Chapter 40

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The weekend went by fast Scarlet helped us with unpacking the last things. She was really helpful and sweet. Monday came and Colin came by to pick her up and before they left, we went out to dinner with them. 

I was looking forward to having the house to ourselves... Dont get me wrong... I loved that everyone was so helpful and supportive... I was so thankful and grateful for Chris his family and Scarlet and Colin they really have been there for me over the last couple of months. But i just wanted some alone time with Chris. It had been a busy week and i felt myself getting a bit overstimulated socially. Having all my emotions heightened by my hormones wasn't helping and i just needed to socially decompress. I was just looking forward to a day not having to do anything... Other than spending time with Chris and maybe just pander around the house a bit... But nothing having set plans...

We got home after dinner to an empty house. No guests no family just Chris and i ... And Dodger of course. Chris went to walk Dodger and i got changed into something comfortable and with a blanket i installed myself on the couch letting out a sigh enjoying the silence. The silence was comforting... 

I just sat there... No TV... No music just silence. I smiled a i heard the front door open and Dodger came running in and he jumped on the couch and snuggled into me. I closed my eyes and smiled as i felt Chris sitting down next to me. "Everything okay gorgeous... Do you..." But i cut him off putting my hand over his mouth. "Ssssht..." I softly said and i could feel him smile under my hand. 

I removed my hand and cuddled into Chris getting comfortable and i could feel him kiss the top of my head. "Do you hear that..." I whispered with a smile on my face. "I dont hear anything gorgeous..." Chris whispered back and i chuckled. "Exactly..." I said letting out a sigh and Chris chuckled. 

I sat there holding on to him his sent invading me... His heat radiating towards me and i could feel the familiar tingle run through my body. I looked up at him and our eyes met. I smiled attaching my lips with his feeling my body relax. One of his hands goes through my hair and he moves my head as he breaks the kiss and attaches his lips with the skin in my neck. I let out soft sigh and i could feel him smirk in my neck.  

I can feel his hand roam my body and i let out a little gasp when his strong hand massages one of my boobs. His other hand still in my hair holding me still as he marks me. I giggle as he softly pushes Dodger of the couch telling him to go lay down in his spot. "Poor Dodger once again banished..." I moan and he chuckles... "I am not sharing you with him tonight gorgeous..." He hums in my ear and i moan as his hand this time slides under my shirt and finds its way to my boobs again. 

"I love that this is your home now and i have you here every day to play with." He hums... "Are you calling me your toy Mr. Evans?" I moan and he smirks as for a second lets me go to pull my shirt over my head. He throws my shirt aside and smirks at me he cups my face pulling me forward his lips hovering over mine. "Oh, not just any toy Gorgeous... But my absolute favorite one..." He hums smirking before kissing me again and slowly pushing me back so i am now laying down on the couch. 

I whimper as his buries his head between my boobs one hand massaging them his lips playing with my nipples and his other hand makes it way down and i moan as he cups my core rubbing me up and down over my panties. 

I run my hands down his back and pull on his shirt and we break contact for a second for me to pull his shirt over his head. He wants to dive back in put i push him back and sit up. I bite my lip as i just want to let my hands roam his chest and enjoy the feeling of his muscles moving under my fingertips. I trace the tattoos on his chest totally lost in my own little world and when i look up at him again and our eyes meet, they are dark and filled with lust. 

"Having fun gorgeous..." He whispered putting a strain of hair behind my ear and i nod biting my lip. He kisses me again and he pushes me back down. I giggle and he growls in response. "That is the prettiest sound ever gorgeous..." He hummed and moaned 

I started to push down his pants. I didn't want anything between us anymore. Chris helped me and withing a few seconds he was naked before his hands were all over my body again. I never could get enough of his hands on my body... His soft but firm touch... His kisses all over my body making me feel desired... I gasped as could hear the tearing of fabric and moaned as Chris ripped my panties apart and i could feel him enter me. 

I moaned as i can feel it all every ridge every vein stretching me. His groans in my ear sending shivers down my spine and making my core throb. His body pressed against mine... Our bodies melting together as he kept kissing me only breaking the kisses every now and then to come up for air. I clawed at his back as the pleasure started to grow inside of me. He kept slowly thrusting into me hitting my sweet spot over and over. His grunts getting louder as he kept saying how good i felt and how much he loved being inside of me. I could only moan in response as my body was taking over and i was on the verge of coming. 

I cannot remember sex ever feeling this good... A man taking its time with me thinking of my needs wanting me to cum and taking pride in that... I dont think he will ever be satisfied until i am satisfied... 

"Chris...." I moan as i cum and he follows soon after finding his release deep inside of me... We lay there Chris on top of me as a comforting blanket planting kisses in my neck and on my cheek before he attaches his lips with mine and i smile into the kiss. 

I whine at the loss of contact as he gets off of me and he pulls me up. He stands up and i let my eyes wonder over his perfect naked body and i squeal as he pulls me out my stare by lifting me up and carrying me to the bathroom. 

He turns on the shower and grabs a bottle of soap and starts washing me making me hum as he soaps my whole body. I return the favor not wanting to miss the chance to have my hands all over him. After finishing our shower, he carry's me to bed and wraps me into his arms and that is how we fall asleep.  

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