Episode 19: The Perfect Storm

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Guest rangers of this episode: Shane, Tori, and Dustin (all three wind rangers)

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Guest rangers of this episode: Shane, Tori, and Dustin (all three wind rangers)

This episode is dedicated to the late Pua Magasiva, he may be gone but his legacy lives on in the Power Rangers franchise.

Our episode opens up on the Sky Ship where Orion lectures the main five Legend Force with a recap of each of the greater ranger powers that they've unlocked while being unknowingly helped by the spirit of Zador along with the past rangers they met: they got the Mystic Dragon after meeting Chip, the Delta Runner after meeting Bridge, the Red Lion after meeting Cole, the Red Lion's Samurai mode after meeting Kenji, and finally the Jungle Fury animal spirits after meeting Casey. and in addition to that, they got help from Eric who gave Orion the Q-rex Mark 2 along with their run-ins with Mack, Leo, Mike, Carter, and Dana. Jamie starts getting out saying that it's like a power ranger fan's dream come true meeting so many heroes of the past, excitedly wondering what past rangers they will meet next, only for the Spirit of Zador to appear before the rangers telling them that he senses an ancient evil brewing ready to be released, lance asks what Zador is talking about however Zador tells Lance that the answers he seeks lie in the coming storm before disappearing. after that, we cut to Blue Bay Harbor where we see the prince and his henchmen along with a platoon of X-borgs and bruisers marching through the mountains Insidia holding a tracking device informing Vekar, Cyberon, and Destro that this is the place, they found the entrance to the Abyss of Evil all they need to do now is open it. we then see three masked ninjas wearing Wind Ninja Academy uniforms stop the group in their tracks. the one in red says "stop right there Armada! don't come any closer or we'll fight you" the female in blue saying "you don't know what you'll unleash if you do!" Prince Vekar then orders the X-borgs to attack the three masked ninjas and we get a cool unmorphed fight scene with the ninjas fighting off the hordes of X-borgs who prove to be too much for them as Insidia uses a device to open the abyss of evil unleashing a vortex of evil energy knocking back the three ninjas and vaporizing the footsoldiers, the masks of the three ninjas being blown off revealing them to be Shane, Tori and Dustin. and out of the vortex step none other than Vexacus and Shimazu, the two revived Ninja Storm villains saying "hello rangers" as the three get back up and get in a fighting stance before they get beaten to a pulp by Vexacus and Shimazu. Vekar asks who these two are, and Destro tells his prince that those two are Shimazu and Vexacus, two generals who once served Lothor AKA a total joke of a villain, even more so than Prince Vekar. Insidia informs the two that she was the one who set them free, followed by the duo pledging their loyalties to the Armada while Shane, Tori, and Dustin are forced to retreat. after that, we cut to the Sky ship where Alpha manning the computer monitor exclaims "ai-yi-yi, rangers, come quick!" with Polly sitting on Alpha's shoulder exclaiming "come quick! come quick! sqwak!" Orion asks Alpha what seems to be the matter, and Alpha informs the six that there is a MASSIVE spike in evil energy coming from the city of Blue Bay Harbor, and suddenly on the screen we see Cam Watanabe appear on screen greeting the six and introducing himself, explaining that the Armada has occupied Blue Bay Harbor for quite some time and the Wind Ninja academy has up until now been putting up a pretty strong resistance effort led by ninja masters Shane, Tori, and Dustin however the Armada seeking to turn the tides opened the abyss of evil and unleashed two villains that the Ninja storm rangers defeated a decade ago: Shimazu and Vexacus. Lance understands the seriousness of the situation saying that this must be what Zador was talking about and tells Cam that they'll be on their way with Lance, Austin, and Molly teleporting out of the Sky ship into the city below where we see citizens running in fear from Shimazu and Vexacus, the three rangers telling the two to stop right there. Vexacus then asks "and you might be..." Lance then says "we're the power rangers" the three morphing to fight off the two revived villains (cue Gokaiger episode 25 fight) the three doing a legendary morph into RPM doing an original footage fight with Blue and Yellow attacking Shimazu and Vexacus with their wheel tires while Red leaps in and attacks both with his street saber before the three decide to switch to Dino Thunder to hit Shimazu and Vexacus with the Z-rex blaster only for Shimazu and Vexacus to counterattack with a lightning blast that overpowers the three rangers knocking them out cold prompting Jamie, Brenda, and Orion to leap in and rush to their aid. the two villains retreat just as Shane, Tori, and Dustin arrive on the scene while the six Legend force rangers de-morph, Dustin telling the other two that those guys must be Earth's current power rangers, recognizing them from the Legend war. Tori then says "too bad we don't have our ranger powers anymore, otherwise we could help them defeat Shimazu and Vexacus" Shane then says "We should still try to help them, we've fought these freaks before they could use our experience. we may not be power rangers anymore, but we still have power" the three then approach the Legend force team and offer help, introducing themselves as the wind power rangers. Jamie starts geeking out, saying "no, it's you!" with Dustin shaking his hand saying "no, it's you. we've been watching you guys for some time" Shane offers the six a trip to the Academy Grounds, saying "Cam informed us of you six". we then cut to the Wind Ninja Academy where Shane, Tori, and Dustin give Lance, Austin, Jamie, Molly, Brenda, and