Episode 30: Staying on track

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Our episode opens up at an overseas airport where we see Lance's father Colonel Evan Taylor saying goodbye to his fellow troops saying that he's off to visit his family before boarding the plane and calling his wife telling her to tell Lance and Allen that he's coming home. we then cut to Lance's apartment where we see Mrs. Taylor starts tearing up before turning her head to Lance and Allen who are sitting on the couch with Lance asking mom what's gotten into her. she then says "boys... your father's coming home!" much to both of their surprise, Allen is excited to see dad again but Lance not so much as he crosses his arm brooding about after all those birthdays he missed out on he finally decides to show his face. Lance's mom begs for him to be more understanding, reminding him that his father has his duties as a military officer. Allen asks mom when dad's gonna come, and she tells her younger son that after getting off the airport in Stone Canyon he'll be driving to the nearest train station where he'll catch the train to Angel Grove before we cut to Mr. Taylor arriving at the Stone Canyon train station to board the train heading for Angel Grove, passing by a poster on the station with a photo of the samurai rangers shaking hands with the mayor of Stone Canyon as gratitude for saving the city from an invasion of demons one year ago. we then cut to the underwater base where we see Gigatron watching footage of Petrificus being destroyed by the ultimate comand megazord, Gigatron frustrated by how the power rangers constantly foil his plans. Cera then offers to go fight the rangers herself, saying that a cyborg such as herself can get the job done a lot more easier than simple robots. Gigatron grants her permission and Cera then enters the chamber where Vrak's tube is in, Cera assuring her still-comatose love that she will finally defeat the rangers in his name. after that, we cut to Lance and Allen playing Arcade games together at Ernie's to get Lance's mind off his father coming home. Austin, Jamie, Molly, and Brenda then enter the arcade to greet Lance with Allen happy to see the other four. Brenda asks Lance why he's looking much more moodier than usual, Austin sarcastically saying "what are you talking about? he's always moody" followed by Lance telling the others that his father's coming to Angel Grove to visit him and the rest of the family. Brenda tells Lance that he's never talked about his father before, followed by Allen telling the others that Lance has severe daddy issues. Lance then gets an emotional outburst, telling Allen that he doesn't understand as he was too young to remember, explaining to his teammates that throughout his childhood he sat in front of their old house for days waiting for his dad to come home while the other kids his age got to spend quality time with their dads, but he never came (ANGST!) Brenda holds Lance's hand telling him that she totally understands how he feels as she felt the exact same loneliness growing up without her mom. Mrs. Taylor's car pulls up to the youth center with Lance's mom calling him on his phone to let him know that she came to pick up him and Allen to meet with their father at the Angel Grove train station. Lance tells his friends goodbye before hopping in the car, Lance's mother telling him "cheer up kiddo, your father is finally coming home after so many years of being overseas, he really misses you" Lance crossing his arms while little Allen plays with his Power Rangers action figures in the seat next to him. Lance continues to be angsty and asks her "If dad misses me so much how come he never bothered to stay in touch with our family no letters or phone calls?" Lance's mom then tells him "He was really busy over there honey, he's serving our country you know" before we cut to Colonel Evan Taylor sitting in the train looking at an old photo of him, his wife, and Lance when he was little making him smile. down at the train station Cera attacks the control room causing the trains to suddenly stop, much to the confusion of the passengers including Colonel Evan Taylor who asks what's going on before they all hear Cera's voice on the speakers saying "sorry Earthlings's but your train is cancelled!" followed by her letting out a malicious evil laugh. we then cut to the Taylor family arriving at the train station ready to greet Mr. Taylor only for there not to be a single train in sight, much to the confusion of Lance's mom who looks at her watch saying "that's odd, his train was supposed to arrive at the station by now". Lance then starts brooding again, saying "I knew it, he's never coming back" only for Mrs. Taylor to get a phone