Chapter 63

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Chris pov...

I wrapped my arm around Vera pulling her close as we sat in the backseat of the car while Colin drove us home. Neither one of us said something all in our own thoughts. I was thinking if i should call ma... but i was still too angry... I would call Scott later when Vera was sleeping because i didn't want to stress her anymore about the situation than she already was... The doctor had been clear... No stress... 

We arrived home and i helped Vera out of the car and we walked inside where Dodger immediately came running up to Vera and she cooed over him giving him all sort of kissing telling him how much she missed him. Colin smirked at me and i shook my head... "I have been replaced... He loves her more now..." I said and Colin laughed. 

We walked to the kitchen and Vera hugged Scarlet thanking her and she smiled seeing the breakfast Scarlet had made. We sat down at the kitchen table and ate together. "So have you thought of names yet for your girls...?" Scarlet asked and we told her we had thought of some girl names but nothing definitive yet... For me it all had to sink in a little... Although Vera kept saying it was girls... I was not sure and so many names played through my head. 

We ate our breakfast and i was nice and relaxed neither one of us brought up yesterday. We just talked about the girls and i couldn't help but smile. I was so glad Vera, and the girls were okay and i was adamant on keeping the rest of the pregnancy stress free... Even if it meant keeping my mother away and out of the loop... I was not happy about it but the stunt she pulled yesterday was so out of line...

"I think i am going to take a nap... I didn't sleep very well last night..." Vera said after breakfast. I helped her into bed and walked back to the kitchen were Scarlet and Colin were cleaning up. "Is she really, okay?" Scarlet asked and i nodded and helped them clean up. "Yeah, she is okay she just has to avoid stress as much as possible..." I say letting out a sigh. "Are you okay?" Colin asked and i sighed again... "I dont know... I called Scott yesterday to tell the family what was going on and i told him to tell ma to not contact me, but she kept calling..." I said shaking my head. "So, when Vera was asleep i left the room and answered and went off on her..." I said feeling myself getting worked up again. 

"I just dont get it... She went with us to the ultrasound... We told her we didn't want to have a big gender reveal... just you two and immediate family... Maybe some close friend... She promised to keep it small and intimate... But she even had Ryan there... And well you know why i especially didn't want him there... " I said and both Scarlet and Colin nodded.

"Now it is all over social media and in the tabloids... Paparazzi is not going to leave us alone... They are going to chase us for the first to bring the news of her going into labor... or for the first baby pictures... The stress is not healthy for Vera and the girls... and all because ma just couldn't stick to what we wanted... I just dont get it... She is never like this..." I say sitting down just feeling defeated. 

After venting to Scarlet and Colin some more they had to go back home. They told me to call whenever and to take it easy. I promised them to keep them up to date. 

I sighed and walked into my office so Vera couldn't hear me seeing as it was on the other side of the house. I called Scott and he answered on the first ring.

"How are Vera and the girls doing...?" He asked immediately. "They are okay... We are back home..." I said as i didn't know yet how much information i wanted to share. "How are you doing?" Scott asked and i sighed. "Honestly?" I said and Scott sighed. "She didn't mean any harm Chris... She just went a bit overboard..." Scott said and i groaned. 

"A bit Scott? She went with us to the ultrasound... on our way back we told her nothing big... Just close family and maybe a few close friend... For fuck's sake even Ryan was there... 71 people Scott!! from the 80 she had originally invited... Not to mention that now our pregnancy is all over social media and all the tabloids.... We will not be able to go out because the paparazzi is going to be everywhere..." I said now almost yelling through the phone. "Chris... I know she was out of line... " Scott said trying to calm me down. I scoffed... "The line is not even in sight anymore... Did you tell her i didn't want her to call yesterday?" I asked. 

I could hear Scott hesitate... "Yes..." He said letting out a sigh. I lowered the phone wanting to scream... I took a big breath and put the phone at my ear again. "Look... Vera has to avoid stress as much as possible... Doctors' orders... The party and then seeing all the news articles gave her so much stress that she had cramps which send her into a panic attack and made her black out... I should have put my foot down yesterday and have taken her home, but she didn't want to be rude... Or offend ma or the rest of the family... Even when she was anxious, she wanted to keep the family happy... She wanted to keep ma happy..." I said and the feeling sunk in... For now, i needed to keep her at a distance... I didn't want to but i had to think about Vera and our girls...

"Maybe you should talk to ma..." Scott said. "No for now... I need to think about my girls..." I said. "Chris you can't shut ma out over a mistake... That is not how we deal with thing in this family..." Scott said sounding annoyed. I sigh. "I need to think about Vera and my girls Scott... I will call when i am ready... For now, we need rest and a stress-free environment... I thought i was going to lose them Scott... and i need to deal with that first..." I said and Scott let out a sigh. "Okay... Just call when you need something or if there is something i can do..." Scott said and i had to fight my tears as i hated this. 

We hung up and i sat down behind my desk. I dont know how long i sat there when Vera appeared in the door opening. "Chris..." She said softly and i looked up. She was wearing a shirt from me and nothing else and she looked absolutely beautiful. She walked over to me and sat down in my lap and i kissed her and rubbed her belly. "Are you okay?" She whispered and that was too much... I broke down and cried while she held me holding me tight...

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