Orion a tour of the Academy grounds walking past several students sparring with each other where they meet Cam in person who shakes hands with Orion, telling the Legend Force team that he's glad to have them here, the three wind rangers bowing to Cam with respect and vice versa. Cam leads the group into Ninja Ops where Cam shows the Legend Force team schematics for a new Zord he was working on for them to help with their effort to free Earth from the Armada: the Legendary Minizord. We then cut to the Armada flagship where we see Prince Vekar congratulate the two in their successful fight against the rangers, Shimazu telling Vekar saying that it was no big deal since he's fought neon-colored nuisances before, saying that soon the wind ninja academy will go BOOM. Vexacus informs Shimazu that the missile is ready, saying that he programmed the trajectory to head right for their precious ninja school, Shimazu saying "yeah, what he said" as the missile emerges from the floor of the warehouse. Cam sees this from the screen of Ninja ops and informs the Legend Force rangers that they should probably go, and the six morph and teleport, crashing through the roof of the warehouse to fight off Shimazu and Vexacus (cue Gokaiger episode 25 second fight) Jamie and Brenda managing to blow up the missile while Lance, Austin, and Molly fight off Shimazu and Vexacus only for the two to use a misdirection technique to switch places with Jamie and Brenda leading to the two of them getting hit by their sabers causing them to de-morph while the two make their escape and teleport away, Lance, Jamie, Molly, and Orion de-morphing with Lance helping Jamie back on his feet while Molly helps Brenda back on her feet. We then see Shimazu and Vexacus arrive at the Wind Ninja academy grounds accompanied by Insidia and Cyberon with an army of X-borgs and Kelzaks where they are stopped by an army of ninjas with Shane, Tori, and Dustin leading the charge in an epic battle with ninjas fighting off the footsoldiers while Shane, Tori, and Dustin fight Shimazu and Vexacus only for the sky ship to come flying in hovering over the Wind ninja academy with Polly flying in dropping the ninja storm keys into the hands of three wind rangers allowing Shane, Tori, and Dustin to morph again and destroy Vexacus a second time Insidia telling the three wind rangers that they'll finish this later before the Armada's forces retreat. The six legend force rangers slide down the cable and are impressed to see that the three got their powers back, the three de-morphing saying that it's all thanks to them. Cam then informs both ranger teams that the Armada's forces are heading for downtown Blue Bay Harbor Lance asking the three wind rangers if they're up for a ride in the sky ship. We then cut to the Armada's forces wreaking havoc in the streets of Blue Bay Harbor people running and screaming from being attacked by X-borgs and Kelzaks with Shimazu saying that human screams are like music to his ears. However we then see the sky ship fly over the city where we see the six legend force rangers and three wind rangers land in front of the villains, Insidia clenching her fist saying "you again!" We then get a nine ranger morph the six Legend Force rangers and the three wind rangers doing a roll call pose together Alpha watching from the ship's computer monitor exclaiming "go, rangers!" (cue Gokaiger episode 26 fight) the two ranger teams fighting together dispatching the footsoldiers before facing off against the villains: Lance and Shane fight Shimazu, Austin, Jamie, Orion, and Dustin fight Cyberon, and Molly, Brenda, and Tori fight Insidia. Cyberon and Insidia then bail leaving Shimazu to fight the rangers by himself Orion activating his gold mode followed by all nine rangers combining their attacks for a final strike to destroy Shimazu. A peeved Prince Vekar activates the sattelasers to make Shimazu grow. The three wind rangers then de-morph giving their ranger keys back to the legend force team, Shane telling them to go finish the fight. The six legend force rangers summon the Legendary megazord and Q-Rex megazord (cue Gokaiger episode 26 megazord fight) Shimazu easily overpowers the two megazord only for the main five legend force rangers to notice their Ninja Storm keys start to glow, Lance saying "thank you Zador" the five plugging their ranger keys into their megazord console summoning the Legendary Minizord which attacks Shimazu with a barrage of shurikens and kunai, Cam watching the fight from his computer at Ninja ops saying "I designed the Legendary Minizord to combine with the Legendary megazord for extra firepower, now put 'em together rangers" the Legendary Minizord combining with the Legendary megazord to form the Legendary Ninja Storm megazord which finishes off Shimazu once and for a with a ninja strike finisher. After that, we cut to the Legend Force team saying goodbye to Shane, Tori, and Dustin thanking them for their help. Shane shakes hands with Lance and thanks him back, saying that Blue Bay Harbor has now been freed from Armada occupation because of their teamwork. Alpha tells our heroes that it's time to go now and the six Legend Force rangers board the sky ship and leave while Shane, Tori, Dustin, and Cam watch and smile. We then see Hunter and Blake arrive on the scene apologizing for being late saying that they were busy helping defending the Thunder ninja academy from the Armada's forces. Tori tells the two that the Armada has retreated from Blue Bay Harbor thanks to help from Earth's current team of power rangers and our episode ends with a happy reunion of all six Ninja Storm rangers.

And of course the big team-up battle at the end would have an instrumental cover of the Ninja Storm theme playing in the background, every time I hear that tune it makes me get misty-eyed because of Pua no longer being with us and all the childhood memories Ninja Storm brought me:

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