call from her husband who tells her that something has gone horribly wrong as his train mysteriously stopped. Colonel Evan Taylor then begs for his wife to let him talk to lance, saying that if he doesn't make it out alive he at least wants to be able to speak with their son one last time. Mrs. Taylor then hands Lance her phone, saying "your father wants to talk to you". Lance grabs the phone uttering "dad?" Colonel Taylor tells Lance over the phone "I'm sorry for not being in your life more than I should, all those parties and holidays I missed, I should have been there. In case I don't make it back in time, I just wanted to tell you... I still love you son" causing Lance to cover his mouth and cry. Robo Knight then suddenly arrives at the train station to greet the Taylor family much to excitement of Allen, saying "you're robo knight my big brother told me all about you" only for Lance to cover his little brother's mouth and ask Robo Knight what he's doing here. Lance's mom is terrified of the silver robot, Robo Knight "excuse me ma'am, but I need to talk with your son in private". Lance then gets off the bench to talk to Robo Knight, asking him what he's doing here. Robo Knight then tells Lance "Zador sent me here to find you. it's an emergency, you and the others head to the command center immediately". Lance understands the situation and tells Robo Knight "keep my family safe for me" before teleporting. Lance's mom asks Robo Knight "so are you a friend of his?" we then cut to Lance arriving at the command center where he meets up with his fellow rangers, Lance asking what the big emergency is. Alpha 8 exclaims "ai-yi-yi, rangers! all the trains in the vicinity of Angel Grove have stopped in their tracks!" followed by the five looking at the viewing screen to see the image of a train standing still. Lance tells Zador "my father's on that train, we've got to save him!" with Molly saying "and everyone else aboard". Zador then tells the rangers that this is the work of Cera who has disrupted the Angel Grove transit system, Austin exaclaiming "her again? hasn't she caused us enough trouble already?" followed by Zador telling the rangers that they must stop this evil plot once and for all. after that we cut to Cera getting ready to destroy a transformer substation only for the rangers to stop her in her tracks (cue Goseiger episode 38 fight) the cyborg Cera attacking the rangers with her tablet-sword only for Robo Knight to arrive on the scene to hold Cera at gunpoint demanding her to tell him what her plan is. Cera tells Robo Knight that she plans on blowing up the transformer substation causing a massive accident, and the human lives they work oh-so-hard to protect will go up in flames followed by Cera shooting blue lightning at her fingertips. Lance then whips out the battlizer card and shouts "STAY AWAY FROM MY FATHER!" Lance then combines with Robo Knight to become battlized megaforce red to fight Cera one-on-one with the two locking swords before we cut back to the Angel Grove train station where Allen asks his mother "mommy is daddy gonna be okay?" Mrs. Taylor hugs her youngest son tightly, telling him "I don't know, sweetie". Allen tells his mom that he hopes the power rangers can rescue him, Mrs. Taylor saying "I hope so too" with Allen saying "come on big bro, before it's too late" before we cut back to battlized Lance's one-on-one fight with Cera followed by battlized Lance putting her in a headlock allowing the other four rangers to hit her with their individual weapons knocking her onto the ground. however the severely weakened Cera frees tells the rangers "you're too late, I've already planted the detonator" before pressing a button on her tablet that causes the substation to explode before teleporting away, all five rangers shouting "NO!" followed by Lance getting on his knees and separating from Robo Knight feeling incredibly defeated. the five rangers then get a call from Alpha on their mega morphers with Alpha looking at a map on the viewing screen, Alpha informing the six that Cera has created a city-wide gridlock by blowing up the substation, all transportation hubs in Angel Grove are down. Lance tells Alpha to tell him some good news, asking if his father's okay. Alpha tells Lance "the good news: the train that your father's on is up and running again, and the bad news: it's out of control and headed towards overpass that Cera has planted a second detonator under. ai-yi-yi..." Lance tells the team that they've got to get a move on if they are to save his father with the five summoning their megaforce cycles. Robo Knight tells the other rangers "you five go without me, I'll catch up" and the five head off before we cut to Robo Knight returning to the train