Chapter 57

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Chris pov...

We are back in Boston. Filming had finished and although i had fun... I was glad we were home again. Vera was super emotional saying goodbye to Janet and Lucy... It was harder on her than she thought. They promised to visit soon. 

My family had arranged a little welcome home party for us and even Colin and Scarlet were there. It was sort of a little wedding party and Vera and i couldn't stop smiling. I couldn't keep my eyes off of Vera. She was really showing now and God she was even more beautiful... Every chance i got i was rubbing her belly. 

Tomorrow we would finally find out what we were having. Vera kept telling me it was twin girls... I was a bit skeptical... Not knowing what to think about her dreams. They sounded nice and the smile on her face when she would tell me about them made me smile... But could a dream really tell us what we were having? I dont know... I didn't care either way... I would be happy with whatever... As long as they were healthy. 

I smiled walking into the kitchen where Vera was making dinner. "Can i ask you something..." She said smiling at me. I looked up and smiled back. "Anything you want... You know that gorgeous..." 

"Which room do you want to turn into the nursery..." She said looking at me and i smiled. "I thought the one with the bathroom..." I said and she smiled nodding. "Are you nervous for tomorrow?" She asked and i nodded. "A little... More excited than nervous... Can't wait to find out..." I said grinning and she chuckled. "I keep telling you... Girls..." She said smirking and i stood up and walked over to her and wrapped her in my arms kissing her. "We will see tomorrow..." I said smiling and she nodded. 

We ate dinner and went for a walk with Dodger before getting comfortable on the couch. Vera was lying with her head in my lap as i was rubbing over her belly. "Can we watch the ultrasound again..." Vera whispered and i smiled nodding. I put it on, and we just laid there watching our babies. "Sometimes it is still hard to believe we are going to be parents..." Vera whispered and i smiled. 

I took her hand kissing it where her wedding ring was. This had become a habit for both of us... I had asked her a few more times if she really didn't want the big ring with the rock on it but she was adamant that this was perfect... She told me that this was the ring picked with love... Even if it was because it was last minute... She said this was the ring we were supposed to have, and she wouldn't change them for the world... 

We had posted an announcement on my social media... and for a few days it was all over the entertainment news sites and tabloids... We had declined every request for interviews as we just wanted to keep to ourselves. The only reason we had made the announcement is because there had been photos taken after we had gotten married and were having dinner. The picture was probably taken by another restaurant guest. 

In order to keep the pregnancy to ourselves as long as possible we made the announcement to hopefully make the press back of a bit. 

We watch the ultrasound for the third time when Vera's phone rings and without looking she answers smiling at me. But her smile quickly vanishes... and her face turns white as a sheet... "How did you get this number..." She says in a small voice and i sit up looking at her worried. The person on the other side said something and i can see Vera is shutting down and tears start to run down her face. I look at her confused and she presses the speaker button, and a male voice fills the room... I dont recognize the voice... And i have no clue who it is... Not until the person says. 

"I am your father and i have to hear you got married through the news... I can't believe you are doing this to us... embarrassing us like that... getting married without your family there... Not even introducing us... So selfish Vera... You better make this up to us... and seeing as you dont live in my parents house anymore... You can make it up to us by giving us the house... It was never supposed to be yours anyway... " I take the phone of her having heard enough and seeing her totally broken down at the sound of his voice. The voice that is laced with venom... You can hear it through the phone...

I take the phone off of the speaker. "I am going to stop you right there..." I say and the man immediately stops talking and his tone changes. "Mr. Evans... So nice to finally talk to you..." He now says in a completely different tone, but this tone sends shivers through my spine... Although it sounded friendly... It was ominous... "I want to welcome you to our family, and we are looking forward to meeting you..." He said and it took everything in me to stay calm. 

"What family?"  I asked... and the man stayed quiet. "You abandon your daughter when she was just a little kid and now have the audacity to say that you are family...?" I say through gritted teeth. The line stayed quiet. "Mr. Evans...." He said but i cut him off. "No i dont want to hear it... Dont call again... Dont make any form of contact..." I say trying to control my anger. "Fine let her give us the house and we will never contact the little ungrateful brat again..." He growls. "Besides it is not like she needs it... Not now she is married and living with you as the little gold digger she is..."  I scoff. "Yeah, that is not happening... And dont ever speak like that about her again..." I say in a calm tone of voice. 

I hang up the phone having heard enough, and it immediately starts ringing again. I block the number and put the phone away before wrapping Vera in my arms. "It's okay gorgeous... It is going to be okay..." I whisper over and over again as she is sobbing in my arms. I sigh as my heart breaks for her... I just hated the effect this man has on her...

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