Chapter 71

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Chris pov...

We are driving to New York tomorrow. I have booked a luxury suite in a hotel looking out over the city... I wanted to pamper Vera. I normally dont really care about the extreme luxury but only the best for my wife... although she doesn't really care either. 

But first we would have another checkup... We were going to stay a week in New York. I would go on Jimmy Fallon's show, and we would have dinner with Scarlet, Colin, Seb and Mackie one night... Vera was looking forward to seeing Scarlet and Colin again and she had been packing for 2 days. I was planning on taking Vera baby shopping and just to do some touristy stuff if Vera was up for it... I just wanted to relax and have a good time. 

Scott would join us to for a day to go with me on the tonight show. Vera was coming with but was not sure if she wanted to appear on the show... The only thing she not wanted to do was go to her house... She wanted to enjoy our time in New York, and she said she was scared that she would get overly emotional and to avoid stress we decided to not go. Colin was regularly checking up on the house ever since her father had called and for now everything was okay.

It was strange after the phone call we hadn't heard from him again. I kind of expected him to do something but for now everything was quiet... 

"Are you ready to go..." Vera said smiling as she walked into the kitchen followed by Dodger. I nodded and smiled. We would take Dodger to Carly first. We decided to not bring him along to New York knowing we would be busy and i didn't want him to be alone in the hotel all the time. 

I loaded Dodger in the car and i smiled as i saw Vera waddle over to us. I opened the door for her and after i closed it i walked around the car and got behind the wheel and made our way to Carly. 

We pulled up to her house and i groaned seeing ma's car. I could see the panic in Vera's eyes. "Just stay in the car gorgeous... I will quickly drop Dodger off and say hi to the kids and i will be right back..." Vera sighed but nodded. Dodger reluctantly followed me confused why Vera stayed in the car. I knocked on the door before walking in and sighed as i saw ma sitting at the counter with Carly. "Sorry... didn't know she would be here..." Carly whispered in my ear after she had walked over to me and hugged me. 

"Ma..." I said nodding at her, and she smiled walking over to me. "How are you sweetheart..." She said smiling and i looked at her confused. "I am fine..." I said through gritted teeth. I turned back to Carly. Thanks for watching him this week Vera and i really appreciate it. "No problem... Just have fun and relax..." She said smiling. "You are going on a trip...?" Ma asked and i nodded. I was surprised at myself... I didn't feel the urge to hug her... as a matter of fact seeing her brought all the words, she said about Vera back. "Sorry i have to go... Vera is waiting in the car, and we have an appointment with the doctor." I said to Carly. 

"How are the babies?" Ma asked but i ignored the question... She didn't even ask about Vera... Was all i could think... Was it too much to ask how Vera and the girls were doing...? I kissed Carly on her cheek. "See you when i come back from New York..." She looked at me worried but nodded. "Christopher!" Ma said loudly but i just shook my head "I have to go..." Is all i said and just walked out to the car...

"Are you okay..." Vera asked looking at me worried when i sat behind the wheel and just paused for a bit. I looked at her and smiled taking her hand kissing the back of it. "I love you..." I said but the worried look on her face did not disappear... "Chris..." She said but i shook my head and cupped her face leaning over to her and giving her a sweet soft kiss. "Dont worry gorgeous... I am okay... More than okay... I love you and our girls so much..." I said smiling... A real smile. "I love you too..." She said and i kissed her again. 

Our visit to the doctor was great seeing our girls again made me so happy. Vera and the girls were doing great, but the doctor warned Vera not to strain herself in New York... To take enough rest and breaks. 

We left the doctor's office and i tucked Vera under my arm. I smiled as she let out a sigh but with the biggest smile on her face. "Seeing the girls always makes me so happy..." She said smiling and all i could do was agree... I helped her in the car and got in myself. "Can we get some Mc Donalds... I am really craving Mc Donalds..." She said pouting at me and i chuckled. 

2 nights ago, she had the sudden cravings for this special brand of brownies and i had to go to 3 different stores before i finally found them... I had learned my lesson because a few weeks before that she was craving something and i had picked up the wrong brand and she got all emotional. I had to bite my tongue to not laugh because it was just adorable... But i went back out to find the right brand. She was just amazing and i would drive around all night and visit every store to find what she wanted if that is what it took. 

The other day, i had eaten the last Oreo's and she was inconsolable and i had to pick up some more... It was like she was acting because as soon as i came back with the Oreo's her face turned from sad to smiling in an instant... The mood swings are real...

I had painted the nursery and put the furniture together and we were almost done decorating it but seeing as we were going to shop in New York i wanted to wait with that. We drove through the drive through at Mc Donalds and after getting our food we parked and ate. I smiled as Vera did her little happy dance in her seat the biggest smile on her face. 

After we had finished our food, we drove home. I had to drag Vera out of the bedroom as she kept packing things in and out of her suitcase. I just lifted her up and carried her too the couch and put her down. I told her that there was nothing she couldn't buy in New York if she would have forgotten something. 

We went to bed early because we would hit the road early in the morning knowing we probably have to make some stops along the way to let Vera pee... I was looking forward to it and Vera to as she had the biggest smile on her face as we talked about our trip.  

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