Episode 18: Soul stealer

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Our episode opens up with sensei showing the rangers a new origami zord: the claw zord, of which like the octo zord runs on Spike's digital symbol power. Spike is excited by having a second zord, however sensei informs Spike that he hasn't had the time to complete it and that it's up to Spike now to finish it. Ava however is not impressed, looking at her pendant before telling Spike that he may have impressed the others as the gold ranger but to her he's still the bumbling oaf who served them sushi at Bulk's restaurant from before. Spike then asks what's her problem, followed by Oscar explaining to Spike that today is Ava's birthday and that the pendant she wears was a birthday present given to her by her late sister which brings back memories. after that, we cut to Akuma palace where lord Ashura orders Octomancer to summon another monster: Soul stealer, a monster with the ability to consume human souls as part of lord Ashura's plan to collect souls with the hopes of using those souls to get his body back. after Soul stealer leaves the palace, lord Ashura asks Octomancer where Nocturna and Deker are, and Octomancer tells him that he thought they went to the surface world, which angers lord Ashura as he starts suspecting that the two are working together to usurp him. we then cut to Spike and Ava sitting down at Bulk's sushi spot with Spike trying to cheer up the birthday girl by telling her about his own family issues: his dad Skull is never there for him as he's too busy travelling the world, however Ava notices Nocturna and Deker entering the restaurant in human form much to the surprise of Bulk, who hasn't seen them before up until now. Ava places her hand on Spike's mouth, telling him that those two aren't ordinary humans and that they're half Akuma. Deker and Nocturna then sit next to the two followed by Deker telling the yellow ranger that they didn't come here to pick a fight with her or her little friend, as his business is with the red ranger not her. Nocturna then tells them they just came here for a bite to eat, just so they can get a taste of what it's like to live as a full human so that they can at least feel enjoyment in their cursed existence, which makes Spike feel sorry for them. the two are then contacted by Kenji who informs them of a monster attack in downtown stone canyon. we then cut to the monster collecting souls from random citizens only for the six samurai rangers to show up on their samurai cycles and fight him off, only for the monster to end up consuming Ava's soul. we then cut back to the dojo where Oscar is grieving over Ava's soulless body, followed by Spike making the observation that he really cared about her. Oscar then tells him that the two go way back and that he was the only friend she had for most of her childhood after her sister passed away. Spike then apologizes to Oscar for not being able to save her and that maybe Ava was right he is just the bumbling oaf who's only good for serving sushi at his uncle Bulk's restaurant before packing his things (including the clawzord) and leaving the dojo. he then returns to Bulk's sushi spot where Bulk asks if he's okay, followed by Spike telling his uncle Bulk he's not in the mood. Bulk respects Spike's wishes and leaves him be, right before Spike places the clawzord's tank on the table and pulls out his gold morpher and tries to use his digital symbol power to bring the zord to life. we then cut back to Akuma palace where Soul stealer reports to lord Ashura that he collected a lot of human souls, including one from the yellow ranger. lord Ashura then congratulates soul stealer on a job well done and begins the ritual, all the while Deker watches from the window. after that, we cut to Kenji, Nigel, Oscar, and Sadie meeting up with Deker at downtown stone canyon who informs them of his father's plan: to collect enough human souls to restore his body and that the only way to free those souls is to destroy soul stealer. Kenji however doesn't trust Deker for the time he almost killed him, and Deker tells Kenji to trust him on this one as the circumstances are different here so he must take his word for it. Spike then shows up to inform our heroes that he managed to bring the Clawzord to life and that all they need to do now is for the rangers to give it their symbol power to make it grow. we then cut back to Akuma palace where the ritual is interrupted by Soul stealer feeling a tingly feeling inside of him before being forcibly pulled out of the netherworld. he then asks what happened and Spike explains that he managed to send some of his elemental symbol power into his body so that when the zord finally awakens, he would be gravitated towards the zord as part of his plan to interrupt the ritual to revive lord Ashura's body. the rangers are all impressed by how Spike is smarter than he looks along with Deker who is also impressed that a human was capable of such a plan. the rangers then morph to fight off the monster (cue shinkenger episode 20 fight) all the while Nocturna shows up to confront Deker and reminds him that his dad his going to be mad at him for collaborating with the rangers, followed by Deker telling her that he doesn't care. after the rangers destroy soul stealer, Nocturna turns on Deker and plays her shamisen to make the monster grow followed by Spike hopping into the clawzord to fight the monster (cue shinkenger episode 20 zord fight). the clawzord then transforms into the claw master megazord (with three modes: east, west, and south) to defeat the monster. after soul stealer is destroyed, all the stolen souls return to their bodies, including Ava's. after that, we cut back to the dojo where Ava hugs Spike and thanks him for saving her and our episode ends with our heroes celebrating Ava's birthday at Bulk's sushi spot with Bulk dropping the cake which comically falls on his head.

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