Chapter 11

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Chris pov...

Why did this feel like a goodbye is all i could think as we come down from our high. It was amazing god it was so intimate and passionate... But yet i couldn't shake the feeling that this was her goodbye...

I roll off of her and as she normally goes to the bathroom to clean herself up, she doesn't now she just cuddles into me and i pull her closer. Neither one of us has said more than a few words and not about the thing we really should talk about. I think neither one of us wanted to bring it up scared for the outcome... 

My phone rings and i look at the screen and sigh seeing it is Scarlet. "I have to take this... She is worried..." I whisper and Vera nods. 

"Hey Scar...." I say answering the phone. "Yeah, we are awake... I dont know I'll ask..." I say looking at Vera. "Scarlet wants to know what you want for breakfast..." I whisper. She shakes her head. "I am not hungry..." She says blushing but her stomach tells me otherwise... "Gorgeous you need to eat..." I whisper and she hides her face in my chest humming no. 

Scarlet overhears and tells me she will bring something she knows Vera likes and i tell her thanks telling her to pick for me to as she knows what i like to. She tells me she will be over in an hour. 

I roll her of me gently and get off the bed. I take her arm pulling her up and she protests... "We have to get showered and dressed gorgeous Scarlet will be here in about an hour so let's go..." I say pulling her up and taking her with me into the bathroom. 

She sighs as i turn on the shower and while we wait i pull off the robe, she still had on but was not covering anything due to our previous activities. She sighs as i pull her under the water and after her hair is wet i grab the bottle of shampoo and start washing her hair. She hums as i massage the shampoo into her hair, and it makes me smile...  After i am done i rinse it out and grab the bottle of conditioner and apply that to her hair and plant a kiss on her shoulder as i wait a minute before rinsing it out. 

I then grab the bottle of body wash and start washing her. She hums again and i smile because i absolutely love this... I absolutely love taking care of her I love making her feel relaxed. When i am done and have rinsed her clean she turns to me. "My turn..." She whispers blushing and i smile as she sits me down on the little tiled bench attached to the wall. She grabs the shampoo and starts massaging it in my hair and i smile as i enjoy the feeling. She rinses it out and then to my surprise takes the bottle of conditioner and repeats the same process. 

She than grabs the bottle of bodywash and i can't help but smile as she pulls me back up making me stand. She puts a bit of soap in her hands and started to rub my shoulders down my arms and up again and then over my chest making her way down... She walks around me and grabs a little more soap and starts to soap up my back. I relax under her touch... "That feels so good, gorgeous..." I hum and smile as i feel her hands go over my ass. Her hands glide over my hips to the front her body pressed against my back and i groan as i feel her hand wrap around my dick. I look down as she starts pumping me up and down. 

The feeling of her hand wrapped around my dick soaping it up is heaven and i groan as i feel my dick grow... "Shit gorgeous..." I moan and i can feel her kiss my back. Without her hand ever leaving my dick she walks around me and stands in front of me. She keeps pumping and i groan leaning down attaching my lips to hers. 

She keeps pumping me up and down and i let my hand wonder down her body and start rubbing over her core making her gasp into the kiss. We keep this up until we both cum and i look down seeing my cum spill over her hand and stomach. And for the first time since i got here we both chuckle.

We finish showering and dry off and walk into the bedroom. She looks around the room. "Dont you have clothes with you?" She says looking at me and i shake my head. "I just jumped in the car and drove here..." I say blushing. She walks into her closet and walks back out with some clothes. I smile as i see one of my own hoodies and she blushes. I look at the pants and then at her... She shrugs her shoulders. "Men's sweats are more comfortable..." She says blushing. I smile and kiss her and get dressed. 

"I will put your clothes in the wash..." She says as she puts on some clothes herself. The doorbell goes off and i kiss her saying i will answer the door knowing it is Scarlet. She nods and walks off with my clothes.

I walk to the front door and open it letting Scar in. "How is she?" She asks me as i take the bags with food from her. I shake my head. "I dont know... We haven't really talked yet... She has calmed down a bit as she just cried yesterday... unable to speak..." I whisper as we walk to the kitchen. "I think she hasn't eaten since i have left..." I whisper and Scarlet sighs. We get out the food and look up when Vera walks in the kitchen and she looks down pulling on her sleeves. 

Scarlet walks over to her and pulls her into a hug. "How are you feeling?" Scarlet asks her and Vera shrugs her shoulders. "You know the article i garbage right... Nothing they said is true..." Scarlet says making her look at her. But she looks back down not answering her. "Come let's eat breakfast..." Scarlet says smiling. "I am really not hungry..." Vera whispers. I sigh but say nothing letting Scarlet deal with this thinking a woman's touch was better. 

"When was the last time you ate..." Scarlet asks and Vera blushes looking at me and i know my hunch was right. I walk over to her and take her hand and sitting her down on one of her stools at the breakfast bar and put a plate of food in front of her. 

She sighs and looks at the food and then back at me. She takes a bite and looks at me and Scarlet annoyed. "Happy?" She says chewing and swallowing the bite she took and both Scarlet and i nodded. I kissed the top of her head. We all sat down and ate our breakfast. Vera took a few bites but said she was full, and we let it go for now as she at least had eaten something... It was a start...

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