Chapter 2

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I am pacing up and down the kitchen after i had gathered myself. I had gotten up and took a shower walked Dodger contemplating what to do. I didn't have her phone number... I didn't even know where she lived. The only thing i could do was call Scarlet... I pulled up her number and looked at it.

"Fuck it..." I growled putting the phone back in my pocket and grabbing my keys, wallet and i tell Dodger i will be right back. I didn't want to talk about this over the phone. I was about to walk out the door when i thought of the note and walked to the bedroom grabbing it putting it in my wallet.

I walked over to Scarlet's and stood in front of the front door. I wanted to ring the doorbell but what was i going to say... Was i just going to be honest and tell her what happened with the chance she would go off on her for sleeping with her friend? Or should i just ask if she has her number saying i need some advice on a legal matter... I groaned... God why am i doing this... I thought to myself but that question was not hard to answer...

I liked Vera... I was totally hooked on her after last night... The way my heart broke reading the note made it clear i just needed to at least try... Or at least get an answer to why she left. I needed to know if it was something i did... If it was something i could fix... My heart sank at the thought she didn't feel the same and it was just a onetime thing for her...

I took a deep breath and rang the bell. I waited a few minutes before the door opened but instead of Scarlet i was met with a grinning Colin. He chuckled and stepped aside. I walked in and groaned when i reached the kitchen and saw they were not alone... Colin excused himself to go get changed as he was still in his robe while Scarlet was cooking breakfast in the kitchen.

"Hello lover boy..." Scarlett said grinning at me. Well lying was out of the question. I thought. I said nothing just looked at her. "What...?" She said grinning at me. "Did you really think nobody noticed you and Vera sneaking out the back gate after you little make out session..." She said still smirking.

Everybody looked at me and i sighed. "Where is she anyway...?" Scarlet said looking around me as if she was expecting Vera to walk in after me.

"You tell me..." I said feeling defeated and sitting down on one of the bar stools at the counter. The two guys sitting at the other side were laughing and whispering, getting on my nerves but i ignored them.

"What do you mean... You tell me??" Scarlet said looking at me confused. I sighed pulled out my wallet handing her the note. "We had this amazing night and this morning she was gone leaving this behind..." Scarlet read the note and the guys started laughing harder.

"Is there a problem..." I said looking at them annoyed. They both shook their heads looking at me. But they were still grinning, and it didn't take long before they were laughing again like two pathetic high school boys.

"Something funny?" I asked again standing up. One of the two looked at me and smirked i guess he felt bold and chuckled. "The great Chris Evans ghosted by the fat chick...." He said now full laughing. I saw red and before i could even think i decked him making him fall over backwards hitting the ground hard... 

The next few minutes went by in a blur... Colin came running in after hearing the commotion and Scarlet pulled me away... but i could see in her eyes that she was not angry with me instead she was staring daggers at the guy lying on the floor and his friend who was checking if his friend was okay... Colin looked at me, then at his friend then at Scarlet.

"It is time for you two to leave... I dont want people who talk about other people like that in my home..." Scarlet said and Colin looked at her confused. "Seriously... You make us leave because Mr. Sensitive can't take a joke about the fat chick...?" I lunged forwards wanting another go at him, but Scarlet pulled me back.

Colin looks at them shocked. "Get out..." Is all he said and Scarlet pulls me away from the situation as i can hear Colin and the other two guys yelling in the background.

"I am sorry..." I mumble to Scarlet. She sighs. "Although i dont condone violence.... He had it coming... Besides... I only tolerated them because they are Colin's Highschool friends... Promise to stay here so i can go help Colin kick them out and after that we are going to figure this out...." She says handing me the note back. I nod and promise sitting down on the couch.

What is happening to me.... I think to myself as i put my head in my hands. I am not a guy to just punch someone out... I dont like violence... But when he said that about Vera i saw red... I sigh listening to the sounds coming from the other part of the house.

I hear the front door slam shut and a few seconds later Colin and Scarlet walk in. "Sorry..." I mumble to Colin. He sighs... "Sometimes you hold on to long to past friendships because you dont realize you have outgrown them... I am just sorry it took this to realize that" Colin says looking at Scarlet who smiles and kisses his forehead...

Colin asks about the note and i hand it to him and he sighs again. "Are you serious about her? I mean you could just see it as two people having a fun night and that is it... What i mean to say is that Vera... When it comes to men hasn't had much luck... So, i think her leaving is her protecting herself from heartache... Because let's be fair... Although totally ridiculous... Most men dont look past her... size... I can't tell you how many times they wanted her in their bed... But being seen with her... Well, you get what i mean..." Colin says looking at me serious.

"I dont care about all that... I think she is gorgeous... The moment i saw her..." I took a deep breath before i continued... "Well i was drawn to her... I like her... a lot..." I whisper looking at Colin., Scarlet chuckles... "That is the understatement of the century..." She said grinning at me.

Both Colin and i look at Scarlet. "What...? You dont knock somebody's light out for some random fling..." She said smirking. "Besides Vera and Evans i can see it..." She says smiling and this comment makes me smile a little.

Colin gets up and walks to the table scribbling something down. "Here her address and phone number... But my advice... Go over there... She might not answer her phone..." Colin says handing me a piece of paper.

I thank them both hugging them and as i walk out the door Scarlet calls out for me. "Think about what you want with her Evans... She doesn't deserve to be flavor of the month... You know with dating you, coms publicity and think about if you want that for her knowing how cruel the world can be... But if you are serious about her... We will support you... Just.... Dont fuck it up..." I nod and smile before walking out of the door.

I arrive home and go in. I look at Dodger who is jumping around me and seeing as Vera loves him i decide to take him with me.

I put Dodger in the car and put the address into my GPS. Adrenaline was sourcing through my veins as i drove and had to refrain myself from speeding. I arrived at her place and got out the car taking Dodger with me.

I walked up to the front door and took a deep breath before ringing the doorbell. It took a minute, but the door opened and i looked at the shocked yet beautiful face of Vera.

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