Chapter 47

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Chris pov...

The next 2 weeks, go by pretty quick. Filming is going great, and Vera is completely settled in in the RV. Security on the set has been tightened as no one knew who the girl was. She was not someone from the crew and nobody knows what she wanted and i am so glad Vera didn't let Dodger go with her. The video doorbell was installed the next day and the RV was moved to another place so security could keep a better eye on the RV when i was filming. 

Everybody loves Vera but she keeps pretty much to herself as she doesn't want to bother anyone. Lucy and Janet visit her regularly when they have nothing to do, and they had become quite close. 

News of Vera's pregnancy has been out as she is starting to show a little bit and the other day, she had fallen down twisting her ankle and when the on-side doctor wanted to prescribe her a painkiller Vera had to tell them about the pregnancy because she was adamant on not taking the pills not knowing if it would be safe... I was not there but when someone told me what had happened... I dropped everything running over as i felt panic setting in. She had been walking Dodger who all of a sudden had seen something... and walked in front of her making her trip. He was glued to her the rest of the day as if he felt so guilty. 

I had dragged her to the hospital because i wanted to make sure the babies were okay and luckily... they were. That pretty much confirmed to the crew that Vera was pregnant, and people kept congratulating us.  Vera had to keep off her feet for some time until her ankle was healed a bit and she was annoyed.... I had gone out and bought her some more books. I offered to get her an e-reader, but she wouldn't hear of it... She wanted actual books... which i could understand... But now the RV had books everywhere it was almost a library... And i dont know what the girl at the register of the bookstore must have thought when i bought all those romance novels... Only to come back a few days later for some more... Not that i cared... As long as she was happy and entertained i didn't care... Vera was getting restless though... So, every now and then Janet and Lucy took her out to lunch outside the set. It made me happy to see her connect with people from my world so to speak...

It was lunch time when i walked through the door of the RV. It was quiet and when i checked Vera was sleeping with Dodger in her arms on the bed. A book lying open next to her and i smirked she had probably fallen asleep during reading. I took the book and marked the page before putting it away and gently waking her up. 

"Hey gorgeous... It is lunch time..." I whispered and she groaned. I was getting more worried about her being tired all the time. But according to the doctor it was perfectly normal and after her checkup he could find nothing physically wrong and assured me some women were just more tired and to keep in mind that there was not just one baby in there. I didn't care that she slept a lot but i just wanted to make sure everything okay...

I helped her to the catering area and after i asked her what she wanted to eat i got us both some food. The director came to sit with us and i smiled as he and Vera were talking about the twins. People were placing bets on what they were going to be... So far, most people thought it were going to be boys... Vera never said what she thought only that she didn't care as long as they were healthy... We had decided to do a gender reveal back in Boston after we could find out what we were having. We only had 4 weeks filming left and then we would go home and i had pushed other projects back so i could be home with her. The only thing i would still have to do was some things for ASP but i could do that from home. 

I was so looking forward to being home with Vera and just enjoy the pregnancy and that i could be there for her... pamper her and just watch our babies grow and eventually be born... I was determent to not miss a thing. I had waited so long to be a dad and now i had the luxury to not have to work if i didn't want to... Sometimes it would still hit me hard... I was going to be a dad... I was finally going to have the family i always dreamed off.

There was just one thing missing that had become clear to me over the last few weeks. The fact that she still was my girlfriend... I didn't like it... I wanted to marry her... We never really talked about it... Even when we moved in together, we hadn't discussed it. I wanted to bring it up the other day but chickened out. But then again i didn't have a ring yet... Maybe i should carefully ask Colin and Scarlet if she ever had talked about marriage if that would be something Vera would want... And if not... Was i going to be okay with the way things were going now...?

"You okay...?" Vera asked as i was deep in thought playing with the food on my plate. "I am fine gorgeous..." I said smiling at her. She sighed and i kissed her cheek. "I am good, gorgeous... I promise..." I whispered in her ear. She nodded and she laid her head on my shoulder. 

After lunch i helped her back to the RV and left to get back to work. When i was done filming i walked back to the RV and it was dark... I heard soft sobbing coming from the bedroom. I rushed over and sat down on the bed where Vera was tucked away in between the pillows and blankets softly crying. "Hey, hey, hey what is wrong gorgeous..." I asked wiping some hair out of her face. 

She didn't say anything as she just softly sobbed and i crawled in beside her just holding her letting her cry into me until she was ready to tell me what was wrong.

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