Chapter 51

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Chris pov...

I kiss Vera one more time before she pushes me off to go with Seb and Mackie who are smirking at me. "What?" I ask as we walk out of the hotel. "Nothing..." Mackie says smirking and Seb chuckles. "We just never see you so hesitant to go out..." Seb said and i chuckle. "Yeah, well i like being around her... sue me... " I said shrugging my shoulders. They both chuckle and we get in the car that takes us to a bar. We sit down at a booth and order a beer. "So, when are you going to ask her..." Seb says smirking at me and i look at him confused. "Ask what..." I say pretending i dont know what he is talking about. 

"Oh, come on Evans dont be like this we can see the wedding bells in your eyes..." Mackie says laughing. I blush. "We talked about it yes... But i dont even have a ring yet... and no idea how i am going to ask her..." I sigh. "But you want to..." Seb asks and i nod. "Yeah... She is it..." I say blushing and they both grin at me. 

"I just can't over the fact, you are going to be a dad of twins..." Mackie says and i smile. "Yeah, me neither sometimes..." I say smirking taking another sip of my beer. "How is she doing after the whole media thing..." Seb asks and i sigh. "She is doing good, but some days are harder than others... They got in her head... Sometimes she thinks she is not good enough... And the hormones are not helping... It just kills me sometimes. I love her... She is perfect in every way and i just wish people would see that..." I said taking another sip of my beer. 

"Well i dont know about the rest of the world but we see it... She is amazing..." Seb says and i smile. "Yeah, she is sweet, funny and beautiful..." Mackie says and i look at him with a raised eyebrow. "She is also mine Mackie..." I say and he chuckles. "So, what are you guys up to?" I ask and they tell me about their upcoming projects. 

I feel the buzz as we are a few drinks in. I laugh as Mackie and Seb keep bickering about everything and nothing. "Does Vera have any sister for Mr. Stan over here?" Mackie asks smirking. Seb rolls his eyes and I chuckle and shake my head. "Nope only child..." I say smirking. 

A few rounds later i feel the buzz even more and we had switched to scotch. I can't stop laughing at Mackie and Seb who are joking around trying to outsmart each other and telling the most ridiculous stories ever. I smile as this is nice and i can't believe Vera set this all up without me knowing. God i love her... She already was perfect, but this made her even more perfect. 

I know this must be a big step for her with her anxiety of not feeling good enough... I never had a problem in getting women and neither had Seb or Mackie... And to be honest women came up to us, but we were just enjoying catching up. Besides why would i risk fucking up what i have... No woman here could compare to Vera... It was not worth risking that for a shallow flirt... What i had with Vera was much deeper and intense. 

"Let's order shots..." Seb said grinning and i shook my head. "You guys go ahead i keep it at scotch..." I said grinning and they both booed me. "Come on man... She got us here for you to have fun..." Mackie said and i chuckled. "One of us has to make sure that we get back to the hotel...." I said smirking and Mackie chuckled. "See he is already in dad mode..." Mackie said and Seb laughed.  

We are now on our 5th round of scotch and i knew i had to stop... I didn't want to get overly drunk... And i had to admit i just wanted to go back to the hotel... and crawl in bed with Vera. Seb and Mackie were a few drinks ahead of me and more drunk than me. 

"I think Evans is ready to go back to his sexy momma..." Mackie said slurring his speech and i chuckled. Seb looked at me. "You are so lucky to have her... Does she have a cousin... Hot aunt..." He said clearly drunk. I chuckled and got up. "Okay... It is time to go...I am going to pay the bill and then we are going back to the hotel." I said chuckling. 

We called our ride and got back to the hotel. I had to admit the booze was going to my head and i had trouble walking a straight line, but Mackie and Seb were even worse... We arrived at our rooms and i said goodnight and Mackie chuckled as Seb opened their hotel room. I laughed as they tumbled in and i went into my own suite.  

