Episode 29: To the Pink Power

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Our episode opens up with a recap of the episode "Back in Time" before we cold open with the human resistance base where Orion Starskipper debriefing Colonel Evan Taylor and the troops (along with Polly and Alpha 9) at the war table, informing them that according to intel from KO-35 the Emperor is on his way to Earth. the Colonel then asks if they can ask any of the past ranger teams for help. Orion holds up the red ancient ranger key and says "Not likely, as most of the veteran rangers lost their powers in the Legend war at the end of last year. most of the off-world rangers who didn't participate in the battle have been decimated by the Armada such as the ancient rangers of Andrasia. observe" Polly then shouts "Observe! sqwak!" and projects a video montage onto the wall from her eyes showing various ranger teams from other planets getting annihilated by the armada's forces: the Alien rangers of Aquitar, the Supersonic rangers (Fiveman) of Xybria, the Blitzkrieg rangers (Changeman) of the planet Miraban, the Aura rangers (Maskman) of the planet Aurius, and finally the prism rangers (Flashman) of the planet Novarr whom we see getting killed by the Emperor himself, Fat Jack and Skinny Mack (who are with the resistance) geeking out at the sight of other ranger teams they never heard of only for Orion to remind them that they're all dead. the footage pauses at a close-up of the Emperor's face, Alpha 9 exclaiming "Ai-yi-yi..." Orion tells them "That's the emperor, and trust me he's more powerful than either of his sons, he's destroyed countless planets that refused to bow down to him. and if he's out for revenge, then it's best we be prepared for an attack like we've never seen before" Orion's words causing Fat Jack and Skinny Mack to shake in their boots. Orion then asks Colonel Evan Taylor where the other rangers are, and he says that Lance and his friends are at Angel Grove park. we then cut to the Armada flagship hovering above Earth's atmosphere, Destro staring out into space contemplating his failure to protect the prince. Insidia tells her that she has it worse, reminding the brute that she was engaged to Vekar prior to his death at the hands of the Power Rangers. the Armada flagship is suddenly rocked as a fleet of purple ships appear out of hyperspace: the Imperial fleet, which can only mean one thing: Emperor Malus has arrived. Insidia and Destro are shocked to have learned that the emperor is here, and right on cue Emperor Malus enters the bridge of the flagship flanked by royal guards and two monsters: Redker and Yellzor. Insidia and Destro promptly kneel out of respect for their emperor, the emperor then gives the orders to Redker and Yellzor: dispose of Destro and Insidia. Yellzor holds Destro in place while Redker slashes him across the chest, telling him "you promised the emperor that you would protect his heir with your life, and you failed! you should be executed for your incompetence!" Destro begs the emperor for forgiveness telling him "your majesty, forgive me! we vastly underestimated Earth's team of Power Rangers" Insidia vouches for Destro, saying "emperor please, he's telling the truth! Vekar's death wasn't our faults!" only for Yellzor to tell her "Emperor Malus doesn't wanna hear your pleas for mercy. as the prince's fiance your job was to ensure that the royal bloodline's survival and yet you failed at that princess. be grateful that you're still a valuable asset to us due to your scientific expertise" blasting her with a chest beam knocking her onto the ground. the royal guards escort Destro out of the flagship, Destro's pleas for the emperor to give him a chance to destroy the power rangers and avenge his son's death falling on deaf ears. Emperor Malus then erects a framed family photo of himself posing with his sons Vrak and Vekar when they were children, the emperor exclaiming "My sons and their compatriots all failed to conquer this planet, bested by six brightly-colored nuisances. we will not be so foolish, under my leadership our enemies will be crushed under the mighty heel of the galactic Armada" Yellzor volunteers to go to earth to take out the rangers. we then cut to the rangers at Angel Grove park visiting a tree with ribbons, Brenda putting a pink ribbon on the branch. Austin shrugs, asking what the big deal is about some dumb tree only for Molly to elbow him. Lance asks her what all these ribbons are for, and Brenda explains that today is the day her mother passed away, saying that this is the tree that her mother used to sing to her under when she was a child. since her death every year she would come and tie a ribbon on this tree to pay respects. Jamie tries to wipe away a tear, saying "that's so touching" Molly then says "I think it's sweet, that tree sure means a lot to you" Brenda smiles, saying "it does, I don't know what I'd do if someone were to cut it down" Lance then looks up to the sky all brooding and says "hey guys, look!" the five teens all look up to see the Imperial fleet enter earth's atmosphere and rain fire down onto the nearby city, the human resistance troops led by Colonel Evan Taylor helping evacuate civilians. we then see Yellzor beam down to the planet's surface, the resistance troops opening fire on Yellzor only for him to fire a chest beam that freezes the soldiers in place. Orion then reunites with the other rangers at Angel Grove park, warning them that the Emperor's forces have arrived on Earth, with Lance saying "yeah, we can see that" Brenda telling Orion "they better not lay a finger on this tree". Yellzor arrives on the scene to tell the rangers that "I, Yellzor, will destroy you all in the name of Emperor Malus!" Austin then says "yeah right pal" the six rangers then morph to fight off Yellzor in an original footage fight that ends with Yellzor freezing the rangers one-by-one and hitting them with a blast that knocks them all back into civilian form leaving Brenda as the only one left standing as she aims her Legendary blaster at the monster telling him "stay