Chapter 80

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Vera pov...

Chris is coming over with Lisa and i sigh waddling to the bedroom to get dressed in something appropriate. I am nervous and not sure about all of this but i know Chris is missing his mother even though he will not say it out right. I know he is a mama's boy he loves his mother and this whole situation has been harder on him than he likes to admit. 

I sigh and check myself in the mirror. I had tried to sleep but the girls have kept me up and i had given up on sleep and instead of sleeping i did some cleaning and i was glad i did now... 

I walked to the kitchen to get a bottle a water smiling as Dodger followed me around. I gave him a treat and got myself a bottle of water.  I looked in the fridge for what to make for dinner tonight. My mind wandered to my father wondering what to do. I walked to the little shrine i had made for my grandparents and lit the candle. I sigh and ask them what to do... He really crossed a line and i feared if i didn't put a stop to it now... He would keep doing stuff like this. 

I sigh and walk back to the kitchen. I start on some preparations for dinner. I dice the chicken and marinade it before putting it back in the fridge. I heard the front door open and close... and i felt the nerves source trough my body. I took a few deep breaths to calm myself and smiled when Chris walked in with Lisa who looked just as nervous as me. 

She looked lost and in that moment i just decided to let the past be in the past... I know how my dad could be... So, i walked over to her and just hugged her. She started to cry in my arms and i did my best to console her. When i look up i see Chris is crying to and i take his hand and pull him in and now, we are hugging the 3 of us. 

I pull out of the hug and wipe away Lisa her tears and smile. "I want to apologize..." She whispers but i shake my head. "It is in the past just please promise me if something like this comes up again you come and talk to me..." I say and she nods. "I promise..."  She whispers and i smile and nod. I look up at Chris and smile and he smiles back. 

He holds up the bag with Subway and i chuckle. "Gimme, gimme, gimme..." I say and Chris and Lisa laugh. "How are you feeling sweetheart..." Lisa carefully asks and i chuckle. "I am good... The girls are good..." I say smiling as i take a bite of my sandwich... 

"You want to see the last ultrasound pictures?" I ask her and her face lights up. "Yes please..." She says and i walk to our baby box and pull out the last pictures handing them to Lisa. "They have started kicking now..." I say and take her hand putting them on my belly and i see her tear up.  

The rest of the afternoon is spend catching up and yet it felt like nothing had ever happened. I didn't want to think about it anymore. She made a mistake and now we had to move forward. 

Lisa went to the bathroom and Chris pulled me into his arms. "Thank you..." He whispered and kissed me. "For what...?" I asked and he smiled. "For being you... For letting go and moving on even when you have every right to be angry..." He whispers and i smile and kiss him again. 

"That will give my father what he wants... Besides i dont want that... I want her in our lives... I know you missed her a lot and i want our girls to know their grandma..." I say smiling. "Besides i dont want to be angry or sad anymore... It is not good for the girls... and you told me you would set boundaries so i trust you on that..." I whisper and Chris nods smiling. 

Lisa walks back in. "I am going to make dinner why dont you show your mom the nursery..." I say smiling and Chris nods and they both walk off. As soon as they are out of sight i let out a deep breath. Everything i said to Lisa and Chris i meant with all my heart but it was not easy... I just wanted to be happy and have everything back to normal. But trusting her would take time... But only time would tell, i guess.

I started on dinner and i smiled as i heard Chris and Lisa laughing in the nursery. That made it a little easier... Knowing Chris had contact with his mother again and was happy made it worth it. I just hoped my dad would stay away... Deep down inside i knew he wouldn't... As soon as he would realize that he lost his grip on Lisa he would find another way to annoy me to make me give up the house. Maybe i should... But i promised grandpa... I promised him to never give the house to my father... He rather had me sell it than that... He made me promise. He went even so far to tell me if i sold it to not sell it to my father. 

I never thought about selling the house but now... Now i was not so sure... Maybe selling the house would end all of this. I didn't want the hassle of renting out the place... Besides i didn't want people to life there being bothered by my dad... I didn't wish that on anyone... But if i sold it all those problems would disappear... He could go there but the house would not be mine anymore and they could just call the police for tress passing. Maybe i should talk to Chris about it later

I sigh and continue to cook dinner when Lisa and Chris walk in. Lisa asks if she can help but i shake my head. I cook us dinner and we eat... it feels nice. Finally, everything is okay... At least for now...

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