Chapter 73

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Vera pov...

We walk downstairs and Chris talks to the hostess and she leads us to our table. I smile and wave as i see the rest is already there. Scarlets stands up and we hug, and she holds me at arm length. "You are glowing... Pregnancy suits you..." She says smiling and i blush. Colin hugs me next. I hug Seb and Mackie and i tell them to stop with the compliments as i am now blushing profusely. Chris pulls out my chair and helps me sit down before greeting the rest. 

A waiter comes over handing us menus and we order drinks. "So... How are the newlyweds doing?" Scarlet asks smiling. "We are good..." Chris says smiling. I blush a little. It is not like we are not good but the whole ordeal with his mother is still a sore point. We had agreed to not discuss it too much tonight... "How are you all doing?" I say changing the subject and Chris takes my hand smiling at me giving me a little squeeze. 

We fall in a comfortable conversation and look over the menu. Our drinks arrive and we order dinner, and we toast to a nice dinner and seeing friends again. I chuckle as Mackie is telling a story about Seb filming for Marvel. I let out a sigh as i already have to pee. "I'll go with you." Scarlet says smiling and she takes my arm, and we walk to the restroom. "So how are you really doing?" Scarlet says looking at me worried after i had peed and now was washing my hands. 

I sigh. "We are good... The whole deal with his mother is just tough... I feel guilty for causing drama. She thinks that i am after his money or status or something... Sometimes i think she was only nice to me because i am pregnant..." I whisper. "Oh sweetheart..." Scarlet says letting out a sigh and hugging me again. I have to fight my tears. 

"Maybe it just takes a little time..." She says as she releases me from the hug. "I dont know... I am just scared... What if he is going to resent me for all this... What if she is going to convince him to divorce me and take my girls..." I whisper and i know have to really fight back the tears. "Oh, stop it... Sweetie i know Chris for a long time... and i am telling you that even with all this he has never looked happier... He always tells us how much he loves you... We can all see it..." She says and i look at her. 

She hugs me again. The girls kick and Scarlet takes a step back. "Wow... Double trouble..." She says smiling. I take her hand and lay it on my belly. "Tell me about it..." I say smirking and she smiles. We both giggle as they kick again. We walk back to the table and i laugh as Scarlet talks about her pregnancy.

"What are you two laughing about..." Seb asks. I grin and take his hand laying it on my belly and Chris grins. "Wow..." Seb says looking at me shocked. "Can i feel to?" Mackie asks and i chuckle. "Sure..." I say and now they both look at me with big eyes as they both feel the girl's kick. Chris beams with pride and we all chuckle at his face. "What?" He asks looking confused now. "Those girls are going to have you wrapped around their little fingers in no time..." Colin says smirking and i chuckle looking at Chris and he just shakes his head but with a blush on his face. 

I sit back down, and the first course is brought. A smell is filling my nose and it smells so good. It is coming from Seb his plate. "Seb..." I say giving him my sweetest smile. He looks at me a little hesitant and i can hear Chris chuckle. "Oh oh..." He whispers and softly nudge him. 

"Would you mind switching..." I say pouting at him while pointing at my plate, and everybody chuckles.  He gasps as if i asked him to kill someone and i blush even harder. "The audacity..." He says grinning at me. I blush... "Sorry it just smells so good..." I say blushing even more. Seb smirks and hands me his plate and i hand him his and i do my little happy dance and now everyone is doubling over laughing and Seb just shakes his head. "Pregnant women..." He mumbles and i smirk at him. "Thank you, Sebby..." I say as sweet as i can before i take another bite. 

"I am not giving you my main course..." Mackie says smirking and i chuckle. "Dont worry i can't eat what you ordered anyway..." I say shrugging my shoulders. "Dont worry gorgeous you can have mine if you want to..." Chris says kissing my cheek and rubbing my back. I grin at him as everybody makes gagging noises. 

We eat our first course and i smile as i listen to the stories about filming. The main course comes but i keep my own this time. "So have you guys picked out names already?" Colin asks and we both shake our heads. "We can't seem to agree..."  I say pouting and Chris chuckles. "We are not naming one of the girls Penelope..." He says smirking but rolling his eyes. "It is cute..." I say smirking back at him. 

"Penelope is cute..." Mackie says agreeing with me and Chris groans. "Dont start..." Chris says shaking his head. "You could always call her Scarlet..." Scarlet says smirking. "Scarlet..." I repeat thinking. Chris leans in and hovers his lips over my ear. "No..." He growls and i giggle. "Hey what is wrong with my name..." Scarlet says looking at Chris...  acting like she was offended but with a smirk on her face. 

"We are not naming our girls after any of you or anyone in particular..." Chris said and i smiled. "We have a few ideas, but we are not telling anybody... At least we can keep that to ourselves..." Chris says. They all nod. I take Chris his hand and give him a little squeeze and he looks at me and smiles. 

After the main course we ask for a dessert menu. I lay my head on Chris his shoulder as i am tired. "Are you okay gorgeous?" Chris whispers and i nod. "Just tired..." I whisper back. Chris chuckles. "That is because you keep tiring yourself out with your antics gorgeous..." He whispers and i lift my head looking at him. "I didn't hear you complain..." I say smiling back at him and he kisses me. "If i ever complain about that.... shoot me..." He says and i giggle. 

"You guys want to share with the group..." Mackie says and Chris and i look up and around the table both shaking our heads blushing. "Nope..." I say looking back at the menu even though i already know what i want. I feel like a toddler as i barely can keep my eyes open. 

"Okay..." I hear Chris say and i realize that i was almost asleep. Chris waves over the waiter and i look at him. He tells the waiter to put everything on our room tab under heavy protest from the others before standing up and helping me up. "I am sorry..." I say blushing. They tell me to not worry and that we will meet for brunch later in the week before we leave. 

We walk back up to the room and Chris helps me out of the dress. "You can go back down if you want..." I mumble. Chris chuckles as he tucks me in. "Are you sure?" He asks and i nod cupping his face with both hands pulling him in for a kiss. "I am sure... go have fun... It is still early..." I say smiling. Chris texts the rest that he is coming back down and after kissing me again he leaves and i turn around falling into a deep sleep.

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