back! you lay a finger on this tree and I'll destroy you myself!" Orion then shouts "Brenda no! run away! he's too strong, one of the emperor's elite!" only for Yellzor to fire a second chest beam at Brenda who ducks out of the way but ends up destroying the tree in the process. an enraged Brenda recklessly charges at the monster only for him to knock her back into civilian form before retreating while the other rangers rush to Brenda's aid. Lance asks Brenda if she's okay but Brenda is too busy crying over the sight at the burning tree. Brenda then says "That monster destroyed the tree, it was all I had left to remember my mom" the other rangers look on with sorrow before we cut to Orion bringing Lance, Austin, Molly, and Jamie back to resistance HQ where Colonel Evan Taylor is happy to see his son again, informing the rangers that the Emperor's forces have arrived however Lance tells him that Orion already filled the whole team in. however Alpha asks the rangers "where's Brenda?" Molly then tells her "she was too upset to come, one of the Armada's monsters destroyed a tree that was sacred to her" Alpha tilts her head, asking "why would she be so upset about a tree?" Lance fills Alpha in, telling her "It meant something to her mother, you won't understand" Alpha and Polly look at each other in confusion, however Colonel Evan Taylor informs the rangers that a monster attack has been detected in downtown angel grove, Lance telling his father that they'll just make do without Brenda. we then cut to Lance, Austin, Jamie, Molly, and Orion leaping out of the sky ship into downtown Angel Grove, Yellzor exclaiming "one, two, three, four, five... where's the pink one?" Lance then says "you'll just have to contend with the five of us" prompting the five to morph and charge at the monster (cue Gokaiger episode 41 fight) Yellzor mopping the floor with the five rangers one by one. Alpha watches this from the screen in the resistance base and is shocked, exclaiming "ai-yi-yi, we need to warn Brenda!" with Polly exclaiming "warn Brenda! warn Brenda! sqwak!" we then cut to Brenda still in the park grieving over the destroyed tree, clutching one of the pink ribbons in her hand. Brenda's father arrives in the park shocked to see the tree destroyed, asking his daughter what happened to her mom's tree. Brenda then says "one of the Armada's monsters did this. I will make him pay for destroying the last piece of her legacy" Brenda's father then says "It's just a tree, Brenda. you don't need to take this so personal. your mother's memory still lives on, in the beautiful daughter she brought into the world" Brenda smiles, tying the pink tree ribbon in her hair before getting a call from Alpha on her legendary morpher informing her that her teammates need her. Brenda then runs through the park and insta-morphs into the pink ranger while her father smiles before we cut back to downtown Angel Grove where Brenda reunites with her teammates who are all happy to see her back. Alpha contacts the rangers, informing them that she analyzed that monster's weaknesses, informing them that if they destroy the third eye on Yellzor's chest he won't be able to attack them anymore. Lance then says "got it Alpha" Yellzor hits the rangers with another blast from the eye on his chest that Orion deflects by donning his Gold mode armor buying Brenda time to strike the monster in the chest with her legendary saber along with a blast through the chest with her legendary blaster destroying the third eye. Brenda then tells the others "follow my lead! you first Orion" she and Orion then do a duo legendary morph into the RPM gold and silver rangers shouting "RPM, get in gear!" attacking Yellzor with their cloud hatchets in jet mode. Brenda then says "Jamie, you're up next!" she and Jamie do another morph this time into the Crimson and Navy thunder rangers shouting "thunder storm, ranger form!" forming the thunder blaster to blast Yellzor. Brenda then says "Molly, you're up!" Molly saying "time for a blast from the past!" morphing into Megaforce yellow and pink shouting "It's morphin' time, Mega power!" the two performing a combo attack on Yellzor with the tiger claw and phoenix shot. Brenda then says "Austin, your turn!" she and Austin both morph into SPD Shadow ranger and Kat ranger shouting "SPD emergency!" Brenda hitting Yellzor with her kat stunners before Austin slashes the monster with the shadow saber. Brenda then says "and finally you Lance!" Lance and Brenda then morph into both the male and female red Samurai rangers shouting "Samurai code, ranger mode!" hitting Yellzor with a double fire smasher combo. the six then change back into Legend force to summon the Legendary cannon, as the cannon charges Brenda says under her breath "mom, you can rest easy now" before finishing off Yellzor with a final strike. meanwhile aboard the Armada flagship Redker exclaims "oh my, it seems those power rangers finished off our old pal Yellzor! what a shame" in a super-flamboyant tone of voice. Insidia tells him "oh he's not finished yet" firing the sattelasers to make Yellzor grow giant prompting the rangers to summon the Legendary and Q-Rex Megazords (cue Gokaiger episode 42 megazord fight) the rangers summon the Turbo falcon zord to even the playing field, forming the Legendary ultrazord to finish of Yellzor once and for all. we then cut to the resistance base where Brenda apologizes to her teammates for not coming sooner, saying that she was busy working through her grief after that monster destroyed her mother's tree. Orion says he understands perfectly, as he knows how it feels to lose a parent mentioning how he lost his parents when the Armada invaded Andrasia. Lance notices Brenda's new hairstyle, complimenting the pink ribbon in her hair. Brenda tells Lance "thanks, I kept it so that I'll always carry a piece of my mom with me" Lance and Brenda share a kiss. we then cut to Destro rotting in his cell aboard the Armada flagship, promising to destroy the rangers and avenge the prince ending our episode on a cliffhanger.

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