Chapter 85

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Chris pov...

All of a sudden, we hear crying and i look at Vera with a smile. "Baby girl 1 is here..." We hear a doctor say and i kiss Vera's forehead. They quickly show us our first girl before taking her to clean her up. I kiss Vera again with a smile and she smiles back at me. I try to listen to the doctors but i dont understand a word they are saying but it doesn't sound good... I think. 

Sometime later the doctor announces baby girl 2 but there is no sound... Another doctor steps forward and takes our girl but i can't see what they are doing. "Everything okay?" I ask but we dont get an answer. Vera squeezes my hand and looks at me scared. Our girl still doesn't cry and both Vera and i are getting anxious especially because no one is talking to us. 

But all of a sudden, we hear crying and we both let out a sigh of relief. They show us our girl before also taking her away to get cleaned up. I smile at Vera and kiss her. "You did it gorgeous..." I say smiling and she cries. "Our girls are here..." She whispers and i nod kissing her again. 

After they had finished up with Vera we get brought back to our room and a few minutes later a nurse comes back in with our girls. "Is everything okay?" I ask her and smile as she puts the girls in Vera's arms. I can't keep my eyes off of them... Our girls... "Everything is fine Mr. Evans the doctor will stop by later to explain everything."

I nod and she gives us a moment. Vera looks up at me with the biggest smile on her face. "Aren't they perfect..." She whispers and i nod and sit down beside her on the bed. "You want to hold one..." Vera asks and i nod taking one of the girls off of her. 

The next few hours go by in a blur... The girls are being fed for the first time and we just watch them. I smile as Vera doesn't want to let them go... I just look at my girls in amazement i am totally caught up in their spell. We had talked with our family, and we had told them that we didn't want them in the hospital. One to not attract more attention than necessary and two to have some bonding time just the 4 of us.  

I did call everyone to tell them the girls were here but not much more. The doctor had stopped by and explained that the second girl's oxygen levels dropped and that that was the reason for the emergency c section. But they are good... healthy and perfect... They are beautiful. We have to stay in the hospital for a few days because of the c-section but we can't wait to get home with our girls. 

3 days later we are going home. Vera has to take it easy as she is still recovering but the girls are doing great, and they are beautiful just like their mother. I still can't get over the fact i am a dad... I just love them so much. 

We arrive home and i help Vera out of the car before i get out girls and take them inside. "Go to bed gorgeous... You need your rest and still take it easy... I will bring the crib in our room so the girls can sleep with us..." I say smiling and Vera chuckles. "2 minutes... It only took 2 minutes for you to ignore your own rule of the girls sleep in their own room..." She said smirking and i smiled and shrugged my shoulders. "It's okay honey..." Vera whispers and kisses me with a smile on her face before she makes her way to the bedroom. I lay the girls in her arms before i make my way to the nursery and roll the crib into our bedroom. 

Vera feeds one girl while i hold the other and we switch the girls so she can feed the other. "Maybe we should invite your mother tomorrow to introduce to the girls..." Vera says with a small smile on her face. "Are you sure?" I ask and she nods. "I'll text her..." I say smiling. 

I text ma and invite her for the next day. I smile as ma is all excited. When Vera is done with feeding the girls i put them in their crib and crawl into bed next to Vera and soon, we are both asleep. 

The next day i help Vera shower while the girls are sleeping and after she is done showering i help her get dressed. The girls start crying and Vera settles on the couch in the living room and i bring the girls over to her one by one so Vera can feed them. 

Ma texts that she is outside and i walk to the front door letting her in. She smiles and hugs me and i can see she is all excited. We walk into the living room and i can see that ma has tears in her eyes watching our girls. She carefully sits down next to Vera, and she smiles at our girls. 

"They are beautiful..." She whispers and i smile. "Just like their mother..." I say smiling and Vera blushes. "How are you feeling?" Ma asks Vera and she sighs. "Still sore but it is getting better..." She says smiling. "They got your eyes..." Ma says looking at me and i grin proudly. "God they are so precious..." Ma whispers and Vera and i smile. 

"Do you want to hold them?" Vera asks ma and ma nods. Vera hands one of the girls over and nods at me. "Ma i want you to meet Nova Lisa Evans..." I said and ma looked at me shocked. "You named her after me?" She says with tears in her eyes and we both nod. After holding Nova for a while, she hands her over to me and then Vera hands over the other girl. "And this is Ava Penelope Evans after my grandmother..." Vera says smiling and Lisa looks at her with tears in her eyes. "That is beautiful sweetheart... Your grandmother would be so proud... Your grandfather to..." Ma said and that was enough to make Vera cry. 

Ma stays for about an hour before going back home and Vera and i sit on the couch watching our girls because we can't get enough of them. 

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