Chapter 27

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Chris pov...

"I am pregnant..." She whispers looking at me with tears in her eyes. I am stunned for a moment as the word pregnant echos in my head...  When she told me we needed to talk i was so sure she was going to say she couldn't do it anymore and wanted to break up... But she is pregnant... 

"Pregnant..." I murmur out loud... I look at her as she looks at me her eyes filled with tears and fear... "I am sorry..." She sobs into my chest and i rub her back... She is scared but why? I dont understand... This is amazing i am going to be a dad we are going to be a family... Why does she look at me scared...

"Pregnant..." I say again as a smile appears on my face and i cup her face kissing her hard and i can feel her relax... All of a sudden, she pulls back stands up and runs off to the nearest bathroom. I follow her and sit down beside her holding her hair and rubbing her back waiting for her to get it all out. 

She sits down on the floor when she is done and i sit down beside her pulling her into me still rubbing her back. "We are going to have a baby..." I whisper with the biggest smile on my face, but Vera starts to cry again. "Gorgeous... what is wrong..." I ask holding her tight and my heart sinks... What if she doesn't want this... What if she didn't want our baby...

" I am sorry ... I was so scared to tell you..." She admits between sobs and my heart breaks at the thought of her finding out on her own and being scared.  "Why gorgeous...?" I ask her and she starts sobbing again. "I dont know i... i just got panicked..." She whispered. 

"Gorgeous were you scared i wouldn't be happy about this...?" I ask her and she nods her head burying her head in my chest. "Gorgeous... I love you... and having a baby with you makes me so happy..." I say smiling at her. 

 "I was actually going to talk to you this weekend... About everything..." I whisper and she looks at me scared. "Oh no not like that... Nothing like that... But you have to admit that we both are struggling being apart during the week..." I whisper and she looks up at me and with a little smile... She nods and leans back into letting out a sigh. 

"So, i had been thinking... and i could move to New York... and we could life..." I say and i want to go on, but she shakes her head cutting me off by putting her hand over my mouth.  "No..." She says shaking her head and i look at her confused. "No??" I ask her scared of what is to come. 

"No... I dont want to life in New York... I would like to live here in Boston..." She whispers and i look at her with the biggest smile. "You do?? But what about your work...?" I ask her. 

"She sighs. "I can look for a job here... I have been thinking about quitting and looking for something new for a while now... And coming home in my house... Well, it doesn't really feel like a home anymore... The house always feels cold plus here we are close to your family... I dont have a family so why would we go live in New York while your family is here?" She whispers blushing. "If you are okay with it of course..."  

I smile at her and kiss the top of her head. "That sounds amazing to me..." I say smiling. "But you dont have to go look for a job if you want..." I whisper. She looks up at me raising her eyebrow. 

"I will never forbid you to work... But with the baby... and moving you here... I dont want you to be stressed... And again, if you really want to work i will support you in that..." I say softly. She sighs with a little smile on her face. 

"Counteroffer..." She whispers and i chuckle. "I am listening..." I say smiling. 

"I will stay home until the baby is about one year old... and we revisit it then... and see how we go from there... But you are right about one thing you can't forbid me to work... I want to be absolutely clear on that..." She says letting out a sigh and i smile kissing the top of her head again. "I would never..." I whisper holding her closer... 

"There is one other thing that is non-negotiable..." She whispers. "And what is that..." I ask her. 

"I want to share costs... utilities and stuff..." She says looking at me dead serious. "Gorgeous... you won't be working so how..." I start to say but she cut me off. "I have money from my inheritance, I had a steady income and have saved... I just want to pay for my fair share..." She whispers. 

We discuss it some more until we are finally come to an agreement. I can feel Vera is getting uncomfortable on the bathroom floor so i stand up and pull her up. She brushes her teeth and i look at her and she looks so tired. So, i lift her up making her smile and carry her to the bedroom. I lay her down on the bed and i smile crawling next to her holding her close. 

We just lay there talking about our baby... She tells me that she still has to go to a doctor but that she took 4 tests, and they were all positive...  She just wanted to wait to go to the doctor and tell me first. She wanted to share the experience with me... The first ultrasound... Plus she only found out she was pregnant Wednesday... She says she has no idea how it was possible as she has been religiously taking the pill... But nothing is 100% safe of course... and i understand that.

I tell her it takes two to make a baby and i would never blame her and i once again assure her that i am not mad and that i am in fact over the moon... I tell her that i love her so much... I can't help but rub her belly even though she is not showing...  We decide to call a doctor on Monday to have her checked out and that tomorrow she will call her boss and give him her notice... I just hope that they won't force her to fulfill her 2 weeks... 

She finally relaxes and falls asleep and i kiss her cheek before getting comfortable myself and we both sleep until late... Both exhausted due to being apart during the week but both of us now relieved that we are moving our relationship forward... I can't wait to have her here every day...

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