Chapter 94

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Chris pov...

I held Vera's hand tight as we walked through the airport to get to the first-class lounge. Although there weren't many paparazzi here, we were photographed walking through the airport. i knew that LA would be a different story. Being photographed by one paparazzo here would set of a chain reaction in LA. I smiled looking at Vera as we arrived at the lounge and walked in. She was looking adorable. I had bought her a matching Nasa cap and she was wearing sunglasses. 

She laid her head on my shoulder and yawned and i chuckled. "It is to early..." She murmured and i chuckled again. Our flight was being called and we made our way to the plain and sat in our seats in first class. The plain takes off and Vera grabs my hand. She is a nervous flyer and i let her squeeze my hand. When the plain is up in the air she relaxes and looks outside.

We land in LA and as predicted it is crazy at the airport i can feel Vera tense up. "Just look down... ignore them and whatever you do dont let go of my hand..." I whisper in her ear before i kiss the side of her head. She nods and with the security my management had set up we walk through the airport bombarded by hordes of paparazzi. The most asked question is where the girls are... Like i would tell them. As soon as the girls are mentioned i can feel Vera squeeze my hand tighter. 

I know she was having a hard time leaving the girls behind and i must admit i found it harder than expected. But i just wanted to stay strong for Vera she needed my support right now... I have been away off and on working but other than her lunch with Scarlet she hadn't been away from the girls for more than a few hours... So, it was not a real big surprise that she was finding it hard.

We finally made it to the car and i helped Vera get in getting in beside her and the driver takes off to my LA house. "I still find it strange that us walking through the airport is news... I am so glad that back home is nothing like this... They are draining" Vera said letting out a sigh and laying her head on my shoulder. "I know i am sorry gorgeous..." I mumbled and took the cap of off her and planted a kiss on the top of her head. She looked up at me and smiled. "It is okay... I knew what i was getting myself into... And you are so worth it... I love you..." She said smiling and i smiled back giving her a sweet kiss. "I love you too gorgeous..." I whispered and she smiled. 

We arrived at the house and after we pulled into the gate. "This is nice..." Vera said smiling as i helped her step out of the car. I smiled and after we got our bags we walked inside. She smiled looking around. "You like it?" I ask and she nods. "Yeah, it is very nice... I like your house in Boston more... But the house you have here is very nice... A home away from home..." She says smiling. But i can't help but notice that she refers to both houses as mine... I sigh and walk over to her and pull her in my arms. "Ours..." I mumble before kissing her and she looks at me confused as we break apart.

"Ours?" She says and i nod. "The house in Boston and the house here are ours... not just mine..." I say and she blushes. "I'll have you added to the deeds..." I say smiling and she blushes even more... "Please you dont have to..." She whispers. "I have not added you to the house in New York..." She whispers and i shrug my shoulders. "You dont have to..." I say but she shakes he head. "If you're adding me to yours... i am going to add you to mine... That is only fair..."  She says softly.

"We will talk about it later..." I say smiling and i lift her up making her squeal. "Right now, i am going to show you... our... bedroom..." I say smirking and she giggles. I carry her to the bedroom, and she kisses me and smiles... "Can we go take a shower first... I want to get rid of the airplane germs..." She whispers

I walk straight into the bathroom, and she gasps making me chuckle. "Wauw..." She whispers and i smile. "You like it?" I ask. "Like it?  I love it... I could life here..." She whispers and i laugh. "Yeah, it is bigger than the bathroom back in Boston..." I say before I put her down and she immediately over to the massive bathtub...

I smile as she walks around it. "Very... Hollywood..." She says chuckling and i smile watching her every move as she walks over to the walk-in shower.  I smirk as she pulls her shirt over her head and throws it at me. I catch it and throw it aside... She takes off the rest of her clothes throwing it all at me before turning on the shower. 

I watch her as the warm water washes over her body totally mesmerized by her curves... God i love her body... Dont get me wrong i love all of her... But her body... God i never could get enough of it. Every curve... Every dimple... Every stretchmark... The way her body felt under my touch... how her ass jiggles as she walks or when i fuck her... The way her boobs bounce as she rides me... I groan as i get hard thinking about it. 

Vera giggles pulling me out of my thoughts. "Are you going to join me... Or are you going to keep staring..." She said in that sweet seductive tone as she played with her tits. I just looked at her and she smiled. "You made me a promise you know..." She said smiling and i grinned. I took of my clothes and stepped into the shower with her. "Well can't break that promise now can i..." I whispered and i pushed her up against the wall kissing her hard. 

My hands find her tits and i massage them before closing my lips around her left nipple sucking on them. Her hands run through my hair as she pulls me closer to her chest. I grin and lift her up and she wraps her legs around my waist as i pin her up against the wall... She smiles as she puts both hands on my face and pulls me in for another kiss. 

"Do you know what the upside is from being just us two..." I whisper as we break the kiss. "What..." She whispers back... "I can make you scream as loud as i want to... nobody to hear..." I said grinning and she gasped as i thrusted up into her hard... "O fuck yes...." Vera groans and i smirk. 

"That is, it gorgeous... let me hear you while i put a baby in you..." I growl. "Oh Chris..." She moans a i keep thrusting into her. I grin as she comes moaning my name loudly over and over again... When she comes down from her high i put her on her feet and spin her around. "Hands on the wall..." I growl at her, and she whimpers but does as i say. 

I thrust back into her and i groan as she pushes back on me our skin slapping together. "Fuck gorgeous... You feel so good around my cock... This pussy is made for me... Best decision i ever made... making you mine..." I growl and she whimpers. I grab her by her hips pulling her harder on me and my thrusts are getting sloppier as i am about to cum myself. I find her clit and start rubbing it wanting her to cum with me... I want her pussy to milk me dry. 

"Fuck gorgeous feels so good..." I growl again and as i thrust into her a few more times i cum filling her up. I hold her still as my dick is buried deep inside her... My hand still rubbing her clit and she cums screaming my name. I grin as i have to hold her up. Her legs threatening to give out. 

When i finally pull out i pull her up straight and turn her around. I wrap my arms around her and pull her closer. I smile and kiss her, and she looks at me with a lazy fucked out smile.

We both quickly shower and i help her dry off. I love this... I love taking care of her. She hums and wraps her arms around my waist and lays her head on my chest. I lift her up making her giggle as she dangles in my arms and i walk her to the bed. 

"Let's take a nap... Have to take advantage about being childfree for a few days..." I say grinning and she laughs. "Fucking and sleep... Already best little get away ever... Throw in some food here and there and it will be the absolute best..." Vera says smirking. I laugh and lean over kissing her. "Deal..." I say and she smiles. "I mean it Chris... You are the best husband anyone could ever ask for..." She whispers and i blush. 

I crawl in beside her and pull her into my arms. "I love you gorgeous..." I whisper in response, and she smiles. "Love you to..." Vera mumbles. 

I chuckle. "What?" Vera asks. "I haven't even given you a tour of the house..." I say smirking. "No need... I am pretty content here..." Vera says letting out a sigh and i laugh. 

"Are you nervous for tomorrow?" I ask her and she sighs. "A little... I am scared i am going to fall flat on my face..." Vera says and i chuckle. "I would never let that happen gorgeous... I won't leave your side..." I say and she sighs again. "Chris i know you can't be with me like all the time tomorrow... and that is okay... Besides i am there to support you..." Vera says and i smile. "How did i get so lucky..." I say smiling and we both doze off. 

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