Chapter 53

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Chris pov...

I woke up exhausted but to my surprise my head felt okayish... But when i reached out for Vera she was not there. Instead, Dodger was staring at me. "Very creepy buddy..." I murmured. He sat up and i saw a note on Vera's pillow. 

Hey handsome,

Hope your head is fine. 

Didn't want to wake you but i am having a spa day with Lucy and Janet.

Have fun with the boys and say hi for me.

I love you,


I smile and look at Dodger. He nudges me and i smile. "Yeah, yeah, yeah I am getting up buddy..." I say rolling my eyes as he keeps nudging me. I get up, take a shower and get dressed. The conversation that Vera and i had last night kept running through my head. I smile as i think about her words. I know it is silly, but her words meant so much... The idea that she just wanted me and didn't care about the white dress or the big ring...

I went for a quick walk with Dodger but instead of going back to my own room i knocked on Seb and Mackie's door. "Good morning." I say smirking as Seb opens the door. He groans in response and lets me in. I chuckle as Mackie is sitting at the table with head in his hands. "Dont even start..." He says without even looking up and i laugh. 

"You guys already had breakfast?" I ask and they both shake their heads. I walk to the phone and order breakfast for 3 with extra coffee. 

"Where is Vera?" Seb asks. "Having a spa day with Janet and Lucy..." I say smiling. "And that is a good thing... Because i wanted to ask you 2 something..." They both look up at me confused. "I need your help because i want to marry Vera tomorrow..." I say smiling as they look at me in shock. 

"How long have we been asleep..." Mackie says looking at Seb who shrugs his shoulders in response. "What happened...? in the last 12 hours?" Mackie says looking at me skeptical. 

"Vera and i talked... We both want to be married... make it official... So, i wanted to surprise her tomorrow and get married..." I said smiling. "I wanted to know if you 2 wanted to be witnesses'..." I said looking at them both. The look at me smiling and nodded. 

"But you said you dont even have a ring yet..." Seb said and i sighed. "I know... I am going to get rings for us when i leave here and was wondering if you would like to come along..." I said as there was a knock on the door.

I walked to the door and let room service in. After the guy had left, we ate and talked a little more about what i had in mind. We made a plan and after breakfast Seb and Mackie went to get showered and dressed while i made some phone calls. I was getting excited. I made an appointment at city hall nothing fancy but like Vera had said. We wanted the marriage and the whole wedding was not important... For now. I knew i wouldn't get away with not having a wedding at all with my family. 

I needed to call ma and tell her. I was not really looking forward to that conversation knowing that she could not be there... she would not be happy... The only thing i could promise her is that in the future there would be a proper party and wedding. 

I sigh and call her. "Sweetheart this is a nice surprise..." She said chirping through the phone and i smiled. "He ma... How are you..." I said smiling "I am good sweetheart... Are you and Vera, okay?... The babies okay...?"

"Yeah, we are all great... but i need to tell you something..." I said pausing a little to gather the courage. I took a deep breath. "Ma... Vera and i are getting married tomorrow... and before you go and protest about not having a wedding..." I said but she cut me off. 

"Sweetheart let me stop you there... I love Vera... I love you two together... You dont need a big wedding... Would it be nice yes... But i understand... I had a feeling this would be coming. I am happy for you... Just answer this... Are you happy?" Ma said to my surprise and i was a bit shocked i had expected more resistance. "I have never been happier in my life..." I whisper and i could feel her smile through the phone.  "Then go for it... We will celebrate somewhere in the future... But..." She said pausing. "But what?" I whisper. "Do you think we could see it on a videocall or something..." She said and i smiled. "I think i can make that happen..." I said scolding myself for not thinking about that. 

Ma and i said goodbye and i told her i would keep her informed. Seb and Mackie were done getting ready but i had one more thing to arrange. I texted Janet if she could step out of ear shot from Vera so that i could call her.

When she told me she had stepped away i called her and told her what my plan was and if she was able to help with getting Vera a white sort of wedding dress without her getting suspicious. She told me this was no problem and i invited them to come along to City Hall. I knew that Vera would like that. 

Next on my call list where Colin and Scarlet. They both were over the moon and sorry they couldn't be there, but they knew Vera was going to love it. I promised them i would add them to the video call and after i hung up it was time to go to the jewelry store. 

I called downstairs to have my car pulled up and we made our way to the store. I looked around the store. I know that Vera said she didn't care about the ring but i wanted to see if there was an engagement ring that caught my eye... But nothing seemed right. In this short of time i couldn't make a decision... It had to be the right one and none of them here felt right. Seb and Mackie were pointing out different once, but nothing seemed right. 

I decided to go for just simple wedding bands for now. I had measured her ring size, but the jeweler assured me he could make adjustments if necessary. With the rings in my pocket, we made our way back to the hotel. Janet texted that they found a dress and that Vera had no idea what was going on. I smiled as we walked into the hotel. Everything was done... After tomorrow i could finally call Vera my wife... Now all we had to do was get through dinner without spoiling the surprise. Yes, we had talked about it, last night but we hadn't made plans yet... Or said when we were going to do this... I just hoped Vera was going to like it...

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