Chapter 96

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Chris pov...

We have been back in Boston for a few months now. The few days in LA were amazing... After the party we never left the house... Just enjoyed our time together... I just couldn't keep my hands off of her. I did give her the tour of the house though.... But not in the way i had imagined it at first... Let's just say we had fun... in every room of the house...

 She looked amazing in her dress at the premier and really impressed a lot of people... But i was not surprised she was so amazing and i was so grateful to have her in my life. I was scared for all the reactions on our first official public appearance but to my surprise there were not so many negative once... People finally caught up to the fact i was happy... The comments said that we looked so happy. That Vera looked so sweet... And that we looked so in love... That the way we talked about our girls was so sweet and that they were happy that i finally got the life i wanted... The family life. 

I was filming in Boston on a new project and i loved it... I could be home every night with Vera and my girls. The girls were getting so big, and they grew up way to fast... They had their first birthday, and we had this big party.  The girls loved the attention... They were such bubbly and happy girls. They were started to get a handful as they were now walking and running around the house. They found out if it was just me or Vera alone, they could cause more havoc by splitting up and running in opposite directions. I had claimed victory over their first word Dada and Vera just laughed at my reaction as i celebrated it as if the patriots had won the super bowl. I would read to them every night i was home and it was really my favorite time of the day. Seeing my girls fall asleep was really magical. Their real personalities were coming through and i loved it.

They loved their grandma and after my mom had looked after them and everything went well Vera was much more relaxed letting the girls stay with her and things were going really great... Everything that had happened was now a distance memory. Ma and Vera got along very well and would even go out to lunch and spend time together which made me really happy. For a long time i was scared their relationship would be strained but to Vera's credit she really forgave my mother and embraced her again... We hadn't heard from her father again but we both knew he could pop up whenever and Vera told me numerous time she didn't think he was finished yet... But for now, we just pushed him to the back of our mind not wanting the thought of him to be a damper on our happiness

I walk through the front door and expect the girls to come squealing, but the house is quiet... The only sounds i hear are coming from the kitchen... I walk towards the kitchen wondering what is going on since not even Dodger has come to say hello... I smile as Vera hasn't noticed me yet and is cooking... She is looking absolutely gorgeous. Sometimes i still wonder what i did to deserve her... She is an amazing mom and the best wife a husband could ask for. We had talked about her going back to work like we had agreed on to do a year after the babies were born but we both agreed that we made that agreement when we thought it was just one baby... With two it was totally different, and Vera admitted she loved staying with the girls... and didn't really want a nanny... I was more than happy for her to be a stay-at-home mom but i also let her know that i wouldn't mind if she wanted to go back to work...  We made the deal to revisit the subject when the girls would go to school... 

"What is going on here...?" I ask smiling...  "Where are the girls... and Dodger...?" I ask confused. Vera wipes her hands and walks over to me and wraps her hands around my waist and looks up at me smiling. 

"The girls are with your mother.... and Dodger is with Shanna... So, mommy and daddy can have some alone time..." She whispered and she stands on her toes to kiss me... I smile lean in and kiss her passionately until we have to come up for air.... 

"Well, this is a nice surprise..." I whisper and kiss her again... "Well i am full of surprises tonight... I only have just begun..." She says giggling and i laugh. "You go and get your fine ass in the shower and ill finish up dinner so we can eat when you get back..." Vera says slapping my ass as i walk towards the bathroom and i laugh.

I smile as she has put clothes out for me to change into. I take a quick shower and get dressed and i walk back into the kitchen and smile at the fully decked out table. "Sit..." Vera says and she puts a beautiful plate of food in front of me with all my favorites... I look at her and smile "Not that i am complaining gorgeous... But what is the occasion..." I ask as i still do not have an idea what the occasion is.... "You will find out soon enough... Be patient my dear..." She says smirking and i laugh. 

We eat dinner talking about or day and it is nice...  But i can't help but wonder what the surprise is, and it is killing me. I am just too curious because I have literally no idea... It is not our anniversary... We celebrated that last week... It is not my birthday or hers... Although that is coming soon... Our birthdays are only a few days apart and we decided to just celebrate our birthdays together.... "Gorgeous you are killing me here... What is the surprise..." I said smiling. She shook her head. "Patience.... Handsome..." She said smirking.   We continued dinner and i pushed it out of my mind as best a i could. 

"Can you get desert out of the fridge... It is in the white box..." She said smirking at me and i looked at her confused but did as she asked. 

I got the box, and it was really light. I walked to the table and put it in front of her and sat down. She chuckled and put the box in front of me. "You first..." She said smiling. I looked at her with a raised eyebrow and opened the box and when i looked inside my breathing almost stopped. "Is this real...?" I said looking at Vera with tears in my eyes and she nodded.

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