Chapter 83

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Chris pov...

 I watched Vera waddle through the house... She was now 35 weeks pregnant and uncomfortable... She could hardly sleep because the girls were keeping her up at night and she hadn't said it yet but i knew she was done. She was very emotional and many times i had to hold in my laughter because it was just so adorable. But i hated that she just couldn't settle down and be comfortable. Everyone could see she was exhausted... It worried me because she needed all the energy, she could get for the birth...

"Come with me gorgeous..." I said taking her hand as she was waddling up and down the living room again. She sighs and i lead her to the bathroom. I sit her down on the chair we had put in the bathroom so she could sit down to get dressed as it was becoming more difficult. I started the water in the tub and helped her undress. She smiled at me. "You are amazing... I am so lucky to have you..." She whispered and i smiled back at her. 

I felt the water making sure it was not to warm and helped her step in and sit down. "Do you want a snack or anything?" I asked and she shook her head. "No but can you sit behind me?" She whispered looking at me with puppy eyes. I chuckled and got undressed and sat down beside her pulling her in to me. She let out a sigh of relief and i could feel her body relax against me. 

"We still dont have names..." She whispered and i sighed. "I know gorgeous..." I said kissing the top of her head and she hummed as i rubbed her belly. "We really should make a decision on that..." She hummed. "I know..." I sighed.  "But for now, relax gorgeous..." I hummed and she let out a sigh. "I think i forgot how to relax..." She mumbled and i chuckled. "I can help with that..." I whisper in her ear as i make my way down with my hands and pull her legs apart. 

"Relax gorgeous... I am going to take good care of you..." I whisper in her ear, and she moans in response and i grin as she closes her eyes and lays her head back on my shoulder giving me more access to kiss her neck. I slowly part her folds and softly start rubbing circles on her clit and she moans. She is so sensitive at the moment that i dont overdo it. Pleasure takes over and she moans. She tries to close her legs but i hook them under mine making it, so she is not able to move. Her moans get louder and i plant a soft kiss on her neck. "Does it feel good, gorgeous..." I whisper in her ear, and she nods. I smirk as she comes her body shaking before it finally completely relaxes. 

She has a lazy smile on her face and hums. "Do you feel relaxed gorgeous...?" I whisper and she nods again not saying a word.

"What about Maeve and Imogen..." I said and she opens her eyes and looks at me in horror. I laughed. "Okay maybe not..."  I said still chuckling...  "Imogen... I kind of like... But Maeve... no..." She said and i smiled. "So, we put Imogen on the maybe list...?" I asked and she nodded. "Can i ask you something..." I said and Vera nodded. "The name Penelope... why do you like it so much?" I asked and he blushed while playing with my hand not saying a word. 

"Gorgeous...?" I whispered and she took a deep breath. "It was my grandma's name..." She whispers and i am stunned. "What? Why didn't you say that before..." I asked in shock. "I didn't want you to feel obligated..." She whispered and i sighed. "We can put Penelope on the maybe list..." I whispered. "But you dont like that name..." She mumbled. "It grows on me..." I say and she turns around. "Really... You are not just saying that are you?" She says with tears in her eyes and i shake my head and press my lips on hers... 

We break the kiss, and she lays back down again. "This is nice... But it is going to be hell to get out..." She said letting out a chuckle. "What about Ava and Nova..." Vera said. "Ava and Nova..." I mumbled letting it run around my head for a second. "Put it on the list..." I said smiling. "Willow and Harper?" She mumbles and i run the names through my head. "Or Julia and Fay..." She whispers and again i run the names through my head. "We put them all on the list and tomorrow we put them all next to each other and make a decision." I say and Vera nods.

The water starts to get cold so i let her scoot forward and i get out. I help Vera out of the bath and help her dry off before drying myself off. I help her get dressed and we both say nothing, but she just smiles at me. 

"What do you want to eat for dinner gorgeous?" I ask her after i got dressed and Vera is lying in bed. She lets out a sigh. "I am not really hungry..." She mumbles. "You need to eat... Tell me what you want, and I'll get it for you..." I say and i can see her think making me chuckle. "Taco's..." She says and i smile kissing her before i order Taco's for dinner.

We eat in bed watching movies Dodger laying on Vera's feet. She rubs her belly puffing and i can see the girl's kick. "They are active today..." I say and she nods but when i look up she has tears in her eyes. "Hey, hey, hey... What is wrong..." I whisper cupping her face making her look at me through her tears. "I just want to sleep... I feel exhausted and it hurts... Nothing is comfortable anymore as soon as i step out of the bathtub it is back... I dont know how long i can take this anymore..." She says between sobs and i sigh pulling her in my arms. Dodger who feels her sadness cuddles up to her... "Just a few more weeks gorgeous..." I whisper and she buries her head in my chest. "Can you rub my back please..." She says in a small voice and i smile i pull her close and rub her lower back and she hums and when i look down after a while i smile because she is finally asleep. 

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