Episode 21: Rock my world

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Guest rangers of this episode: Trent Fernandez-Mercer and Kira Ford (Dino Thunder yellow and white rangers)

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Guest rangers of this episode: Trent Fernandez-Mercer and Kira Ford (Dino Thunder yellow and white rangers)

Our episode opens up on the Armada flagship where we see that Prince Vekar has caught a cold, demanding the X-borgs to hand him tissues. Insidia tells Vekar that a dose of stolen human joy could be enough to cure his illness, the prince demands to have it and Cyberon says he may have just the guy for the job: a monster named Desolar who promises to steal as much human happiness as he can only for Prince Vekar's super-loud sneeze to rock the flagship knocking everyone off their feet. we then cut to the Sky ship hovering above the city with Lance asking Orion where the next city that needs liberating is, and Orion looks at the map on the ship's computer monitor saying that the next armada-occupied city is none other than Reefside, which excites Brenda saying "no way, that's the hometown of my Idol, Kira Ford!" the other five tilt their heads, Brenda exclaiming "you guys never heard of THE Kira Ford? she's like... a rock and roll superstar! she was my inspiration to pursue a music career, I had ALL her CDs growing up!" Molly reminds Brenda that they're going to Reefside to free it from Armada occupation, not to meet her childhood music hero. Jamie on his laptop tells the others that he did some digging on power rangers fansites and that he learned that Kira Ford was the yellow Dino Thunder ranger, Brenda fangirling saying "eek! this is even better!" while Lance tells her to calm down, Alpha 8 punching in the coordinates saying "setting course for Reefside!" while Orion takes the helm with Polly sitting on his shoulder. we then see the six rangers arriving at Reefside where they wander through the streets to see X-borgs and bruisers patrolling the city streets while people cower in fear as they are being rounded up while our heroes hide inside what remains of Haley's cyberspace cafe (it got trashed during the invasion just like the rock porium), the six watching as Desolar teleports onto the scene to absorg the joy from people captured by the X-borgs with his staff causing them to become depressed, Molly saying "this is terrible, look at those people! their joy is being stolen away from them. how cruel! wouldn't you agree Brenda? Brenda?" Molly turning her head to see Brenda looking at a Kira Ford poster on the wall, Brenda exclaiming "oh my gosh, no way! Kira Ford is having a concert in Reefside! this is like a dream come true!" only for Orion to tell Brenda to focus on rescuing those people. the six then burst out of the ruins of the old Cyberspace cafe to confront the monster before morphing (cue Gokaiger episode 29 fight) the six blasting Desolar before he suddenly switches to growing giant, Orion exclaiming "hey no fair! that's cheating!" before the six summon the Legendary and Q-rex Megazords (cue Gokaiger episode 29 megazord fight #1) the Q-rex Megazord hitting the monster with its drill followed by the Legendary megazord combining with the mystic dragon to attack Desolar who shrinks to avoid the attack. the tiny Desolar sneaks into the Q-rex megazord cockpit to attack Orion before commandeering the Q-rex Megazord to attack the Legendary Megazord. Orion gets back up and tries to wrestle Desolar to take back control over his Megazord only for Desolar to shrink again and escape, Orion informing the other rangers that this monster can change size at will making him extra-dangerous, Desolar sneaking into the Legendary megazord cockpit to attack the rangers with Lance shooting at Desolar telling him "get out of our megazord, creep!" the five keep shooting at Desolar who sneaks out of the cockpit and onto the megazord's shoulder, Orion asking "guys, are you sure this is a good idea?" before Desolar escapes into the bridge Alpha exclaiming "ai-yi-yi! what are you doing here!" only for Desolar to knock down Alpha with his staff before Polly flies in and starts pecking at his forehead followed by the main five Legend Force rangers entering the room to point their blasters at the monster Alpha getting up and spraying Desolar in the eyes with bug spray forcing Desolar to shrink and escape, Molly putting her hand on the little robot's shoulder saying "good job Alpha, who knows where we would be without you". we then see Trent and Kira watching the commotion from the rooftop, Trent saying "shame, I was hoping