Chapter 67

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Chris pov...

The doctors have done all their tests and again it is stress... The have managed to get her blood pressure under control and now i just have to wait for her to wake up. There is a knock on the door and when i look up i see Carly standing in the doorway. "Dont..." I say and she chuckles. "Dont what?" She asks. "Dont defend ma..." I whisper. "Wasn't planning on it..." Carly says letting out a sigh and i look at her surprised. 

"Oh no ma was way out of line... I think sometimes she forgets that you are all grown up and not her little boy anymore... Who now can take care of himself and make his own decisions..." She says letting out a sigh and hugging me. "Does everyone think this way about Vera..." I ask her and Carly smiles at me. "It hadn't crossed my mind once..." She says smiling. "Vera is not like that at all... I mean you told her she didn't have to contribute to the bills, yet she insisted... Nothing she ever did gave me the indication she was after something. I can see the love she has for you..." Carly says still smiling at me and i start to cry. 

"She was packing a suitcase..." I whisper as Carly holds me and lets me cry. "I dont want her to leave..." I say between sobs. "She was going to leave..." I whisper. "She probably was just going to cool off Chris..." Carly says "Why is ma so adamant on chasing her away... First the party and now this..." I say looking at Carly. "I dont know why she is acting like this Chris..." She whispers.

All of a sudden Vera moves and i stand up kissing her forehead. She opens her eyes and i give her a little smile. "Hello gorgeous..." I whisper and kiss her forehead. I can see the tears start to form in her eyes and i press my lips on hers. "Dont cry gorgeous... please i hate to see you cry..." I whisper. 

She looks around the room and when she sees Carly... Immediately all the bells and whistles are going off. "It is okay sweetheart..." Carly says standing up and kisses her cheek but it is of no use there is nothing but sheer panic in Vera's eyes. The doctors come running in and are checking her over. I look at Carly and shake my head and she nods. "Call me if you need anything... Both of you..." She says and i nod. Carly kisses my cheek and walks out. 

The doctors and nurses finally have calmed her down and i feel hopeless... How am i going to fix this. Once again, they want to keep her overnight. I sigh and sit down when the doctors leave. I take her hand, but she pulls it back. "I think you should go home..." She whispers and i look at her while tears form in my eyes. "I want to stay here..." I whisper. "Please Chris..." She says with tears in her eyes. "Why?" I ask trying to keep the situation as calm as possible. 

"I dont believe what my mother says..." I say taking her hand and this time she lets me. I kiss her hand over her ring and i let out a sigh of relief. "Your family thinks i am some sort of gold-digging baby trapper..." She whispers. "I dont think that..." I whisper giving her a little smile. "Chris i dont want to come between you and your family..." She mumbles. "You are my family to... You and the girls... and Carly doesn't think like this..." I say kissing her hand again. 

"But your mom does..." Vera whispers and starts to cry again. I sigh and crawl into the bed with her. "I dont care what my mom thinks gorgeous... I know it is not true... She is being ridiculous..." I say pulling Vera in my arms so she can get comfortable. I can feel her body relax as she wraps herself around me using me as her pillow. I can feel myself finally relax because she hasn't tried to send me away again. "I dont know how to deal with this Chris..." She whispers and i let out a sigh. "I dont know either... But we will figure it out... You and i together.... Okay?" I mumble. 

"I am so scared..." She mumbles and i can see her eyes getting heavy and she slowly falls asleep. "Dont be scared gorgeous... I got you..." I say planting a kiss on top of her head. She falls asleep but i can't. There is a soft knock on the door and Scott looks around the corner with a worried look on his face. 

"How is she doing..." He whispers and i shake my head. "I heard what ma said..." He whispers again. "I am so sorry Chris... I dont know what has gotten into her lately..." He says letting out a sigh. "Scott look i appreciate you coming by but..." I say and he gives me a small smile. "I know... Carly told me she gets stressed by the family being around because of what ma said... I just wanted to check in and let you both know i dont think like that..." He says smiling. "Thanks..." I whisper and Scott leaves again.

At least Carly and Scott dont think like ma I think to myself and let out a sigh. I look at Vera and see a tear rolling down her cheek and my heart breaks. Even in her sleep she is crying.  I wipe away her tear and she cuddles into me even more. 

A nurse comes to check up on Vera. "Is everything okay?" I ask her and she nods smiling. "Her blood pressure is good, and the babies' heartbeats are strong..." She says reassuring me and i nod in response. "Are you okay?" She asks me and i let out a sigh. "As long as Vera and the babies are okay... I am okay..." I whisper and she smiles. 

She leaves and i close my eyes to try and take a nap. 

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