Chapter 23

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Chris pov...

We arrive home and as soon as we close the front door behind us Vera takes my hand and leads me to the bedroom making me smirk as i follow her. She sits me down on the bed and steps away from me as she slowly pulls her dress of making me groan as her soft curvy body appears. She is now completely naked and steps between my legs. She grabs my face and leans down kissing me. I put my hands on her ass and she moans into the kiss as i squeeze. 

She pushes my jacket off of my shoulders and pulls my shirt over my head. I just watch her, and she sinks down to her knees while kissing down my chest making me moan and i lean back on my hands throwing my head back as she sets my body on fire with her kisses. When i look down she is now fully on her knees and our eyes meet. She pulls off my shoes and throws them over her shoulders making me chuckle. She unbuckles my pants and i lift up my hips as she pulls them off of me together with my boxers wasting no time. 

Her hands rub up and down my thighs and i watch as she runs her tongue over my shaft following the thick vein as my dick lays hard on my lower abdomen. I take in a sharp breath as she kisses the tip before flicking it with her tongue making me groan. Her hands roam my body, rubbing over my thighs and chest and it feel like she is worshipping my body. 

She makes me gasp as she without any use of her hands takes me into her mouth and starts bobbing her head up and down while her hands rest on my thighs. I sit up a bit and grab her hair in a makeshift ponytail guiding her as she bobs up and down around my dick her tongue doing something i can't place but God it feels good. 

"Oh, shit gorgeous..." I growl and i can't help it as i hold her still my dick buried deep inside of her. She gasps for breath as release my grip and she release my dick from her mouth a drop of saliva running down her chin... For a moment i wonder if had crossed a line but she looks at me with a smirk... A twinkle in her eyes and i groan as she wraps her hand around my shaft pumping me up and down before taking me into her mouth again. 

I throw my head back again as she takes me in deep i can feel my dick het the back of her throat and i snap my head back at the feeling wanting to see... I groan looking at her. "You look so sexy with my dick in your mouth gorgeous... Feels so good..." I hum and drop myself on the bed as my body takes over and i feel i am close. "Oh yes gorgeous... Dont stop just like that... OOOH FUCK... it feels so good..." I grunt loudly running my hand over my face biting on my fist as my dick starts twitching. She takes me in deep one more time and it sends me over the edge and come into her mouth my legs shaking and i let out an animalistic growl. 

I push myself up on my elbows and i can see her swallow it all and i pull her up under her arms and lay back down laying her on top of me. I cup her face and kiss her, and she smiles into the kiss. I can taste myself. I roll us on our side and kiss her again wrapping my arms around her holding her tight. 

Neither one of us is speaking as we just lay there... our bodies intertwined. She hums and looks up at me and i attach her lips with hers again. She smiles and cuddles into me more. "I really had fun tonight..." Vera murmurs and i smile. "Me to..." I whisper and she giggles. 

"I feel so safe with you..." She murmurs and that brings the biggest smile on my face. She feels safe with me... She feels safe with me... I keep repeating over and over in my head. A warm feeling spreading through my body, and it feels like my heart is about to burst with love. I look down at her and smile attaching my lips with hers. She deepens the kiss her hands in my hair, and she moans a little in the kiss as i push my thighs up rubbing her core.  

I roll us so she is now laying underneath me. I line myself up with her entrance and as i slowly push myself inside of her i tell her how much i love her... She moans in response and pulls me in for another kiss. 

She looks me in the eyes telling me how much she loves me back and i can't help but smile and kiss her again... I can never get enough of kissing her the way her soft lips feel on mine... Everything about her is so soft and i am absolutely loving it and every moment of every day my body craves hers... I moan into the kiss as i keep moving in and out of her in a slow pace. Wanting to savor every moment of this... Wanting it to last as i want to be inside of her for as long as possible. 

Our kisses only broken to breath i keep moving in and out of her our bodies melting together as we just want to be as close as possible. I just want to be like this forever i never want to be without her ever... I groan as she lays her hand on my ass and she moans as i snap my hips forward at the feeling over her nails digging into my ass. 

We keep slowly building our orgasms and i can't help but smile as her moans get a little more desperate and her hands are roaming my body. I play with her boobs sucking at her nipples making her softly mewl. 

When we both cum together it is like fireworks and i drop my head in her neck as my body shocks wile filling her with my cum. Her body stiffens and her grip on me gets tighter. We both come down from our high this incredible high... This was not just sex this was love... I move us so we are both now laying on our sides again knowing that this is her favorite sleeping position our bodies wrapped around each other. We lay there for a while until Vera wriggles out of my arms making me whine. 

"Noooo stay in bed..." I whine pulling her back and she giggles cupping my face kissing me. "I'll be right back handsome... I just need to get cleaned up because thrust me i am no fun with an UTI." She whispers and i let her go. I lay on my back staring at the ceiling and with the biggest smile on my face. 

"Chris..." She whispers and walks over to me with a blush on her face. "What is wrong gorgeous?" I say sitting up worried. "I need you to get out of bed..." She says blushing and looking embarrassed. "I am so sorry but i got my period... So, while you go take a shower i will change the sheets..." She says looking down at the ground as i step out of bed. 

I cup her face making her look at me. "It is okay gorgeous these things happen you go shower first and ill change the sheets." I say before kissing her again. "Are you sure... I mean i can change the sheets..." She whispers but i shake my head and walk her to the bathroom turning on the shower for her. 

She smiles and pulls me in for another kiss before i walk to the bedroom. I turn on the light and pull everything off the bed before putting new sheets on. Just as i am done Vera walks in with a shy smile on her face. She takes the sheets from me saying they have to go in the washing machine immediately and tells me to shower. 

When i am done with the shower Vera is laying in the bed on her side and when i look i can see she is asleep and i admire her sleeping figure. She is so beautiful. I crawl in beside her spooning her. I plant kisses in her neck telling her over and over how much i love her even though she is asleep and soon i fall in a deep sleep to. 

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