Chapter 70

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Chris pov...

"Can you help me get out of the dress..." Vera asks looking at me through the mirror with a small smile on her face. We had just gotten home, and Vera wanted to change in something more comfortable. I smiled and walked over standing behind her. I slowly pulled the zipper down... smiling at her through the mirror. I plant a kiss on her shoulder as i push the dress down. I can see her close her eyes as she lets out a sigh enjoying my touch. I keep planting kisses on her shoulder and in her neck while my hands roam her body as she is now standing in just a bra and panties her dress pooled at her feet. 

She hums as i feel her soft body under my fingertips and she leans against me letting out a sigh. I smile and slowly turn her head towards me kissing her and she smiles. She steps out of the dress before she turns around in my arms and kisses me again. She pulls my shirt over my head as i already had gotten rid of my jacket and tie before helping her out of her dress. 

I smile at her as her hands roam over my chest and up into my neck pulling me in for another kiss. I wrap my arms around her and unclasp her bra pulling it off of her and i massage her boobs. She moans a little and i smile as she starts to fidget with my belt pulling it loose and quickly making work of getting me out of my pants. I groan with one of her nipples in my mouth as my pants fall down to the floor. Leaving me in my boxers as i step out of them kicking them aside. She rubs me making me hard in an instant. I groan as she pushed down my boxers and kick them aside to letting out a growl as she wraps her hand around my shaft pumping me up and down. I release her boobs and push her panties down. I kiss her again walking her backwards to the bed she never stops moving her hand around my shaft and i groan. 

She is not comfortable laying on her back anymore so i crawl on the bed sitting against the headboard and pulling her in my lap straddling me. She smiles and takes my head between both hands, and she kisses me passionately as i line myself up with her core and she slowly sinks down taking me all the way making us both moan into the kiss. I smile as i push her hair out of her face. Neither one of us is moving and we just enjoying the connection. 

"You're so beautiful..." I whisper as we break the kiss our forehead pressed together. "I love you..." She whispers before kissing me again and i let my hands roam her body wanting to touch her all over. I never could get enough of her god i love being buried inside of her and feeling her body under my fingertips. "I love you too gorgeous..." I whisper smiling at her. I groan as she slowly starts to move rocking her hips back and forth.

"Promise you never leave me gorgeous..." I whisper and she smiles a little before kissing me again. "Never... Chris..." She sighs and i kiss her again. "I am yours... for as long as you will have me..." She murmurs and i smile. "Good... Because i will never let you go... No matter what anyone says..." I moan and she kisses me again as if her life depends on it. 

This is practically the most that we have talked about the situation since her last hospital stay... The first few days i was so scared she would leave... I dont know what i would do if she would... I can't live without her... The thought alone hurts.

She lets out a little whimper as i move my hands to her ass helping her move digging my fingers in her flesh as we rock together. This is how it is supposed to be... Her and i... Connected in the most intimate way ever. She lets out a little moan and buries her head in my neck and i can feel her suck on my skin marking me. 

I love the effect she has on me because the shivers run through my body at the feeling of her lips on my skin. "Promise you will never leave me to..." She whispers in a small shy tone and i move her taking her head in my hands leaning my forehead against hers again. "I promise gorgeous... You and me forever..." I whisper and we kiss again. I groan as she starts to push herself up and down and i put my hands on her ass again helping her bounce on my dick both of us moaning. 

I can sense she is having trouble to keep moving so i move us laying her on her side and i crawl behind her and i lift her leg as i slowly sink into her again. I slowly thrust into her while i plant kisses in her neck. "I love you gorgeous..." I whisper again and she moans reaching behind her grabbing me where she can. I can feel her walls getting tighter around my dick and i start rubbing circles on her clit and she moans loudly. 

"Let go gorgeous... Cum for me..." I whisper and she moans. "Oh shit... Chris..." She whimpers and i watch her body react to her orgasm washing over her. "You are so beautiful when you come gorgeous..." I murmur in her ear and when she looks back i kiss her. 

I keep moving carefully thrusting into her. It takes everything in me to not fuck her hard but i am scared of hurting the girls or Vera... She so much more sensitive while she is pregnant... Maybe it is stupid but i am not taking the risk. I dont want her in the hospital again. Not until she is giving birth to our girls. 

She starts pushing back on me and i groan... I keep rubbing circles on her clit wanting her to cum with me as i am close... "Fuuuck..." I growl as i can feel my dick twitch and i know i can't hold out much longer. "Feels so good, gorgeous..." I groan and she moans in response pushing harder back on me our skin slapping together and she moves putting her leg over my hip changing the angle and i look down watching my dick going in and out. I groan and bury my head in her neck as i cum filling her up letting out a loud groan. She follows soon after and we lie there coming down from our high. 

When i finally pull-out Vera scoots to the edge of the bed getting up to go to the bathroom. "Chris!" She all of a sudden yell's and i quickly get out the bed and into the bathroom. "What is wrong?" I ask her with slight panic in my voice. She takes my hand and lays it on her belly and i smile as i can feel our girl's kick. "I think we woke them up..." She says smirking and i groan. "Thats it no more sex while you are pregnant..." I say and she laughs. I smile as she laughs i love the sound of her laughing and i realize i hadn't heard it for a few weeks. 

I had to admit... I missed my mother but i dont have it in me to call her... I was really debating with myself to go no contact while Vera was pregnant and even if i would contact her i wanted to talk with Vera first about it. But i decided right then and there to wait to talk about it until we got back from New York. 

We hadn't really talked about it yet... Every time the subject came up somehow, she shut down and either changed the subject or she started to cry. I didn't want to upset her and risk her having to go back to the hospital. The doctor had said no stress... Absolutely no stress. Although the girls were healthy, and we had weekly checkups... I wasn't going to risk it. But i certainly not imagined that me starting a family would result in me not having contact with my mother...

"You, okay?" Vera whispered looking at me worried and i smiled... "I am okay..." I said and she sighed. "I know you want to talk about it..." She whispered catching me by surprise. "But i dont know what to say... I feel guilty..." She mumbles... 

She starts to shiver and i can see that she is cold as she is still naked so i take her hand and walk her to the bedroom and we crawl into bed cuddled up. "You dont have to feel guilty gorgeous..." I say as we are comfortably laying wrapped around each other. Vera had all the pregnancy pillows a pregnant woman could ask for, but she always said i was her favorite. "Let talk about it when we come back from New York..." I mumble and she stay quiet for a second. 

"I just dont want you to resent me..." She whispers. I sigh... and look at her and kiss her. "I won't gorgeous... I promise..." I whisper and smile at her. "It will all be alright... gorgeous..." I mumble and she cuddles into me more and closes her eyes. "I love you Chris..." She says under a sigh and i smile holding her tighter. "I love you too gorgeous... More than you will ever know..." I say smiling before we both drift off to sleep feeling absolutely content with her in my arms. Nothing feels better than having her in my arms. 

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