Chapter 52

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Vera pov...

"Chris... Do you really want to marry me..." I whisper as i lay in his arms after he came home and fucked me into heaven. All i get as an answer is a soft snore. I smile as i wipe a lock of hair out of his face. I am glad he had fun... 

But as he was out i had some time to think. He was the one who brought up marriage... I had to be honest at first i really thought he only wanted this because i was pregnant. But as he kept bringing it up i saw something in his eyes. Something that told me that it was for real. 

Over the last days the idea grew on me. The idea of being a family of getting to call Chris my husband made me smile. The last couple of hours as i was trying to sleep as Chris was out with Seb and Mackie it kept playing over and over in my head. Mr. Evans and Mrs. Evans... The Evans family... The dream came back in my mind... the dream from before it turned into a nightmare.  The happy family... Smiling having fun... 

I look at the sleeping man beside me. Even in his sleep he is still the most handsome man ever. I sometimes can't believe how much in love i am with him. It is scary but so worth it. Every day when i wake up next to him i can't help but smile. Every kiss from him gives me butterflies. Every touch sets my body on fire. Every sweet word makes my heart skip a beat. And every time he tells me he loves me... well it feels like the world stops for just a second. 

I had laid in bed waiting for him to come back to the hotel dreaming of white dresses and i do's. Chris waiting for me at the end of the aisle as i walked towards him. A first dance... Being twirled around. Being held in Chris his arms. I dont have to wonder how Chris would look in a tux... God he would look good. The idea of tearing him out of it at the end of the night has me all hot and bothered again.

But as dreamy as that sounded... There was only one thing i really wanted... Chris... I didn't need the fancy dress... or the ring... i couldn't care less about all of that... Yes, it was nice... but not what i needed... I wanted the marriage... not necessarily the wedding... I would marry him without any hesitation... I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. 

I sigh as cuddle into him more but i can't sleep. He had woken me up and now i was awake... Wide awake. I sigh and trace the tattoos on his chest. He is out like a light not even noticing that i am doing it. The alcohol has him fast asleep. 

I sigh again. I am bored yet comfortable. "Chris..." I whisper... No answer... He is really asleep. I trace his face with my finger and i smile as he swats my hand away in his sleep. I push myself up a little bit and plant a sweet kiss on his lips and he moves a little.  

I know i should let him sleep but i feel needy... "Chrissss" I whisper in his ear, and he groans. He rolls on his side pulling me close holding me tight still half asleep. I run my hand up and down on his back lightly scratching him with my nails. He groans and i chuckle planting kisses in his neck marking him. He groans again. "Gorgeous... I am trying to sleep..." He mumbles and i let out a sigh. 

"Chris...?" I whisper. "Hmmm" Is all i get out of him. "I can't sleep..." I whisper. He chuckles but his eyes are still closed. I smirk knowing he is awake but just hoping i go back to sleep. But i am not... I had worked myself up and i wanted a round 2 or talk about wanting to get married... 

I kissed him again and he groaned granting me access and i deepened the kiss. "You really are going to be the death of me..." He whispered but with a smile on his face. "There are worse ways to go..." I whispered back and he smiled. "That there is..." He whispered and i grinned as i felt something poke me. "Chris...?" I whisper with desperation in my voice. "Yes gorgeous...?"

I hesitate for a moment doubting which question to ask. Do i ask him to fuck me... or if he was serious about marrying me... I know he was serious i just needed him to tell me one more time.

"Were you serious about marrying me..." I whisper holding my breath waiting for his answer. He finally opens his eyes and looks at me with a smile on his face. "Dead serious..." He whispers giving me the sweetest smile i have ever seen. I smile back at him and i can feel a tear running down my cheek. He kisses me again and wipes away my tear.  "What is on you mind gorgeous..." He whispers and i smile at him. "I just been thinking a lot..." I say blushing. 

"I want to get married..." I whisper.  "I dont need the ring... or the fancy proposal... I just need you and our babies... I want to spend the rest of my life with you... I want to wake up next to you every day and raise our twins... I want our twins to have the family i never had... a life filled with love and laughter and i know it won't always be easy but with you by my side i know we can handle everything. I want to have the family i never thought i would have and i want it with you... I want you and only you... for the rest of my life... I love you Chris... So much..." I say looking him in the eye and i dont see fear i only see love in his eyes. Love and happiness...

He kisses me but doesn't say a word and it scares me... What if he thinks i am crazy... "Then let's get married..." He whispers kissing me again with the biggest smile on his face. "Because everything you just said gorgeous... Sounds like music to my ears... I love you so much gorgeous and if it were up to me i would marry you tomorrow... but dont you want a wedding? The beautiful dress..." He said but i cut him off. "All i want is you..." I whisper. 

Chris smiles... "All i want is you to..." Chris whispers before kissing me passionately. 

"I need one other thing of you..." I moaned into the kiss. "What gorgeous?" He asked. I smiled... "Please fuck me..." I moaned and he grinned and kissed me again before he lifted my leg and slammed into me making me gasp. He fucked me hard and deep making me moan and in no time i came moaning his name... 

He kept going fucking me through my orgasm and we came together... Telling each other how much we loved each other... And when we were done i finally fell asleep with a smile on my face...

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