Chapter 93

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Vera pov...

We are at Lisa's house with the girls. Tomorrow we would go to LA for the premier. The girls would stay here tonight, and we would go home and leave early in the morning. The house is filled with family and friends as Lisa is throwing a party. She has been cooking for two days and people are laughing and joking having a good time. I watch our girls being doted on by family and i smiled. They loved the attention from everyone. 

I looked around the room and my eyes met Chris's.  I smiled and as he smiled back i could feel a tingle spread through my body. I dont know what it was lately but God i wanted him... I needed him... I had even done a pregnancy test yesterday because i started to wonder if i was pregnant again and that maybe that was the reason for me being so horny all the time... But no i was not pregnant...  It made me a little sad... The thought of being pregnant again made me smile... When the test was negative... I felt... disappointed.  

Chris got distracted by someone talking to him and he looked away from me and i sighed. I watched everyone around me while i held polite conversations. I was getting more and more frustrated... I was horny... I needed a release... Chris had been teasing me all morning... I sighed and excused myself and walked to the bathroom. I tried to calm myself down, but the horny feeling did not go away. I pulled out my phone and smirked. I texted Chris...

Vera: "Are you a good boy today?" 

I typed and sent the message. I knew that this would get him going... The look in his eyes when i said that to him for the first time still etched in my brain. My phone pinged and i smiled at my phone. 

Chris: "For you always gorgeous..." 

I smirked at my phone... I pressed my legs together as i could feel my pussy throb. I knew it was wrong but God it was exciting. 

Vera: "Proof it..." 

I pressed sent and smirked again... I turned around and looked in the mirror. The idea of him fucking me on the bathroom counter made me hornier by the minute and i could feel my panties getting damp. My phone dinged again...

Chris: "Where are you gorgeous...?" 

I smiled reading the message... I felt giddy and the fact it was so wrong felt so... right. I wanted him to fuck me... i didn't care we were at his mother's house... Maybe it was the fact i kept thinking about wanting another baby... I wasn't getting younger and the idea of having another baby... it made me smile. 

Vera: "Come and find me... I'll make it worth your while..." 

I attached a picture and pressed sent again. I waited for either an answer or for Chris to show up. I sighed hoping he would come and find me... I was too frustrated to just go back inside and mingle... I needed Chris... I needed him to ease my frustration. 

There was a knock on the door. "Gorgeous...?" I heard and i smirked unlocking the door and pulling Chris in and locking the door again. He smirked as i pushed him against the wall and kissed him passionately. "Fuck me..." I moaned into the kiss, and he grinned walking me to the bathroom counter. "Your insatiable gorgeous..." Chris murmured and i giggled. "It is your fault for always fucking me so good... You made me addicted to you..." I moaned and he chuckled. 

He pulled up my dress and i gasped as he lifted me on the counter. I bit my lip as he unbuckled his belt and opened his pants letting it drop around his knees. I smirked as he kissed me again. "Better be quiet, gorgeous... Dont want the whole house to hear you..." Chris said chuckling and i bit my lip nodding my head. 

"Chris..." I moaned as he pushed my panties aside. "Yes gorgeous...?" He whispered pausing for a second. "I want another baby..." I whispered and he grinned thrusting into me. "As you wish gorgeous..." He grunted as he picked up the pace fucking me hard and fast. He kissed me to muffle my moans. 

His pace was relentless and i could feel the coil in the pit of my stomach starting to build. Chris kissed me again as i was having trouble staying quiet. "Going to fill you up gorgeous... Going to put a baby in you..." He whispered and i groaned. "Yes, Chris please..." I moaned softly. "Going to fuck you every chance i got until you are pregnant with my baby again gorgeous..." He grunted softly in return and i moaned. He kept thrusting into me hard... fast. "Going to cum Chris..." I moaned softly trying to not make too much noise... and he smirked. "Me to gorgeous..." He groaned softly his forehead resting against mine. 

His thrust gets sloppier, and we kiss as we both come to keep quiet. We catch our breaths and smile. He pulls out and smile as he kisses me again before pulling up his pants. He puts my panties back in their place and i giggle. He lifts me off the counter and wraps me in his arms kissing me again. 

"I like this spontaneous side of you..." Chris said smirking and i giggled. "Sorry couldn't help myself..." I said blushing and Chris kissed me again. "We should get back out there again to check up on the girls..." I said blushing and Chris nodded. He gave me a quick kiss and left before me. I straightened out my dress and looked in the mirror smiling. I walked back out. I smiled as Carly and Shanna were holding the girls cooing over them and the girls loved it. I was going to miss them but i had to admit that i also was looking forward to spending some time alone with Chris. 

I smiled at Chris as our eyes met and he grinned. I walked over to him, and he pulled me into his lap as he was talking with Scott. "Are you looking forward to the premier?" Scott asked and i nodded a little hesitant. "Just a little nervous..." I said smiling shyly. "Dont worry gorgeous... You are going to be great..." Chris said smiling. I smiled back. 

The rest of the time we talked with people. Chris wouldn't let me get off his lap making me chuckle.

At the end of the party, we put the girls in the crib we had bought for here at Lisa's. I smiled but a tear came through. "What is wrong gorgeous?" Chris whispered. "I am having a bit of a hard time leaving them for the first time..." I whisper. "Oh gorgeous... I understand... I feel the same... But they are in great hands... Ma is going to spoil them and take good care of them..." Chris said smiling and i nodded giving him a little smile. I know she was going to... But i was just anxious... 

"I know... I know... It's not that i am worried about... I know you mother will take good care of them... I am just going to miss them..." I said letting out a sigh. "But i am looking forward to spending some time just the two of us..." I said smiling and Chris grinned kissing me again. 

The girls were out like a light in no time and Chris and i went downstairs again. Only the immediate family was still here. We sat down and talked for a bit before we really had to go home as we had to wake up early. Scott was going to take Dodger home with him. So, we both gave him some extra cuddles. 

I hugged Carly "Shanna and I will check up on ma and the girls every now and then..." She whispered in my ear and i smiled thankfully at her. Carly being a mother to understood that i was a little anxious about leaving the girls for the first time. Lisa hugged me promising me she would take really good care of the girls and that she would keep her promises she had made regarding my father. After hugging Scott and Shanna goodbye Chris took my hand and we walked out to the car.

Chris opened the door for me and after we both had gotten into the car we drove home. 

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