Chapter 60

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Chris pov...

"We have to get off the floor gorgeous..." I whisper kissing the top of her head. She is still crying and so am I.  I smile as Dodger comes running up to us and as if he feels the mood, he stays calm and just cuddles up to us. After a few more minutes on the floor i pull myself together and stand up. I lift Vera up carefully and carry her to the couch sitting down with her and Dodger jumps up with us and lays his head in Vera's lap. 

I can't get Vera to stop crying... Hell i can't even stop me from crying. I haven't even told her about it all being out there... I dont know how to tell her and i also have to tell her why i was so tense around Ryan... How am i going to do all that without getting her all worked up and stressed again. I sigh and just hold her. "Sorry..." She mumbles "I... just... can't... stop... crying..." She says between sobs. I just pull her into me. "It's okay gorgeous..." I whisper.  

About an hour later the doorbell rings and i leave Vera with Dodger to open the door. "Hey..." I say letting Scarlet and Colin in. "How are you 2 doing?" Colin asks and i shake my head. 

I wipe away my own tears. "I can't seem to get her to stop crying... I dont know what my mother was thinking.  I can't believe she did everything we didn't want... We had told her small and intimate... Just immediate family and you 2... Maybe some close friends... but not 50 people..." I say letting out a sigh. 

"71..." Scarlet says. "What?" I say confused. "Your mother had invited 80 people and 71 showed up..." She says looking at me serious and i groan running my hand over my face feeling my anger rise again. "She invited 80 people...?" I ask again and Scarlet nods. "I heard her say to one of the guests she was pleased with the turn out... 80 people invited 71 turned up..." She says softly and i sigh.

"Chris..." We hear a small voice say and we look up seeing Vera stand in the doorway. "Something is wrong..." and i walk up to her. "What is wrong gorgeous..." I whisper and before she can even answer she passes out in my arms. 

Everything goes so fast from there... While i hold Vera in my arms lowering her slowly to the ground Colin calls an ambulance... Scarlet rushes over to me and Vera, helping me to make sure she is breathing and checking her over. I just look at her totally in shock... No idea what is happening. 

I can hear Colin talking to 911 telling them what is going on giving them information about the situation. I can hear him telling them she is pregnant with twins... "Chris... Chris...!" Colin says trying to get my attention. I look up at him in a daze. "Any medical issues due to the pregnancy?" Colin asks and i shake my head. "No..." He says to 911. "They are on the way..." Colin says trying to comfort me... but all i can think that i am going to lose her and the babies... Scarlet keeps checking if Vera is still breathing and to make sure she stays breathing. 

We can hear the ambulance in the distance and Scarlet gets up to open the door and takes Dodger who is nervously walking around us to another room. 

They take too long... I think to myself. "Come on gorgeous... open your eyes for me..." I whisper kissing the top of her head. "Please gorgeous..." I whisper... "I can't lose you..."  I murmur kissing her forehead again. 

The sound of the ambulance gets closer and all of a sudden stop. Scarlet who had gone out to meet the paramedics walks back in... paramedics in tow... The rush over to Vera and i begrudgingly let her go for them to help her. 

They ask me questions and i tell them she is 20 weeks pregnant with twins had a lot of stress today and yesterday and walked up here saying something was wrong clutching her belly before collapsing in my arms. The put her on some sort of monitor and do all sort of tests. I can't understand what they are saying... but i am in shock and it all doesn't really register... 

"We are going to take her to the hospital Mr. Evans..." One of the paramedics say and i nod. I watch them put her on the stretcher and i look at Scarlet and Colin. "We lock up the house and meet you in the hospital... Go..." Colin says and i nod thanking them. 

"Can you maybe grab some stuff for her if she has to stay overnight..." I ask Scarlet. "Yeah, I'll go grab her some stuff..." Scarlet says giving me a reassuring smile. I follow the paramedics as the had packed everything up and were quickly rolling her out to the ambulance. 

I watch as they put her in the ambulance and i walk in sitting beside her holding her hand playing with her wedding ring. The doors close and we take of... The paramedics relays to the hospital what is happening and that we will be there shortly. "Do you have any idea what it is?" I whisper and he sighs. "It can be a lot of things, but her blood pressure is a little low... But like i said it can be a lot, but it is not uncommon with being pregnant especially with twins..." He says smiling at me and i sigh. 

"She was under a lot of stress today..." I whisper and i just hope that the party was not the cause of this because i dont know what i will do if it is... My mother who i am so close with who always is the one who takes my privacy serious... The one who always respected my boundaries... My mother who normally would listen... and respect if i didn't want something... It was like she just took everything what we had said and threw it away and went totally the other way...

We arrive in the hospital and Vera still hasn't opened her eyes. The wheel her into the emergency room and i follow them not wanting to leave her side as the put her on all sort of monitors doing all sort of tests. I try to answer their questions as best as i can... 

I am getting anxious as nobody is telling me anything. I look up and see Scarlet and Colin in the waiting room and the nod at me and i let out a sigh of relief that at least i am not alone...

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