I walked into the bedroom of our suite and smiled as Vera was sleeping on the bed curled up with Dodger. I carefully pushed Dodger aside and crawled over Vera giving her a kiss and she slowly woke up smiling at me. "Hey handsome... Did you have fun..." She whispers. I say nothing and just kiss her making her giggle. "I think i am a little drunk..." I whisper before kissing her again and she giggles. "That is okay handsome... as long as you had fun..." She whispers and i smile. 

"I love you gorgeous... How did i get so lucky with a sexy and sweet woman like you..." I mumble and she chuckles. "You are going to have a headache in the morning..." She giggled and i groan. "Noooo..." I whine.  

"I love you..." I say letting out a sigh and she giggles again as i kiss her all over. "I want to marry you so bad..." I murmur between kisses. I lift up her shirt kissing her belly. "I love you two to..." I murmur against her belly and Vera laughs. I kiss my way further down "Oh hello... No panties... Jackpot." I murmur and Vera laughs but that laughs gets cut off and turns into a moan as i kiss her core. "Time for a midnight snack..." I hum with a smirk on my face and Vera gasps as i run my tongue up and down her folds. I suck on her clit, and she moans. I keep sucking and licking her moans getting louder. I am toying with her bringing her to the edge and then backing off. I want her to beg... Fuck i need her to beg... I am not going to let her cum until she begs. 

When i back off again i pull my shirt over my head and quickly push down my pants. I grab her shirt and pull it off of her and dive back in bringing her to the edge again. Her moans get more desperate, but she is not giving in... I blow on her clit, and she gasps arching her back of the bed. When i bring her to the edge again she whines and i finally get what i want... "Please... Chris... Stop teasing..." She moans and i grin planting one more kiss on her clit and crawl over her and line myself up and thrust into her. 

"Oh, fuck Chris..." She screams and comes around my cock. I can feel her pulse around me and i groan. "Thats it gorgeous... good girl coating my cock." I grunt and pull out and thrust into her again. I lean down and kiss her, and she smiles at me and wraps her arms around my neck. 

I keep moving... Thrusting into her over and over again. Her moans get louder her breathing heavier. "God gorgeous you feel so good... All i could think about tonight was being buried inside of you..." I groan and she smiles. "You missed me handsome... Did you miss this..." She moans and i groan as she squeezes her walls around me while she pulls me in for a kiss making me groan even harder. "Fuck yes..." I say through gritted teeth. 

She catches me by surprise as she rolls us over with ease and is now on top of me. She smiles and leans down and softly kisses me. She slowly starts to circle her hips and i groan. I run my hands up her thighs and grab her ass helping her move. She starts to bounce on my dick and i groan. "You look so sexy bouncing on my dick, gorgeous..." I groan as i try not to cum. "You like that handsome... you like it when i ride you..." She moans and she pulls on my shoulders making me sit up and i bury my face between her boobs sucking on her skin. 

I cross my legs and wrap my arms around her pulling her close as we move together in perfect sink... Both of us lost in our pleasure... Nothing else matters right now as we are connected in the best way possible... Not only physically but also mentally. She takes my face in between her hands making me look up at her and she kisses me... We both breath heavy into the kiss "I love you so much gorgeous..." I whisper and she moans... "Your mine... all mine..."  She whispers in the kiss. "All yours... Always..."  I whisper smiling back at her. 

We both rock together until we reach our high... breathing heavy finding our release. I fall back on the bed pulling her with me and she smiles kissing me again. She wants to roll off of me but i hold her close not letting her. "Chris, you have to let me get off..." She whispers but i shake my head. 

"Baby... I know that you are doing it to proof i am not too heavy and i love you for that... but i am not so comfortable with my baby bump..." She whispers smiling before kissing me again. I look at her surprised by this confession and i smile before i let her go and she cuddles into me. I feel my eyes get heavy and Vera says something, but it doesn't register anymore... and before i know it i am asleep with Vera in my arms.

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