for an epic megazord fight like the good ol' days when it was you, me, Connor, Ethan and Doctor O fighting against Mesogog and his army of dino-mutant freaks" as he sits down sketching a picture of the two megazords battling Desolar in his sketchbook. Kira tells Trent "we've been married for three years and you still haven't gotten out of that drawing phase haven't you, Trent" Trent then tells Kira "what? I've become a professional artist for a major comic book publisher. just as you became a rockstar with cross-country tours and tons of adoring fans. speaking of which, don't you have a concert here in Reefside today?" Kira tells Trent "well it's been hard getting on stage with the alien invasion going on and all. hopefully our current rangers can help liberate Reefside from Armada occupation so things can go back to normal" we then cut back to the Armada flagship where we see the X-borgs tend to the sick Prince Vekar's needs, the prince demanding his cold to be cured saying he'd rather not let his brother become the sole heir to the throne, Cyberon saying "you're not going to die of a common cold, boss" only for Desolar to return to the ship, Desolar telling the prince that the rangers and their little robot friend had bug spray, saying that it stung. Vekar tells Desolar to swallow the pain and get back to Earth and collect more human joy before sneezing again and rocking the flagship a second time. after that, we cut back to the interior of the Legendary Megazord where Jamie asks Alpha to hand him his toolbox, Jamie telling Alpha it's time to get to work. Lance asks Jamie how long it'll take for him and Alpha to fix the megazord, and Jamie says it'll be a while telling the others to go liberate the city so that he and Alpha can fix the megazord in peace. Brenda then looks at the Kira ford poster she found in the Cyberspace cafe and suggests that they go to the Kira Ford concert, Brenda asking Orion if they had any famous singers on his home planet. Orion says "not really no" and Brenda grabs Orion by the hand telling him "then we'll go to the concert together!" Lance tells Brenda it'll be too dangerous with the Armada's forces patrolling the city, and Brenda tells Lance that he, Austin, and Molly will go liberate Reefside while she and Orion will attend the concert. Lance sighs, saying "just because you're my girlfriend and I care about your feelings, I'll go with your plan" while Brenda says "yus". we then cut to Desolar running through the city with X-borgs following behind him stealing people's happiness with his staff only for him to be confronted by Lance, Austin, and Molly who shoot down the X-borgs with their legendary blasters the three morphing to fight Desolar in an original footage fight scene only for Desolar to shrink and escape, Molly saying "he's heading for the stadium" while Lance says "oh no, Brenda and Orion are in trouble". we then cut to Brenda (wearing a Kira Ford T-shirt) and Orion arriving at the Amphitheater with a large crowd of people who start cheering when Kira Ford and her band come on stage, Kira giving a speech saying that she's here to lift people's spirits up with her music in these dark times during the invasion. Kira then sings the song "true love" to the crowd of adoring fans, Brenda leaning on Orion saying "her voice is so beautiful" as she sheds a tear while the alien has a look of confusion. Trent sits next to the two legend force rangers, telling the two "that's my wife right there performing on stage" all the while a tiny Desolar hovers over the amphitheater before returning to normal size and sucking Kira's joy away with his staff causing her to stop singing and collapse and the crowd to evacuate. Trent rushes to Kira's aid while Brenda and Orion both Morph to fight the monster in yet another original footage fight scene followed by Lance, Austin, and Molly arriving on the scene to reunite with their comrades. Desolar realizes he's outnumbered and retreats followed by the five de-morphing, Trent saying "you guys must be Earth's current power rangers. I'm Trent, former white Dino Thunder ranger" Kira wakes up with Brenda asking Kira if she's okay, and Kira says "I don't feel like playing music anymore, feel too sad". Trent asks Kira what's gotten into her, and Orion tells him it's because that monster stole her joy away. Jamie then contacts the five rangers on their morphers informing the team that he and Alpha got the Megazord up and running again, along with a couple new modifications allowing it to combine with the Q-Rex megazord. Lance then says "good, now let's go after Desolar together" Brenda