Chapter 29

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Chris pov... 

I smile as i walk back into the bedroom with Dodger hot on my tail. He immediately jumps on the bed and lays his head on Vera's stomach who is already in a deep sleep... I smile as i sit down beside him. "You're going to have a brother of sister buddy..." I whisper stroking his head. He looks up at me and tilts his head as if he is to say "Really..." 

I just sit there watching Vera sleep. I can't keep the smile off of my face. She is here... She is going to stay... No more going back and forth... She is going to live here... She is pregnant with my baby... I was so prepared to root up my life and to go live with her in New York, but she wanted to life here...  How did i get so lucky... 

I could feel a tear run down my cheek, but it was not a sad tear... It was a happy tear... I couldn't believe how happy i was... A hundred things went to my mind... I already decided that she was not to lift a finger during the move... and that i would either hire a moving company... or was going to ask family and friends to help if she was not comfortable with hiring people for it... The only thing she had to do was decide what to bring here... 

But first we needed to get to a doctor because i was not taking chances... I know throwing up is normal in the pregnancy stage she is in but i was worried... Besides we needed to know how far along she was... We needed to have a doctor for her during the whole pregnancy... and i just hoped she would like the one i called as he could be most accommodating to our situation... 

I smiled still watching her sleep and i know it is creepy but i couldn't take my eyes of off her... She looked so beautiful and peaceful. She had been exhausted and i was just glad she was now here safe and sound. 

Tomorrow we were going to make a plan of action and i wanted that plan to include me going away for my next project... I wanted her to come with because i didn't want to miss a second of the pregnancy... I already signed the contracts last week there was no getting out of it and the thought of missing out of 2 months of the pregnancy made me anxious... What if something would happen. I just had to make a few phone calls to have thing arranged that she could be comfortable as i was filming... The idea of renting a big trailer she could call home during me working looked like a good idea... 

I sighed... I was making all these plans in my head but i knew i had to discuss it with Vera... She would not like it if i would make these decisions for her... She would rip me a new one...  I had to respect her choices she was going to do all the heavy lifting after all. All i could do is support her and be the best partner i could be... 

"Everything okay..." I heard a soft voice say pulling me out of my train of thought. I looked at Vera who had woken up and i just than realized i had been sitting here for way longer than i had planned. "I am okay gorgeous... Great even..." I whispered leaning in kissing her. 

"Have you been crying??" She said sitting up a bit looking at me worried. "Happy tears gorgeous... I promise... Happy tears." I whispered kissing her again before getting up and taking my clothes off and getting in bed with her. "Come here..." Vera whispered opening her arms for me and i laid my head on her chest and hummed as she softly scratched my scalp until we were both asleep. Laying with my head on her chest was so relaxing god i loved these moments... I loved the way she made me feel loved...

The next morning i woke up to an empty bed and the sound coming from the bathroom let me now Vera was throwing up again so i got out of bed and sat down beside her holding her hair rubbing her back. She looked miserable and i just wished there was something i could do...

I helped her up when she was done, and she brushed her teeth. She smiled at me as i looked at her worried and she cupped my face. "I am okay..." She whispered. I sighed... "I just hate seeing you like this...." I said blushing. "It will pass... I hope..." She said smiling and planted a soft kiss on my lips. 

"What time are we expected at the doctor..." She asked me as we broke the kiss and i smiled. "10" I murmured kissing her again and she moaned into the kiss. 

"Good... That gives us plenty of time..." She murmured back as she pulled me into the shower and turned on the water making me gasp as she had put me under the showerhead and now the cold water was running over me, and Vera was laughing. I grinned and pulled her into me making her gasp... "That is cold!!!" She said gasping and i chuckled... "No shit sherlock..." I said smirking. 

I kissed her hard and i groaned as her hands roamed my body. "I need you Chris..." She whispered and for a moment i was hesitant... "It won't hurt the baby, right?" I whispered softly as my face turned bright red... She pulled me in and kisses me again, smiling into the kiss. "No... Our baby is safely tucked away..." She whispered. 

I kissed her again before spinning her around telling her to put her hands on the wall. I pushed her legs further apart and slowly pushed myself into her. She moaned and pushed back on me making me curse as she felt so good around my dick. 

Slowly but surely i thrusted in her making her moan louder and louder she started to push into me taking me deeper and harder and i groaned as the feeling of her ass bouncing off of me taking me deep was amazing. I watched her pussy take all of me and i listened to her moans as they were music to my ears. I groaned as she started to squeeze around my cock... Our movements became more desperate and after a few more thrusts she came around my cock sending me over the edge as my cum filled her pussy.

We catch our breath finish our shower and get dressed. We have some breakfast, but Vera doesn't eat much just some toast and an egg. I just chuckle... She just wanted one boiled egg with her toast...

After we had cleaned up it was time to go... So, i helped her into the car and off we went...

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