Chapter 81

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Chris pov...

Ma's visit went better than i could ever imagined. I was completely in awe of Vera welcoming ma back just like that. Letting go of the past just like that because she wanted the girls to have their grandma in their lives and me to have my mom... She knows how important family is to me and it is to her. She just wanted to have that and i just hoped that from now on everything would be 

"Thank you..." Ma whispered as i drove her home. I looked at her and smiled. "No need to thank me... I love you ma... I want you to be a part of my family. I want you to see the girls grow up... They need their grandma... Vera wants that all to you know..." I say and ma nods. 

I drop ma off at home waiting for her to close the door behind her and i drive back home. I walk through the door and into the living room. I smile as Vera is asleep on the couch and as always Dodger cuddled up to her. I dont want to wake her she looks so comfortable so i lift her legs sit down and grab my book to read. 

The next couple of weeks fly by. I had called Scarlet letting her now to invite ma to for the surprise baby shower. Vera had still no idea. 

"Gorgeous?" I said walking into the living room where she was sitting on the couch reading a book after we just had breakfast. She looks up and smiles and holds out her hand for me to take and she pulls me on the couch. "Why are you all dressed up...?" She asks and i smile. "I am just wearing regular clothes gorgeous..." I say smirking. "Yeah, normally you wear sweats... or my favorite... nothing at all..." She whispers in my ear and i chuckle. 

"I have an ASP chat later.... But i have a favor to ask..." I say and she looks at me confused. "I was supposed to have lunch with Mackie and Seb... But i forgot about the chat... So, i thought maybe you would like to go... I already talked to Seb and Mackie and they were stoked and if you are up for it... Told me to tell you to get dressed up and they take you somewhere fancy..." I say smiling. 

She smiles back at me and nods. "Lunch with two handsome men... Count me in..." She says smirking. "Oh, you did not just say that... Nope changed my mind... You can do the chat and I'll go out to lunch..." Vera laughs and wiggles her way into my lap kissing me. "You are still number one handsome..." She whispers. "Oh yeah... proof it..." I say with a grin on my face. 

She smiles and kisses me again and i have to bite my lip to not laugh as she lets herself slide down my lap and between my legs because with her belly it is getting more and more difficult to move. 

But i dont stop her... I dont dare to stop her... Nor do i want to... The other day i did that not wanting her to be uncomfortable but she thought i rejected her because i didn't find her attractive anymore and she got really upset. She couldn't be more wrong because God she is beautiful. 

I groan as she is sitting between my legs rubbing me through my pants making me hard. She unbuckles my pants and i lift up my hips and help her pull my pants down. I groan as i watch her lick her lips before she lets her tongue run along my shaft and twirls it around my tip making me groan... God this never gets old... Not only was she the best i had ever had in giving head... The fact that she enjoyed it so much it herself made it 100 times better.

She looks up at me with a twinkle in her eyes as she kisses my tip and i groan as she keeps teasing me.  "Stop teasing gorgeous..." I moan as i cup her face rubbing my thumb over her cheek. "Yes sir..." She whispers before taking me all the way in the tip of my cock hitting the back of her throat. I groan and lay back into the couch letting pleasure take over. She bobs her head up and down and it feels so good her soft lips around my cock her tongue toying with me. 

I close my eyes and throw my head back and my breathing is getting heavier as i am getting closer to my release. She hums around my cock and shivers run through my body. "Shit feels so good, gorgeous..." I groan. "Oh shit... Oh shit... Dont stop gorgeous... just like that..." I moan and i find my release... My cum fills her mouth and watch her swallow it all... I lean towards her and pull her in for a kiss. "Can you help me up..." She whispers after we break the kiss and i chuckle. I pull up my pants and help her up. She stands in front of me and leans down kissing me again. 

"I'll better get ready for my lunch date..." She says smirking and i growl...  She giggles and kisses me again. "Possessive much?" She whispers and i nod. "Very..." I murmur and she kisses me one last time before walking off to the bedroom. 

I get a text from Scarlet that they are ready when i am and to text when they can come over to set everything up. For now, she is camping out at ma's with everything to bring over. 

About an hour later the doorbell rang and i walk out and chuckle as Seb and Mackie walk in fully dressed in suits.  "Really? Suits?" I say shaking my head with a smile on my face. "Yes, we have to look good for our date..." Mackie says grinning. I am about to answer when i hear the sound of heels and i smile as Vera looks beautiful. 

"Well look at you... Looking good Mrs. Evans..." Mackie says and i shoot him a look making him even grin more. "You look beautiful Doll..." Seb says smiling and Vera blushes. "Thank you, gentlemen..." She says smiling. "Okay... That is enough..." I say rolling my eyes and Seb and Mackie laugh. "Jealous Evans?" Mackie says patting my back and Vera giggles. "Dont worry baby i am all yours..." She whispers before kissing my cheek. "You look beautiful, gorgeous..." I say smiling and she kisses me again.

"We have to go... We got reservations..." Seb says breaking our little moment with a grin on his face and holds out his arm for Vera to take. She smiles at me and takes his arm, and they walk to the car. "Take good care of her... She can't have stress..." I tell Mackie and he nods... "Dont worry... we got her..." He says and follows after Seb and Vera. 

I watch Seb open the passenger door for her and gently helping her in. She has a smile on her face and i can't help but smile at that. Seb gets in the backseat and Mackie behind the wheel and i watch them drive off while i text Scarlet that she can come over...

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