still feeling concern for Kira tells the other four "you guys go with Jamie to chase the monster, I'll stay behind and help cure her depression. I'm her biggest fan so it's the least I can do" We then cut to Lance, Austin, Molly, and Orion meeting up with Jamie in downtown Reefside where Jamie points to Desolar who says "catch me if you can, rangers!" followed by the five morphing to chase after the monster. We then cut to Brenda and Trent bringing Kira into the wrecked Cyberspace cafe where Kira just sits down and mopes about how her life is ruined and all hope is lost. Brenda hands her guitar to Kira telling her to play her a song, however Kira refuses saying that she doesn't do that anymore. Brenda tells her "don't say that. You're Kira Ford, the greatest musician I've ever known. I owned all of your CDs growing up, I know every single one of your songs by heart. Your music helped me through one of the roughest parts of my life. when my mom died when I was five, I thought my whole world ended. But then my dad got me one of your CDs for my birthday, and hearing your voice was so uplifting to little me. You inspired me to find my own voice and become a great singer and songwriter just like you. Your voice means the world to me, Kira. And that's something that monster can NEVER take away from you" Trent nods, telling her "the kid's right, you can do it honey, just believe in yourself". Kira then gets on stage and starts strumming Brenda's pink guitar before she starts singing "freak you out" breaking free from the monster's spell while having flashback scenes to Dino Thunder while Brenda and Trent both cheer her on. Kira then thanks Brenda for helping regain the joy that Desolar stole from her, saying that she's lucky to have fans like her while Trent smiles and says "that's the Kira I remember" after that we cut to the five legend force rangers cornering Desolar before morphing into Dino Thunder in honor of Trent and Kira, the five exclaiming "Dino Thunder, power up!" Before charging at Desolar and attacking him from all sides before the five attack Desolar one by one with their individual weapons such as Molly with the Ptera grips, Jamie with a Brachio staff fire strike, Austin with the tricera shield, Orion with the drago sword, and finally Lance with the tyranno staff. We then get an original footage scene of Lance powering up into the Triassic ranger to strike Desolar down with the shield of triumph before the five revert back into Legend force mode before Brenda arrives on the scene and morphs before apologizing to her teammates for being late to the party followed by Orion activating his gold mode armor while the main five charge up their sabers and blasters for a final strike the six combining their attacks to defeat Desolar causing everyone's depression to be cured while Trent and Kira step outside to watch in awe. Meanwhile on the Armada flagship Vekar curses the rangers for thwarting his plan to get a cure for his cold before collapsing while the X-borgs carry the prince away on a stretcher while Insidia fires the sattelasers to make Desolar grow prompting the rangers to summon the Legendary and Q-Rex megazords while Lance says "alright guys lets put Jamie's new upgrade to good use" (cue Gokaiger episode 29 megazord fight #2) the five plugging their Dino Thunder keys into their megazord console activating the new combination where the Q-Rex's arms detach to combine with the Legendary megazord forming the Legendary megazord Q-Rex Formation with Orion being teleported inside the cockpit with the other rangers Orion saying "alright, you're a genius Jamie!" The Legendary Megazord Q-Rex Formation deflecting Desolar's blasts back at him before destroying Desolar once and for all with a Dino drill strike while Trent watches from a rooftop while sketching the new formation of the Legendary Megazord in his sketchbook, Trent saying "good job rangers, doctor O would be proud" while Kira watches and smiles at her husband. We then cut to the Reefside amphitheater where we see both Kira and Brenda getting on stage and doing a duet together singing "just a little" while Lance, Austin, Jamie, Molly, and Orion dance to the beat, Lance shouting "that's my girl!" while Trent elbows Lance telling him "and that's my wife!" followed by our heroes applauding the two ending our episode on a high note.

Of course like the previous ones the tribute morph and fight would include an instrumental cover of the Dino Thunder theme:

But also we'd get reprisals of three of Kira's songs she sang from her season:

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