Chapter 43

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Chris pov...

We had arrived at the set. Filming was going to start tomorrow but today we would have some fittings and stuff. I also wanted to show Vera her home away from home. I smiled when the RV came into our few and Vera gasped. "Chris that is way to big..." She whispered and i couldn't resist. "That is what she said..." I joked and she laughed shaking her head.  I took her hand and grabbed the keys i got at the entrance from security and when we reached the door i opened it.

As soon as i opened the door Dodger rushed in and i chuckled. I stepped in and took her hand helping her through the door and she looked around not saying a word. "You like it gorgeous...?" I asked but she said nothing just looked around. "Gorgeous...?" I said trying to get her to say something as she just looked around. "You like it?" I asked again as i started to feel anxious because she didn't say anything. "It is perfect..." She whispered and when she turned to me, she had tears in her eyes. I smiled and pulled her into a hug. "Only the best for you and our babies gorgeous..." I whispered as i held her in my arms rubbing her back and kissing the top of her head. We both looked at Dodger who already had chosen a spot on the couch making himself at home... He would be with her during the day and keep her company when i couldn't. 

I knew she was nervous about being here... She was scared that people would be annoyed of her being here or that she would be a distraction or in the way. But she had nothing to worry about. There was a knock on the door and i walked to the door and my assistant Harry stepped in. We hugged and i smiled introducing him to Vera. They shook hands and he smiled at Vera. "Anything you need just give me a call and i will get it or help you with it..." He said and Vera nodded but she told him she would be fine. 

"I have the NDA she has to sign..." Harry said and he handed me the papers. I gave them to Vera, and she sat down at the table and started to read through them.  Harry looked at me raising an eyebrow as to why she was reading through all of it. "She is a lawyer..." I said smirking and Harry chuckled. Vera looked up at us. "Sorry i am not signing anything i haven't read..."  She said blushing and both Harry and i chuckled. "I wouldn't expect you too gorgeous..." I said. 

After she read it all through, she asked Harry for a pen and signed it handing him back the papers and asking him to bring her back a copy for her administration which he promised to do.

 "Okay so like you know this is your guy's private trailer and the crew has been made aware of that.... But if Chris will be here between scenes... and they need him they will come and find them. But they are aware that this is your private hang out." Harry said smiling. I nodded. I looked at Vera who was smiling but the smile wasn't reaching her eyes and i wonder what was going on in that brain of hers. 

"Oh, before i forget... I also have some car keys from a rental car for you..." Harry said handing Vera some key. "It is for a black SUV parked in the parking lot when you need it i will show you." He said smiling. "I also have the fridge stocked with the list Chris had send us..." He said to Vera, and she gave him a small smile. 

Harry turned to me. "You are needed in wardrobe in hour..." He said before saying goodbye and leaving the RV. 

"Are you okay gorgeous?" I asked looking at her worried and she nodded. "It is all a bit overwhelming and the idea everyone has been told to leave me alone that this is private makes me come across as entitled and anti-social..." She whispers and she looked sad. "Oh, gorgeous it is not like that... but on a movie set boundaries are necessary because people are used to walking in were ever, they want and i wanted to make sure you felt save her and have your privacy without people walking in looking for me..." I said and she nodded. I took her hand and pulled her up kissing her and i walked her to the back of the RV to show her the bedroom and a simple but nice bathroom with walk in shower. "This all looks amazing..." She whispered and i smiled pulling her into my arms kissing her. "Glad you like it..." I said smiling. 

"It looks like a comfy bed..." She murmured with a smile on her face and a twinkle in her eye. I smirked and kissed her again and walked her backwards to the bed. "Let's find out shall we..." I whispered and softly laid her down crawling over her. She giggled as i started to kiss her neck my hand finding its way under her shirt finding her boobs, but she stopped me. "Something wrong gorgeous...?" I asked looking up at her and she blushed. "They are a little sore..." She whispered and i smiled before i kissed her again. "No touching the boobs... got it..." I said smiling into the kiss and she giggled. I was just to unbutton her pants when there was a knock on the door and i sighed burying my head in her neck. She giggled... "I have a feeling this is going to happen a lot..." She whispers and i groan. 

"Mr. Evans? You are needed at wardrobe..." A voice said and i pushed myself u after giving Vera another kiss. I pulled her up and took her with me so i could introduce her to everyone. 

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