Chapter 3

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"Chris..." Vera whispers looking at me in shock. I am about to say something when Dodger jumps between us demanding attention. As she bends down and gives in i smile. All my anxious feelings have disappeared and i feel like i can finally breath again... She hast told me to fuck of yet and i hope she won't... God i wanted her so bad. 

"What are you doing here...?"  Vera whispers as she stands back up. "I... uhm... Can i come in? Please gorgeous... I dont want to talk in front of your neighbors..." I say giving her a small smile. 

She steps aside and i walk in Dodger running into the house and she smiles as he makes himself comfortable on the couch. As soon as she closes the door i lose all self-control and push her up against the wall kissing her. To my relief she kisses me back and i can feel my body and mind finally relax...

When we come up for air i lean my forehead against hers... "Why did you leave gorgeous..." I whisper. She doesn't answer so i kiss her again... I am going to kiss her as long as she lets me...

I run my hands over her body and i can feel her shiver. She is only wearing a dress and when i run my hand up her thigh and under the dress i groan as she is not wearing panties. I hover my lips over hers... "Please tell me gorgeous..." I say pleading with her. 

I run my hands over her hips grabbing her ass under her dress pulling her against me and God her ass feels even better than last night. "Please tell me gorgeous... Because i am losing my mind..." I whisper

"I didn't want to overstay my welcome and i wanted to safe you the trouble of kicking me out in the morning..." She whispers so soft it is almost inaudible... "Why? Why would i do that gorgeous..." I whisper back before kissing her again... "Chris..." She whispers her voice sounding small and fragile... "No.." I say cutting her off leaning my head against her chest. "Chris..." She whispers gently grabbing my face with both hands making me look at her. 

"I am not the type of girl you should end up with..." She says with a tear rolling down her cheek. "Dont say that gorgeous..." I whisper and i kiss her tear away before attaching my lips with hers again. This time desperate scared that it will be our last. 

"Chris look at me..." She whispers when we break the kiss. I shake my head not looking at her. Not wanting to as i am scared for what she is about to say. She cups my face and makes me look at her. She leans in and kisses me soft and sweet. 

I wrap my arms around her holding her tight pulling her closer not wanting to let her go... She lets out a little moan and i hold her even tighter her soft body pressed against mine. God, it feels so good holding her. She feels so comfortable... Soft... It feels right... I dont want to let her go...

"Listen to me gorgeous..." I say still holding her tight. But i force myself to look up and i cup her face looking her in the eyes wanting her to see that i am serious 

"From the moment i saw you... i was hooked... God you are so sexy and so gorgeous and that is just the outside... I want you... I want you so bad that when you were gone this morning my heart hurt... All i kept thinking is that I wanted to take you out... I want to take you on dates... I want to get to know you and yes i want you in my bed... Because God i can't get enough of you and your perfect body... So soft... So perfect. Because gorgeous... To me you are perfect in every way..." I hummed and i kissed her again this time the kiss was passionate, hungry and desperate.  

"Okay..." She whispered after we broke our kiss. "Okay...?" I said a smile appearing on my face and she just nodded in response. 

"So, what are you doing today...?" I said smiling. She giggled and took my hand pulling me through the house and into her bedroom. I smiled as i saw the TV was on and paused. "I was having a lazy day in bed..." She whispered blushing... "Do you want to join me?" She said smiling shyly at me. I smiled and pulled her into another kiss i was sure i never would get enough of kissing her.... "Sounds perfect." I hummed after we broke our kiss. 

"I have one rule for the bed though..." She said blushing. I looked at her waiting for her to continue. "No outdoor clothes in the bed..." She whispered. I smirked at her and took a step closer... "Really...? Or is that your way to get me naked..."  I said in a low seductive tone. 

She giggled and pecked my lips taking a step back pulling her dress over her head making me groan as she stood in front of me naked. God i loved every curve on her...  I had to take a deep breath to control my body as it was immediately reacting to her being naked. 

"Choice is yours... Otherwise there is a chair..." She said pointing at a chair in the corner of the room while she walked to the bed and got under the covers. 

I grinned and quickly undressed making her giggle again and God it was the best sound ever... After her moaning my name of course. I walked over to the bed and instead of getting in beside her i crawled over her kissing her hard before rolling over as i laid beside her pulling her into me. I smiled as she cuddled into me her hand and head on my chest. Her finger tracing my tattoo's and i hummed at the feeling. A feeling of relief... of content... 

She started the movie over even though i had said she didn't have to, but she was adamant. I smirked as halfway through the movie i could feel her hand that was laying on my chest move as she started to plant little kisses on my chest. Her hand went lower and lower teasing me as her finger was tracing patterns. I could feel her leg slip between mine and i could feel her pussy against my thigh. I moved my thigh rubbing her pussy and she let out a little moan. I gasped as she caught me by surprise by softly biting me sending tingles all through my body. 

I groaned and rolled us over so i was now hovering over her. I let my hand wonder down her body and when i reached her core i smirked running 2 fingers through her folds... "So wet... All for me..." I whispered before attaching my lips with hers...

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