Chapter 88

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Chris pov...

I swallow hard and walk over to her. I tower over her and let my eyes roam her body... The body i missed even though she slept next to me every night. Dont get me wrong we had done things... I had no complaints... But it had been i while since we had full on sex... I wanted her to set the pace... 

I ran my finger over the delicate red lace... circling her nipples and i smirked as they got hard poking through the fabric. I took her hand and twirled her around slowly groaning as her panties hugged her perfectly. Her ass looking absolutely perfect. "All this... all mine..." I whispered in her ear as i pulled her against me her back now against my chest as i run my hands up and down her body. "Yesss... All yours... to do with as you please..." She moaned and i smirked. 

"Well in that case..." I murmured and i walked her to the bed planting kisses in her neck... making her moan... I unclasped her bra and slowly pushed down the straps off her shoulders making it fall down to the floor. I kiss my way down her back sinking to my knees. I kiss her ass and she let out a giggle. I slowly pull down her panties helping her step out and throwing them aside... I smirk at the possibility's as i can finally fuck her however i want again... 

"How to fuck you..." I murmur as i stand back up again and i attach my lips to her neck. She leans her head to the side granting me more access and i smile while marking her my hands finding their way to her boobs massaging them and she moans. 

I grin and bend her over the bed. My hand roams her ass before i quickly get rid of my own clothes.  She looks over her shoulder and giggles again. "Someone is eager..." She says and wiggles her ass. I grin and slap her ass making her gasp. "You have no idea how much i missed that pussy of yours..." I growl. I run my fingers through her folds, and she moans. "Seems i am not the only one who seems eager... So wet already..." I groan and she whimpers. 

I push her further on the bed and she squeals as i flip her over. I was planning on fucking her from behind... but I just want to look at her beautiful face as i make her cum... I crawl over her and smile as she cups my face and pulls me in for a kiss. She lets her hands glide down my arms. "My big strong man..." She whispers and i grin.  "All yours gorgeous... forever..." I whisper back and kiss her again with everything i got. She wraps her legs around my waist as i slowly and carefully sink into her and we look each other's in the eyes. 

I kiss her again as i slowly pull out and push in again. I grab her hands and intertwine my fingers with hers pushing them above her head laying my body on her and i moan as she feels so soft underneath me... "I missed this gorgeous... You feel so good..." I whisper in her ear before i attach my lips to the skin in her neck and mark her... She moans in response and i smile. 

I groan as she tightens her grip on me with her legs pulling me deeper and closer if that is even possible... Our bodies melt together and i take a deep breath to yield my body as i dont want this to be over yet. I kiss her and release one of her hands moving it to her ass grabbing it holding her as i pound into her... Her walls pulse around my dick and her moaning gets louder and more desperate. "Please dont stop... Just like that..." She moans and i thrust into her a few more times making her cum around my cock and i groan pausing for a minute. I watch her fall apart underneath me. "You look so beautiful when you cum gorgeous..." I groan and she opens her eyes and smiles and i kiss her again. 

I push myself up hovering over her and start thrusting into her harder. She whimpers and arches her back of the bed... I pull out and flip her over pulling her ass in the air and thrust into her again. She grips the sheets and the only sounds filling the room is our skin slapping together... I smile as her ass jiggles with every thrust, and it is beautiful. I grab her ass pulling her harder on me and i grin as she starts to push back. "Fuck gorgeous... feels so good..." I groan and she moans in response. "Am so close..." She mumbles barely able to speak and i grin. 

"Just let go gorgeous... cum for me..." I groan thrusting into her harder. I watch her grip the sheets and after i thrust into her a few more times she falls apart coming hard moaning my name... Hearing her moan out my name as her orgasm washes over her sends me over the edge and with a few more sloppy thrusts i cum filling her up... and i collapse on top of her. 

After we catch our breaths i pull out of her and lay down beside her and she turns to me with a smile on her face. I pull her in and kiss her. "Are you okay?" I ask her and she chuckles. "More than okay..." She says with a lazy smile on her face. 

All of a sudden, we hear a cry through the baby monitor. We both laugh. "At least they let us finish..." Vera says smirking and gets up. "I can go..." I say but she shakes her head before leaning down and kissing me again. "I am the bar... remember..." She says smirking and i laugh. She puts on a rope and walks to the nursery.  I lay in bed listening to her singing to the girls. I get out of bed and put on some sweats. I gather our clothes and drop them in the laundry basket before making my way to the nursery. I smile as she is holding Nova and i see that Ava is still asleep. 

When she is almost done with feeding Nova... Ava wakes up and i smile taking her out of the crib. We switch girls and i burp Nova walking up and down the nursery with her before checking her diaper and change it. I put Nova back in the crib and after Vera is done with feeding Ava i do the same burping changing diaper and putting her back in the crib. "Ready to go to bed Mrs. Evans..." I say holding out my hand and she smiles taking it. 

We cuddle up in bed. "I love you gorgeous..." I mumble and i can feel her smile as she is laying with her head on my chest. "I love you to..." She mumbles back and i smile to while playing with her hair. Soon we are both asleep.

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