Chapter 59

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Chris pov...

"That are a lot more people than i had imagined..." Vera whispers and i can see the panic in her eyes and i do something i haven't had done since my teenage years... Curse my mother. We had said small and intimate... She promised small and intimate... There are more than 30 cars parked all around... That is not small nor intimate...

"You want to go home..." I whisper but she shakes her head. "No... Your mom put a lot of effort in this... So, let's just go... Maybe it is not so bad... But can you please stay close i dont want everyone just touching me..." She says and i can see she is on the verge of tears. I take her hand in mine kissing the ring. "I promise gorgeous... I won't leave your side..." I whisper and i get out the car walking around and holding the door open for her. 

I walk to the front door with Vera's hand in mine and i try to be calm and collected but on the inside i am fuming and keep thinking this was a mistake... I know ma is excited, but this was not what we agreed on... She promised to keep it small but i could already hear the chatter of people inside. Why would she do this?  She never did things so over the top...

The front door opens, and Scott appears smiling hugging us both immediately. "Ma went a bit overboard..." He whispers as he hugs me. "I can see that..." I whisper and as i look inside i see even more people than me or Vera had expected. "What was she thinking...?" I whisper holding Vera's hand tight as people are already coming up to us trying to pry her away from me but i pull her into me and put my arm around her shoulder pulling her into my side. People look at us confused but i smile at them and then ma appears.

"There they are..." She says smiling pulling us into a hug and i have to fight every urge inside of me to keep my anger at bay. "Ma i thought we said small and intimate..." I whispered in her ear. "People wanted to celebrate in your joy..." She says confused and as i look around i can see that there are even people who probably until the invitation came not knew we were expecting. 

"It's just more people than expected ma..." I say as Vera clutches on to me her belly turned towards me as people are already walking up to us with their grabby little hands. Before me of ma can even say something, Vera intervenes. "I need to pee..." She whispers and i nod and leave ma and all the other behind walking her to an upstairs bathroom. 

"Let's just go with it, Chris..." Vera says with tears in her eyes as i close the bathroom door behind us. "I am so sorry gorgeous... I didn't know ma would go off the deep end... She was not like this when Carly was pregnant." I say letting out a sigh. She looks at me scared. "There are even people i dont know and didn't even know we were pregnant yet... I just wanted it to be your family and Scarlet and Colin but there are like 50 people here..." Vera says and she starts crying. "Sorry i am feeling a bit overwhelmed i just have to pull myself together before we go back down again... I dont want to disappoint your mother..." She says wiping away her tears. "I know gorgeous... I am not happy about it either but other than leaving i dont know what to do about it..." I say letting out a sigh. I sigh even with this Vera still thinks about my mother's feelings and all i can think is that i want to get out of here... I can feel Vera's discomfort... and i hate it. She is right some people here she didn't even know yet... Some are just acquaintances... And not people i would have picked myself to be here on such a moment. 

There is a knock on the door and i ask who it is and Scarlet answers. I open the door and Scarlet walks in looking worried. "You weren't expecting so many people were you...?" Scarlet asks us as she lets out a worried sigh and we both nod. "I had guessed so when i heard people talking about the fact, they didn't even know you guys were having a baby... Anything i can do?" We both shrug our shoulders. "Maybe you can help redirect the baby bump grabbers..." I say and Vera chuckles at my wording... "Done..." Scarlet says giving us a reassuring smile. 

We walk back down and with Vera tucked into my side we make the rounds. I have to contain my anger when i see Ryan smirk at me from across the room and i have no fucking idea why ma would invite him. I just ignore him until he comes up to us and begins talking as if he not ever said what he said when the photos came out. He is over the top friendly to Vera but i know the look in his eyes... He is not meaning one word of it. Vera feels me tense up and i can feel her rub my back trying to relax me. 

Thank God i had told Scarlet and Colin about what he did, and they are quick to distract him and lead him away from me. "What was that about...?" Vera whispers. "I tell you when we get home..." I whisper back giving her a sweet kiss smiling as i dont want to ruin the day more than it already is by all these people here. 

All of a sudden, my mother grabs the attention and lead us to the backyard where this massive balloon is sitting in the middle of the yard and i groan even more as we both had said nothing that goes boom... I dont know why she has done all this... Ma has never been like this just disregarding everything we had asked... 

She calls us to the middle and both of us feeling uncomfortable we walk to the balloon. She gives a little speech saying how excited she is about the babies and how happy she is about coming a grandma again. I see people taking pictures and i know there is no way back knowing that within the hour the whole world will not only know we are expecting but that it will be twins and the genders. I sigh as i can still not believe that my mother didn't think this through. 

We both smile at her the best we could as she hands us a pin to pop the balloon. I mouth a sorry at Vera who just shrugs as she just as me wants to get it over with and go home... At least we finally can find out what we are having. 

Everyone counts down and we pop the balloon. I can see Vera jump a little at the sound and i sigh. Vera hates loud sounds... and ma knew this... Why do i get the feeling she is punishing us for something. This is not how it was supposed to be... 

Everyone goes crazy and i smile at Vera who looks at me with a smirk... I pull her in and kiss her and for a moment everyone disappears as we are in our own little world. "Told you... " She whispers with the biggest smile on her face. "You did..." I say letting out a chuckle and kiss her again... 

I again chuck Vera under my arm as people come over to congratulate us and we stay for another hour before we excuse ourselves to go home. Ma does not look pleased but i dont care... She went far off from what we wanted. She crossed so many boundaries and disregarded our wishes that for now i dont care... The last ones we say goodbye to is Scarlet and Colin and we hug them thanking them for all their help today. We invite them over to our place and they promise to come over as soon as they helped clean up like they had promised. We both nod and make our way to the car.

The car ride is silent as we are both to stunned by everything that has happened. I just hold Vera's hand as i drive home. I help her out of the car when we get home and as soon as i close the front door Vera starts sobbing and i just hold her crying myself... And i again wonder why ma did this...

All of a sudden, my phone goes off like crazy and when i quickly check i sigh there it is...

*Sorry ladies Chris Evans is off the market... Married and expecting twin girls...*

A photo underneath it covered in pink confetti and kissing... A picture one of the guests obviously had made... It was out now... and i was scared what was going to happen press wise... Just hoping it wouldn't become a madhouse... One thing was for sure... I needed to have a talk with ma... But for now, my concern was Vera getting her to calm down. 

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