Chapter 44

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Chris pov...

We walked to the wardrobe department and walked in. I hugged some people i worked with before introducing them to Vera. "This is Janet and Lucy we have worked together before... This is Vera my girlfriend." I said smiling but somehow it didn't feel right... The term girlfriend didn't feel... enough...

"It is nice to meet you..." Vera said blushing shaking their hands, but Janet pulled her into a hug immediately and Lucy did the same. I smiled as they told her it was nice to meet her to and told her she could sit down in one of the chairs as i went to try on some of the outfits. As i went to change i smiled as Janet and Lucy made conversation with Vera and they seemed to get along. 

I walked out in one of the outfits and Vera chuckled as it is not something i would wear in everyday life. "Okay looks good..."Janet said and i looked at Vera who nodded. "All you have to do is shave..." Lucy said and Vera looked at me with big eyes in shock. "Someone is not happy about that...." Janet said laughing as she looked at the look Vera had on her face and i chuckled. 

"You didn't tell me you needed to shave for this roll..." Vera said softly blushing. "Sorry gorgeous..." I said smirking and she sighed. Janet and Lucy now both laughed as Vera was pouting but the twinkle in her eyes told me she was joking. 

"See it like this for the duration of filming you get a whole new boyfriend..." Lucy said and Vera chuckled. And there it was again... Boyfriend... I didn't like it.  "You, okay?" Vera said pulling me out of my own thoughts. "Yeah, i am good..." I said smiling but the look on Vera's face told me she didn't believe me. 

After the fitting was done, we walked over to hair and make-up and i sat down in the chair to discuss different looks and the director stopped by to discuss what he wanted. I introduced Vera to everyone, and the director smiled hugging her. "This is the woman Chris talks about so much..." He said and Vera blushed. We talked thing through and said goodbye as our day was done. 

We went back to the hotel and as soon as i closed the door behind me i twirled Vera around and kissed her passionately. She run her fingers through my beard after we came up for air and looked at me with a smile. "Can't believe you have to shave..." She whispered and i chuckled. "Dont worry gorgeous it will grow back when i am done filming..." I said letting out a chuckle. I kissed her again and she let out a little moan.

I pulled her towards the bed and i sat down pulling her in my lap letting my hands roam up and down her back and to her ass just wanting to feel her all over. "Boobs still sore gorgeous...?" I asked and she nodded biting her lip. I slowly pulled her shirt over her head planting a soft kiss on each of them. "Well let's set them free then... So, they can be a bit more comfortable..." I whispered and she giggled as i unclasped her bra and pulled it off of her. 

I smiled as she cupped my face kissing me again before slowly pulling my shirt over my head. She pushed me down and stood at the edge of the bed unbuttoning my pants and pulling it off of me making me smirk as i watched her every move. She then pulled down my boxers.  As she ordered me to sit against the headboard she took of the rest of her clothes and crawled back on the bed. She crawled over me and i pulled her closer kissing her hard smiling into the kiss as i feel her hand wrap around my dick pumping it up and down slowly. 

She kissed me again before making a trail of kisses down until she was settled between my legs her ass up in the air her lips on my skin and i gasped as she took me all the way into her mouth without warning. "Fuck gorgeous... So eager to suck my dick..." I groaned as she started to bob her head up and down her hands and mouth working in perfect sink. She let my dick go with a pop and looked at me and smirked. "Can you blame me... You taste so good..." She hummed licking her lips and i groaned as she has never looked sexier. 

I took in a sharp breath bucking my hips up involuntary as she took me in deep again and i could feel my dick hit the back of her throat. I put my hand on the back of her head carefully guiding her and i could feel her smirk around my dick. I kept gently guiding her moaning as i could feel my dick twitch. "Going to cum gorgeous..." I said through gritted teeth and threw my head back as pleasure took over. 

I cum filling her mouth and i look down seeing her look up at me smirking as she pulls off of me and swallows it all... I scoot down so that i am now laying on my back and Vera lays down next to me cuddling into me. I smile and move us so i am now hovering over her and kiss her sweet... Soft but passionate... 

She smiles after we break the kiss, and she cups my face. "I know you want to repay the favor..." She whispers kissing me again. "But my boobs hurt and i am not feeling so great..." She whispers and guilt washes over me. "You should have said so gorgeous..." I whisper kissing her again. "You didn't have to..." But she cuts me off putting her finger over my lips. "I dont mind baby.... I dont mind at all..." She whispers smirking and pulls me in for another kiss. "Giving you pleasure is my pleasure..." She whispers and i kiss her again passionately before laying down next to her. 

"Is there anything i can do for you to make you feel better...." I whisper and she blushes. "What...? Tell me gorgeous..." I whisper kissing the top of her head. "Can we just cuddle... and maybe you rub my lower back... That always feels nice...." She whispers and i smile. "Anything you want gorgeous..." I murmur and she cuddles into me and with one hand wrapped around her i rub firm circles on her lower back making her hum. I don't take long, and she is asleep. After laying with her for a while i crawl out of bed making sure she doesn't wake up. 

I grab my stuff and walk to the bathroom. I sigh looking in the mirror and start getting rid of my beard... As i was shaving the term boyfriend kept running through my head and the fact i disliked it so much. She was my everything and the mother of our babies... Calling her my girlfriend didn't sound right...

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