Chapter 54

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Vera pov...

Yesterday was both relaxing and weird. The girls insisted on taking me shopping after our spa day wanting to go and try on dresses for events. Telling me it was good to see what i would like if i ever had to accompany Chris to an event. 

They had put me in one and as i looked in the mirror i was so in love. I felt so beautiful. The girls seeing this smiled. I sighed as i put the dress back again not knowing yet when i was going to wear it... and it seemed pointless to buy yet... I bought some other stuff like some sexy underwear and some maternity clothes. Trying on a thousand dresses was not the weirdest thing... of that day. 

The guys were weird during dinner. Smiling at me like idiots and when i went to the restroom and when i walked back they were talking but stopped as soon as they saw me. When i asked what was going on all 3 told me there was nothing going on so i let it go but i had this weird feeling. They kept grinning at me.... And Chris wouldn't let go of my hand kissing it over and over again. 

After dinner we all back to our own rooms as they guys were still a bit groggy from their night out and whatever they did today they stayed pretty vague about it. I didn't press it i was too tired myself from my day with Janet and Lucy. 

We went to bed early curled up falling fast to sleep. So, hear i am now. Lying in bed alone... Even Dodger is not here. There is a note on Chris his pillow.

Good morning Gorgeous,

I have a surprise for you today... Janet and Lucy will be over to help you to get ready.

I know you will start to overthink... But just let it come as it is... 

Brunch will be delivered for you around 11 for the 3 of you. 

I love you gorgeous and i will see you later today...


I smiled at the note wondering what it could be. I got up and showered and just as i was walking out of the bathroom there was a knock on the door and Lucy and Janet walked in carrying a dress bag and one of their make-up cases. "What is all this..." I say looking at it all and they both look at me smirking. "You will see..." Janet says with the biggest smile on her face. I was about to say something when there was a knock on the door again and brunch arrived. 

We ate brunch and how much i pried they wouldn't tell me what was going on... I eventually just gave up. When it was around 1, they told me to take a seat in front of the vanity and they started on my make-up. Janet kept getting texts and smirking at me as she got them and i let out a sigh. I had no clue what was going on and it was making me anxious... 

That was until they zipped open the dress bag... and there it was the white dress i had tried on yesterday and was absolutely in love with. I let my hands run along the delicate fabric trying my best to not cry and ruin my make up. Lucy handed me a tissue and smiled. 

"Before you put this on, we had to give you this..." Janet said handing me an envelope. I opened the envelope and started reading.


I love you so much. I never loved anyone so much as i love you. From the moment i saw you cuddling with Dodger i knew... This was it... I found the love of my life... And i think Dodger loves you even more than i do... I can't wait to meet our babies and be a family... 

I can't say enough how much i love you... 

By now you must have an idea were i am going with this and what the surprise is... 

Gorgeous... Will you make me the happiest man in the universe and marry me today? 

I love you... and hope to see you soon... 


I read the note over and over and i can help it, a tear runs down my cheek. Lucy and Janet hug me. "What do you say... Want to get married today?" Janet says smiling as she dries my tears. I nod and smile. 

"Sorry i ruin your hard work..." I whisper as the tears keep coming. "Dont worry we can fix it." Lucy says through her own tears. They help me in my dress and fix my make-up. I smile as i look at myself in the mirror. I can't believe i am getting married today and now everything from yesterday made sense. The dress shopping... Why so many dresses were white... The guy's behavior... It all came together now... 

He had been setting everything up yesterday and trying his best to keep it a secret. The only thing that had me worried was his family... They were so close and i just hoped they wouldn't be mad that we would get married without them... Was i being selfish by wanting to marry him so quick and taking the chance away from his family to see him get married? 

"You okay sweetie..." Janet whispers and i smile and nod. "Yeah, can't really believe how i got so lucky..." I whisper. "Oh, sweetie i can... You are amazing... Sweet, caring and your fun to be around... and i know you dont always see this yourself but you are beautiful, and Chris loves you so much. His face lights up every time he sees you... He is happy and i never seen him so calm and in love before... You 2 make each other so happy... It shows in everything..." Janet says smiling.

"Not to mention that he can't stop talking about you... You are on his mind 24/7" Lucy says chuckling.  I blush. "Well, the feeling is mutual... I love him so much... I never met someone like him... You guys say i am caring but God he is to... He makes me feel safe and loved... He makes me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world... He listens and is so smart... not to mention how he always manages to make me laugh..." I whisper. 

Lucy and Janet aaaahw at me and i chuckle.  Janet her phone dings and she looks at me smiling. "Are you ready?" She asks me and i smile and nod... "Never been more ready for anything in my life..." I say with the biggest smile on my face. 

We walk down to the parking garage where we get into a car to ensure our privacy and not having to walk through the lobby where people could see and maybe call the paparazzi. 

The girls and i get into the car and we drive off... I look outside and i can't help but smile at the thought that soon i will be Chris his wife and he will be my husband... 

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