Chapter 62

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Vera pov...

Chris was still asleep next to me in the hospital bed. It was morning and i already have been awake for a few hours. 

The last 24 hours had gone by in a haze. When we pulled up at the party my heart dropped, and anxiety set in... So many people... There must have been over 50 people there... Chris had asked if i wanted to leave but i thought i could just suck it up... His mom put so much effort in although it was nothing like we had asked. I had expected just immediate family and Colin and Scarlet but no.... There were so many people and i felt so uncomfortable. But seeing the magnitude of the party once we were inside...  It set me off even more and i needed a moment...  Chris took me upstairs and even though he again asked if i wanted to leave... I told him to let us just suck it up... Thinking it would be rude to leave... Maybe i should have gone home and we wouldn't be here now...

Yet i felt guilty because of my anxiety Chris couldn't enjoy time with friends and family because i was glued to him. I was so glad he kept me close... and so thankful for Scarlet and Colin for helping redirect the baby bump grabbers like Chris had called them. The idea of people i had never met touching me freaked me out. 

I know if i wanted to go home Chris would have taken me home immediately but i didn't want to cause drama in the family... I didn't want Chris to have a falling out with his mother... He didn't even want to call her last night to tell her what was going on... 

I didn't want to be the cause of Chris not talking to his mother... We both cried when we got home and i hated to see him cry on a day, he was so excited about which made me cry even more. He went from smiling, excited and hyper to tense and uncomfortable... We never could really enjoy the fact that we were expecting girls.... After we had popped the balloon... which was also something we didn't really want but that was a whole other story... We got hounded by the people and i had the idea that it hadn't really sunken in yet to Chris that we were expecting girls.  

He hadn't mentioned anything about girls after the originally finding out and we had our split-second moment together. I hate that he couldn't even really celebrate it how he wanted it...  

And then there were the articles...  Seeing them when Chris went to open door sent me in a full panic attack. Pictures of our private moment... The moment we were intent on to only share with close family... Not only did the world now know we were expecting... But they also know now that we were expecting girls... Not even an hour after we found out ourselves the whole world knew.

It freaked me out so much that i got cramps which made me go in a full panic attack. The next thing i knew i woke up in the hospital... For a moment i was so scared something was wrong with the babies but thankfully everything was okay with our little girls. I can't imagine how scared Chris must have been... 

I just hated this whole situation it made me so sad and anxious. What if this was only the beginning... Did his mother not like me?  Was she mad that we had gotten married without the whole wedding thing? Was she just being nice to me and biting her time until the babies were born, and then would she try to get rid of me? Would she try to convince Chris to take the girls and leave me... I needed to take a deep breath and calm myself as the bells and whistles started to go off again and i didn't want to wake Chris. My mind was spiraling again...

God why do i keep thinking like this... Why couldn't i be stronger and just suck it up. Why did i have to have a panic attack about the fact everything was out in the open... 

I let out a sigh and Chris moves a little and his eyes open. "Hey gorgeous..." He said in his groggy morning voice as he stretched himself out. "Good morning..." I whispered and he smiled leaning down and kissing me. "How are you and our girls feeling..." He whispered kissing me again and rubbing my belly. I smiled at him as he was now calling them our girls. "We are okay..." I whispered. 

There was a knock on the door and a nurse walked in smiling. "How are you feeling Mrs. Evans..." She asked and i blushed at her calling me that. "I am okay... I think. No cramps so that is a relief..." I said and she smiled as she checked my vitals. "So, girls huh..." She said smiling looking at me and Chris. We both nodded and smiled. 

"I think you are going to be an amazing girl dad..." The nurse said and Chris beamed at her thanking her. "And momma... you are going to be amazing i just feel it..." She said smiling at me. "You both are going to be great parents..." She said and we blushed, but it was mostly Chris who couldn't stop beaming. Someone had called him a girl dad for the first time, and he was just absolutely glowing. 

"The doctor will be right with you..." The nurse said and after she had left i looked at him and it was like it finally had sunk in. "I am going to be a girl dad..." He whispered smiling. I smiled back at him and nodded. "You are going to be the most amazing dad ever..." I whispered and he smiled. 

The doctor walked in the room and smiled at us. He reads my chart and mumbles something. "Well i think you can go home... but i want you to have weekly checkups with your own doctor and i want you to take it easy and avoid stress and get plenty of rest..." He said smiling at me and Chris. We both nodded and i was glad that i could go home. After the doctor had left Chris called Colin to ask if he could come and pick us up. Colin and Scarlet had brought me some comfortable clothes yesterday and Chris helped me to get changed. 

About an hour later Colin walked in and smiled giving us both a hug. "Let's get you home... Scarlet is making a big breakfast..." Colin said smiling and my stomach growled at the word breakfast and they both laughed and i blushed. Chris took my hand, and we walked out of the hospital and i groaned as we saw the paparazzi. I was annoyed as now my hospital stay would be news to... But i bit my tongue as i didn't want to throw more oil on the fire. Chris helped me in the back of the car and sat down beside me and i leaned into him as Colin sat behind the wheel and drove off taking us home. 

I just hoped that his mother was not showing up today... I just wanted one day without drama or discomfort... I just wanted a lazy uncomplicated day... 

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