station, Allen running to Robo Knight to ask him if his father's okay. Robo Knight tells Allen the bad news that the train his father's on has gone off the rails, but luckily the power rangers are in the process of trying to stop it with Robo Knight telling Allen to have faith in his big brother. Allen then begins to cry and hugs Robo Knight, with Robo Knight putting his arms around Allen to comfort the child showing that the robotic warrior has a softer side. we then cut to the ticking time bomb under the overpass with Cera saying that she should probably report to lord Gigatron by now. however Lance arrives on the scene to fight Cera under the overpass one-on-one (cue Goseiger episode 38 second fight). Cera taunts Lance that he's too late to stop her plan, as the detonator will explode in three minutes and the train is heading here any minute now and his dear old dad will go kaboom along with everyone else on that train followed by Cera electrocuting Lance with lightning before summoning the Caprisects to deal with him before teleporting away. however help is on the way when the other four rangers arrive on the scene to help Lance fight off the Caprisects and the five activate their guardian armor to finish the footsoldiers off with a guardian strike attack. however more footsoldiers arrive on the scene to distract the rangers while the clock keeps ticking, the five taking the fight to the train station while Cera watches and laughs at their futile attempts. however Robo Knight arrives on the scene to fight Cera one-on-one only for the rangers to join in the fight while Allen and his mom are still waiting for the train to come. Cera mops the floor with the rangers forcing Robo Knight to save their skins and lock swords with Cera who continues to taunt him for caring so much about the life of these weak, feeble earthlings as they lock swords. however Robo Knight tells Cera that humans aren't feeble or weak, they're stronger than she thinks as he slashes across Cera's side severely wounding her causing the female cyborg to collapse on the ground. Robo Knight tells the rangers to hurry, as they've only got 12 seconds left. the five rangers then hop back onto their megaforce cycles and try to hurry to the overpass as fast as they can, however the rangers are too late as Cera gets back up and activates the detonator blowing up the overpass, the explosion knocking them off their bikes and back into their default ranger forms, Jamie exclaiming "we're too late!" and Lance shouting "Dad no!" as they watch the train head straight for the destroyed overpass at full force. however Zador contacts the rangers on their mega morphers informing them that help is on the way, Alpha telling the five that she's downmorphing a new set of zords she was working on: the jet guardian zords followed by Alpha pressing a button on the viewing screen causing new power cards to materialize in the rangers's hands. Robo Knight then transforms into his headder mode followed by the five rangers summoning five new zords: the eagle, beetle, dolphin, elephant, and crocodile jet guardian zords which form a bridge allowing the train to safely pass over, Colonel Evan Taylor exclaiming "we're saved!" followed by all the people on the train cheering for the power rangers. Cera then exclaims "new zords? oh give me a break" followed by her summoning the zombolts to make herself grow giant. Robo Knight then forms the lion guardian zord and tells the rangers to put their new jet guardian zords to good use. the five then combine their new zords to form the jet guardian megazord while Robo Knight forms the Robo Knight megazord (cue Goseiger episode 38 megazord fight). the two megazords then proceed to double-team against the giant-sized Cera followed by the jet guardian megazord finishing off Cera with its signature move. after that, we cut back to the underwater base where we see the injured and normal-sized Cera limping into the chamber containing Vrak's pod, apologizing to her comatose lover to failing him while lying next to the pod only for Vrak's eye to open much to her surprise. after that, we cut to Colonel Taylor stepping off the train upon safely arriving at the station where he is shocked to see his wife, Lance, and Allen there to greet him with Evan Taylor hugging his wife happy to see her again while Lance says "hi dad" followed by the Colonel hugging his son while shedding a tear while Austin, Jamie, Molly, and Brenda watch, Austin comically saying "I'm not crying, I just got sand in my eyes" while Jamie tells him it's okay. our episode then ends on a happy note with Lance introducing his dad to the four saying that they're his friends from school.

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