Chapter 18

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Vera pov...

I woke up and smiled as Chris was still asleep laying on his stomach next to me his arm slung over my waist. I run my fingers through his hair. It was so soft. I couldn't help myself and i traced his lips with my finger before i leaned in and planted a soft sweet kiss on his lips. 

I chuckled as Chris scrunched his nose and planted a kiss on his nose. He moved a little and i smiled as his eyes opened. "Good morning gorgeous..." Chris said in his raspy and extremely sexy morning voice. "Morning..." I whispered and he smiled laying on his side and pulled me into him. I snuggled into him and nuzzled my head in his neck letting out a sigh as he wrapped his arms around me pulling me even closer. "Did you sleep okay?" He whispers. "I slept great..." I murmured. 

"Must be the Boston air..." Chris murmured with a smile on his face. "Must be..." I whispered smiling back at him. I let out another sigh as i lay in his arms and for the first time since the picture came out i feel relaxed and at ease... Really at ease. I dont know what it is but it was like yesterday was a turning point. Was it being in Boston...? Meeting his family...? Him telling me that he loved me...? Me finally admitting out loud i loved him...?  Or was it the fact that he fucked my brains out last night...? Making it so that i was unable to think straight.

Whatever the reason was i was going to enjoy this feeling. Because for the first time since everything... my mind was quiet. "How did you sleep?" I asked softly and i could feel him smile. "I slept great..." He says and again i can feel him smile. 

"We should get up..." Chris murmurs but not moving. "Yes, we should..." I answer but i dont move either. "Do you want to come grocery shopping with me..." Chris whispers. "Okay..." I say softly. "You dont have to if you dont want to... I can go alone." He says kissing the top of my head. I take a deep breath. "No i will come with you... Need some things to... Besides can't hide out forever..." I murmur...

We both still dont move that is until we hear scratching at the door. I giggle and Chris groans. "He normally sleeps in the bed..." Chris murmurs and i look at him shocked. "Then why is he not in the bed now?" I ask him. He blushes "Because i thought you wouldn't like it because of your no outside clothes on the bed rule..." He whispers. "Chris... This is your bed... i dont want Dodger to feel left out..." I say cupping his face giving him a kiss before I shuffle out of his arms and get off the bed. I open the bedroom door and Dodger comes barging in jumping on the bed making me smile. 

I crawl back into bed Dodger snuggled between us and i can't help but laugh because Chris wants to kiss me, but Dodger continuously stops him.  "I think there is something to say for the no dogs on the bed rule..." Chris groans but has a smile on his face. I chuckle and pull Dodger into me. "Dont listen to him Dodger... I got your back..." I whisper smirking at Chris and Dodger licks my cheek making me giggle.

"I am going to shower... I know when i am not wanted..." Chris said pouting and i giggle. I can hear the shower and i give Dodger a kiss on his head. "Sorry buddy going to check on you dad..." I whisper and slide out of bed and walk into the bathroom. I lean against the wall watching him shower and i smile as i still somehow can't believe this man loves me..." He turns around and smirks at me. 

"Enjoying the show gorgeous...?" He says smirking and i nod. "Very much..." I whisper biting my lip and i push myself off the wall and walk over to him and wrap my arms around him letting the water run over us both. I look up and he smiles at me before leaning down and kissing me.

We just stand there letting the water run over us for a while before we wash ourselves and get out to get dressed.  We get dressed and Chris looks at me and smiles. "What?!" I ask him worried. "You look so cute, gorgeous..." He says kissing me. I blush and bury my head in his chest. "I just dont want them to think i am a slob to..." I whisper. 

"Hey, hey, hey...Look at me gorgeous..." Chris says putting his finger under my chin making me look up at him. "Whatever you want to wear... Is fine... As long as you are comfortable. I dont care you could wear a trash bag and i still would think you are gorgeous... So please just wear what you want... And let anyone else go to hell..." He says with a dead serious look in his eyes. I kiss him... I kiss him with everything i got and he smiles into the kiss. 

We walk out to the car and Chris opens the door for me and i smile. I get into the car, and he closes the door and walks around and gets in. "Are you always this much of a gentleman?" I ask him while smiling at him and he blushes. He shrugs his shoulders. "It is how i was raised..." He states and i smile at him. "It is nice..." I whisper and he looks at me his face has now the biggest smile as he starts the car, and we take off. 

We arrive at the store and grab a cart walking in. I smile as Chris takes my hand lacing his fingers with mine as we walk around. I can feel the butterflies in my stomach the tingles spreading to my body and i can't wipe the smile of my face even if i tried. 

"What did you need gorgeous?" Chris asked as we walked around the store. "Just tampons and such stuff i forgot them at home and my period is coming up next week." I say looking around to see the sign for where they could be. Chris stops and looks at me. "What?!" I ask him as he has the biggest smirk on his face. "Oh god dont tell me your only flaw is your creeped out by a woman's period..." I say rolling my eyes. 

He chuckles and pulls me into him cupping my face kissing me passionately in the middle of the store. "Nope... not at all... Just love the way you just say it... no shame, no muss, no fuss, no giggling like a schoolgirl or calling it something else..." He murmurs into our kiss. I pull back and look at him... "What kind of women have you dated..." I said smirking and he laughed...He pulled me into another kiss. "Dont know anymore... They are in the past... You are my future..." He murmurs into the kiss making me blush as a warm feeling spread through my body. 

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