Chapter 7

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Chris pov

We are standing outside by my car. Dodger is already in the backseat as i am holding Vera in my arms. She holds on to me tight as if she is never going to see me again. She had been quiet all morning. I dont want to leave... I really dont want to but i have to. 

"You have to get on the road otherwise you will be too late for your sisters birthday..." Vera whispers. I sigh and hold her a bit tighter. She looks up at me and i attach my lips to hers and kiss her with everything i got. "I call you when i arrive home..." I whisper before kissing her again. She just nods not saying a word and she lets me go so i can get into the car. 

After kissing her a few more times i get into my car and she waves as i drive off. I call ma that i am on my way and after i hung up i sigh. Never ever has it happened that going home didn't give me a happy feeling. 

The next few hours i had to force myself to drive home because turning around was constantly in my mind. It is about 2 in the afternoon when i arrive home. I drop my stuff inside and immediately call Vera. She answers and hearing her voice makes me smile. Her voice sounds sad but i can hear she is forcing herself to sound upbeat. After talking for a while i have to hang up to get ready for Shanna's party. 

God i miss her so much already but i put on a smile and after i got ready i took Dodger and drove to ma's place for the party. 

I walk in and there are already a lot of people. I make the rounds before i greet ma in the kitchen. "Hello stranger we had expected you a few days ago..." She says smiling as i kiss her cheek. "Yeah..." I said smiling and she looked at me with raised eyebrows. "Hmmm we will talk about this later when we are alone..." She said smiling at me. I sighed and nodded. Ma could read me like a book. I went to look for Shanna and i smiled as she was standing with a few of my friends from high school. 

I greeted everyone and hugged Shanna congratulating her and giving her the gift i bought together with Vera. They asked me about Scarlets party and i told them it was fun but i decided to not talk about Vera... I was not ready to share her with anyone... Maybe ma... but for now i wanted to keep her to myself. 

The party was in full swing. I had texted Vera a few times, but she told me to have fun with my family and to not be constantly on my phone saying that family was important and to just text when i was home again. 

Scott walked in and i smiled as he walked up to me and pulled me into a hug. "I finally come home, and you go to New York and even staying longer than planned..." He said jokingly scolding me. "Yep..." Is all i said trying to keep my face neutral as Scott could even read me more like an open book then ma. 

"Anything exciting happened in New York..." He asked. "Not really just caught up with some friends and had fun so decided to stay a little longer..." I said taking a sip of my beer. 

The party went on and i got more into a fun mode having laughs with friends and family, but Vera was still on my mind. All of a sudden there was chaos and chatter. Scott walked up to me. "Nothing excited happened in New York huh..." He said smirking and i looked at him confused. He gave me his phone and i groaned as a picture appeared of me and Vera saying goodbye this morning on the TMZ website....  There was no point in saying she was just a friend as i was clearly kissing her... My arms wrapped around her and hers around my waist. What bothered me most was the headline... and article.

"Is Chris Evans this desperate..." It went on to comment on Vera's body it was vile and disgusting. I felt myself panic... I started to pace up and down and i looked at my phone. How was i going to deal with this... How was i going to protect her from this... I looked around the room and everyone was looking at me. "What?" I said and walked out calling Vera. 

She didn't answer and i felt my heart sink... I was so sure i had lost her... "Really Chris?" I heard a voice say. I turned around and looked into the face of my best friend from school. "What Ryan..." I said letting out a sigh. "You can have any woman you want... But you choose that?" 

I whipped my head in his direction and took a step closer... "Let me give you some advice..." I growled in a deep dark tone. "I already punched out one guy for talking about her like that... Dont think for one second that you... being my friend will exempt you from that..."  I growled getting into his face. 

"I think it is time for you to leave Ryan..." A voice said and i turned around seeing ma standing in the doorway. She looked angry and somehow that was comforting. Ryan scoffed but he knew that my mom wasn't joking, and he walked out shaking his head. But before he left, he turned around. "Really Chris you are threatening me over a girl..." I looked at him fuming and ma told him to get out. 

I sat down and put my head in my hands. "Wanna tell me about her..." Ma said in a calming voice as she sat beside me. I looked up and smiled at her through my tears that were falling down my cheeks as i was sure i had lost Vera...

"Her name is Vera..." I whispered. "Pretty name..." Ma said smiling. I smiled back and nodded. "Pretty name for a pretty girl..." I whispered and ma smiled again. "I met her at Scarlets party... She is their lawyer... She is amazing ma... Sweet... Smart and so beautiful..." I said letting out a sigh. 

I told her almost everything and ma just listened. "She sounds amazing..." Ma said smiling. "She really is ma..." I sighed. "What am i going to do... How am i going to protect her from this part of my world... I can't lose her... I dont want to lose her because of this part of my life..." 

After sitting with me for a while we went back to the party but i wasn't in it anymore and i said goodbye to Shanna apologizing for leaving but she understood. I went home trying to call Vera over and over again... But nothing...

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