ship and the six rangers morph and roll down the anchor of the sky ship before proceeding to take out the X-borgs and evacuate Karovian civilians before the six are confronted by Vrak, the five then swing their sabers at Vrak who blocks them with his sword before Vrak shoots lightning from his fingertips that knock the six back into civilian form only for them to get saved by the hooded figure from before who deflects Vrak's lightning with the spiral saber followed by Vrak telling the rangers that they are too late to stop his plan as it has already been set in motion before the two teleport away. the rangers get back up on their feet as Orion asks the hooded figure "who are you?" only for him to pull the hood down revealing it to be none other than Andros, Jamie geeking out exclaiming "That's Andros the red Space ranger! his team nearly saved the earth from a planet-wide invasion of the united alliance of evil back in 1998!" with Andros telling Jamie "we wouldn't have been victorious if it weren't for Zordon's sacrifice" while looking at his spiral saber longingly. Lance shakes hands with Andros telling him "your sister sent us here to help free the planet from Armada occupation" Andros then sees a bunch of armada ships fly over the KO-35 skyline and tells the legend force rangers that it's not safe out here telling them to follow him. Andros takes the six through the sewers beneath KO-35's capital city before ending up in the underground Karovian resistance base where Andros has a happy reunion with Zhane with Jamie exclaiming "no way, you're Zhane the silver space ranger!" Zhane asks Andros who these people are, and Andros introduces him to the Legend Force team explaining that they are Earth's current team of Power Rangers and that Karone sent them here to help the Karovian resistance. Zhane immediately understands the situation and thanks the Legend force team for coming here and debriefs them on Vrak's plan explaining that he has planted bombs all over KO-35's capitol city in a specific formation that'll reduce the capitol to nothing but a crater when detonated and that he's being helped by a primatoid named Simi showing them a picture of her on the holo-screen. Austin cocks his head and asks "is that some kind of alien monkey?" while Molly says "guess Vrak decided to get himself a pet" Andros tells the rangers that they don't have time for jokes they need to find the bombs before they go off. Zhane tells the rangers that five of them will split up and search the city for the bombs to deactivate them while Orion will go with Andros to go after Vrak. Jamie asks how they're gonna find the bombs in a big alien city, and Zhane tells Jamie that Andros secretly attached a tracking device to the monkey when she wasn't looking and since Simi was the one who planted the bombs he managed to trace each of Simi's past locations as where the bombs are hidden. the main five then morph before teleporting to the Sky ship to reunite with Alpha and Polly who are happy to see the rangers again, Jamie informing the two robots of the whole bomb situation and telling Alpha to punch in the coordinates that Zhane showed them. we cut to a montage of each of the main five Legend Force rangers being deployed from the Sky ship in different parts of the city to search for the hidden bombs where they eventually find them one-by-one before we cut to Simi meeting up with Vrak in the forest outside to inform her master that she has successfully hidden the bombs all around KO-35's capitol city, only for Vrak to notice something attached to Simi's back and pull it off to examine it recognizing it as a tracking device uttering the words "power rangers..." only for Simi to get slashed in the back by Andros with the spiral saber who shows up with Orion to confront Vrak and Simi. Vrak taunts Andros asking him "what are you going to do without your ranger powers, Karovian?" Andros then tells Vrak "I know I can't defeat you, but he can" and right on cue Orion morphs to confront Vrak and Simi Vrak ordering Simi to attack the silver ranger (cue Gokaiger episode 39 fight) Orion then morphs into Solaris Knight exclaiming "Magical source, Mystic force!" shooting at Simi with the laser lamp which Simi dodges while blocking his attacks with her cymbals. Orion then knocks Simi onto the ground causing her to tumble toward Vrak exclaiming "ow that hurt, oo oo!" while Vrak tells Orion "well well well, you were tougher than I thought Andrasian" before pulling out his dark morpher and ranger key exclaiming "Legendary dark ranger mode!" as he is engulfed in a dark red energy as he super-speeds towards Orion knocking him around like a ragdoll knocking him back into Legend force mode. Dark ranger form Vrak laughs at the downed Orion exclaiming "I'm gonna enjoy this" as he puts Orion in a chokehold while Andros watches. Andros then tosses his spiral saber to Orion allowing him to dual-wield the Spiral saber and Legendary Trident to slash at Vrak in the chest causing him to let Orion go, Orion thanking Andros for the save while Vrak clutches his chest and says "this isn't over yet, ranger!" as he regroups with Simi followed by Orion handing the Spiral saber back to Andros before pulling out the Robo Knight key saying "this is for you Robo Knight" morphing into Robo Knight in honor of his team's fallen friend to fight Simi and Vrak with the Lion Laser blade mode in a short original footage fight before we cut to the main five rangers regrouping in the city's central plaza before placing all the bombs in a pile with Lance contacting Zhane to inform him that they found all the bombs with Zhane saying "excellent work rangers, all that's left to do is to neutralize them" followed by the five morphing into Time Force to form the Vortex blaster to fire at the bomb pile sealing it inside a cryo-freeze capsule. meanwhile Vrak wonders why the bombs haven't gone off yet saying that this planet should be ashes by now. Vrak is then shot in the back by the main five Legend force rangers with Lance telling Andros and Orion "thanks for keeping them busy guys" with Vrak asking the rangers what he did with his bombs with Simi saying "yeah, where's the kaboom? oo oo!" only for Jamie to pull out the cryo-capsule exclaiming "you mean these bombs? we cryo-freezed the detonators" which makes Vrak angry while Andros exclaims "good job rangers!" while Orion reverts back into Legend force mode to tell Andros to get out of here, telling him that they'll take it from here. Andros then tells the rangers good luck before running off. Orion regroups with the rangers telling Vrak "we won't let you destroy another planet like your family did my own" with Vrak chuckling and telling the rangers "don't get cocky rangers, you may have defeated my brother but you have no idea what's on the way" Lance suggests that in honor of Andros and Zhane they should go In Space and the six morph into In Space exclaiming "Let's Rocket!" (cue Gokaiger episode 39 tribute fight) the six rangers hit Vrak and Simi from all sides with the Galaxy gliders before switching to fighting on foot with their individual weapons with Austin, Jamie, Molly, and Brenda fighting Simi while Lance and Orion fight Vrak who knocks the red and silver rangers back into Legend force mode. meanwhile the other four form the quadro-blaster to aim at Simi who exclaims "wait I surrender oo oo!" before firing at the alien monkey sending her flying and falling to Vrak's feet. while he's distracted both Lance and Orion seize this chance and use their ranger keys to charge their weapons combining their attacks for a final strike that Vrak deflects followed by Vrak de-morphing and saying "we'll finish this later, rangers" before he and Simi both teleport away with Orion slamming his fist exclaiming "no!" only for Lance to put his hand on Orion's shoulder assuring him that they'll get them next time. we then cut to the six Legend Force rangers along with Alpha and Polly saying their goodbyes to Andros and Zhane who thank the team for stopping the bombs and freeing KO-35 from Armada Occupation saying that now the Karovian resistance will focus on helping rebuild the planet now that it's been liberated thanks to their help. Lance shakes hands with Andros saying it's our pleasure, and Andros tells Lance and his team to say hi to Karone when they get back while Zhane assures Orion that while they may not have their powers, they'll always be power rangers. our heroes then board the Sky ship and leave KO-35 ending our episode on a good note.

And of course, how could I not include the In Space theme during the tribute morph and fight? It's Iconic:

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