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I was planning to write smut since its the 69 chapter but this turned out different than my idea.

Tw: making out

Toya was out with kohane. They were in the mall, that was located near An's cafe. They had gone shopping for some new clothes.

Since toya wanted to try wearing something new, kohane suggested her help. Neither akito or an could help in such situations. Especially when kohane was the only one that new toyas little secret.

Toya actually enjoyed wearing 'feminine' clothes, such as dresses and skirts. But he couldn't really feel comfortable around his house.

Neither if he felt, he couldn't have anyone to help him. Or at least lent him something. He would need a bigger sister.

"Hey, Aoyagi would you like to check out this store? I usually shop here with an or alone. It has some very good suggestions if, ... If you would like to try!"

"Thanks Azusawa, i really appreciate it, but could we first grab coffee? I cant really focus without drinking my morning one."

"Of Course, i dont mind at all. Lets head to whatever cafe you want."

"Okay, i have one in mind"


Both of them head to a certain cafe that toya had in mind. Once they ordered they sat down to a table that was placed near a window.

Many people passed by them from the outside and the inside of the shop and whispered how cute both of them seemed as a couple .

But the thing was that none of them were interested in each other other than friends.

Suddenly a very familiar voice reaches toyas ears. He was being called. By who exactly though?

Toya turned his head around and around to find the person that had just called him but he couldn't see anyone. Maybe someone had the same name as him. Not a big deal.

Then he heard his name being called again but closer. That continued until he saw akito. He was the one that was calling him.

Toya was embarrassed though, since he was wearing very light make up. For most of people it wasn't recognisable but since akito knew him so well he would found out in no time.

He quickly hid his face with a magazine, but he knew that it was too late since he had already made eye contact with him for a good amount of seconds.

He suddenly felt a light touch on his shoulder, he turned his head slowly wishing that isnt akito. His wish became true.

It was kohane. Trying to calm him down. Telling him nice things and not to feel ashamed. Toya was so lucky to have a friend like her, he couldn't live without his anxiety thats why he needed friends like her to help him out.

But again akito sadly did approached him.

"Toya? Why didn't you answer? I called you like a million times! Anyways.. what are ya doing here?"

"Oh me and Aoyagi went out for shopping but we thought that drinking first our morning coffee would help a lot"

"Yeah.. so what are you doing here akito?"

"Eh... Toya, do you remember when I told you that i have found a second job at the mall?"

"Oh.. yeah. I totally forgot"

"It doesn't matter now. Anyways the drinks are on me today for visiting. Kay?"

"You sure?"


"Thanks then.."

"Thanks a lot Shinonome"

"No probl- is that make up?"


"Yeah it is!"


"You wear make up?"


Toya stayed silent. Blush crossed over his face. He was too embarrassed that akito his, partner found out. But akito notice that too.

"Hey.. em.. its okay. Im not exactly.. against it. You look very pretty"

Shit, the last word slipped out of his mouth.


Toya smiled while his face became more red. Suddenly Kohane got a call from her dad. Apparently she needed to go back home to take care of the snake.

"Again im sorry Aoyagi"

"No its okay. Now go home. We will meet tomorrow for the practice right?"

"Okay, bye guys!"


Kohane left the store. Not a lot seconds later akito grabbed toya and dragged him into the restroom.

He pinned him into the wall after he closed the door.

"Do you have.. a lipstick?"

"Eh.. yeah. Here"

Toya pulled one out of his pocket.


Akito started applying the reddish colour to Toyas lips. After that Akito leaned against him while his lips met toyas.

The kiss was messy while their faces more messier since the lipstick was spreading all over their mouths.

After they pulled back akito continued placing lipstick on toyas lips while he looked akito with suprise. It was his first kiss, with his partner, that is probably going to be his boyfriend in a bit.

They continued making out until toya placed his legs around akitos waist. After that akito carried toya into one bathroom stalls.

He locked the door before kissing toyas neck. His lips were red too now. His kisses were leaving pinkish marks behind.

Oh he loved toya so much.

Words: 850


I hope that you enjoyed.

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with 3 miss and 1 good

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