Chapter 9

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Chris pov...

I called Scarlet on my way to New York... It would be late when i would arrive and if Vera wouldn't open the door i needed a place to stay. Scarlet said i could swing by to pick up the keys before i went over to Vera. 

I drove to New York in record time and arrived at Scarlet's just after 9. She let me in and pulled me into a hug. Colin appeared and i could see the worry in his eyes. I sighed and felt nothing but shame. "It is not your fault Chris..." Colin whispered as if he could read my mind. "People are fucked up... Jealous... Envious or just plain mean... They get off on this sort of stuff... They dont look further then her appearance... They dont care about what a wonderful person she is... Or how this will affect her." He said with anger in his eyes.

I shook my head. "I should have paid better attention to my surroundings..." I whispered and i could feel the tears coming again. "Come on Chris you know just as well as me that they probably were somewhere hiding out and you could never have seen them... Or it was a nosy neighbor..." Scarlet said. 

Scarlet gave me a set of keys and told me the guestroom first door on the right upstairs was for me when i had no luck at Vera's. "I hope you have more luck than Colin..." She whispered. I just nodded hugged them both and made my way back to the car and drove over to Vera's house. 

I put my car on the driveway and sat there for a while. There were lights on her car was in the driveway and it appeared that she was home. I got out of the car and walked over to the door. I took a deep breath and rang the doorbell. I waited a minute but no answer. So, I knocked and rang the doorbell again... After a few minutes no answer...

I sighed and pulled out my phone and called her... No answer. I texted her to please open up that i was at her front door and was not going anywhere even if it meant sleeping outside against her front door.... I am not leaving i thought to myself... I need to know she is okay... I just need to see her to make sure she is okay... Even though that she wasn't otherwise she would have answered calls or replied to texts...

I rang the doorbell again and again... No answer. All of a sudden i hear a sound. "Please go away Chris..." A small soft voice said through the door. I shook my head. "I am not going anywhere until i see that you are okay..." I said resting my head against the front door. "Please gorgeous... open the door... I beg you... This is killing me... Please gorgeous... Please let me in... Please dont shut me out... I won't survive that... I need you..." A few minutes past by but i could feel her on the other side of the door... I could feel she was still standing there. I could feel her doubt... I know it is crazy saying that with a door between us but i just knew... I just knew she was having an internal debate... whether to let me in or just leave me standing here. "Please gorgeous..." I said very softly... "Please let me in..." I sighed fighting my own tears. 

Slowly the door opened and i let out a sigh of relief... But when i saw her my heart broke... She looked sad and as if she had been crying a lot her eyes were red and puffy. She looked so small and frail... My beautiful girl... She looked broken... 

"Well, you have seen me so you can go now..." She whispered but i didn't listen and stepped inside pulling her into me closing the door behind me. She froze for a moment but soon relaxed and started crying holding onto me for dear life and we sunk down to the floor. I just held her letting her cry it out... My shirt was getting wet from the tears but i didn't care... I was holding her and never letting her go unless she really wanted me to... I just hugged her tighter... 

"I am so sorry..." I whispered over and over again not knowing what else to say. Vera said nothing and just kept crying. I quickly pulled out my phone and texted Scarlet. "I am in..."

Vera started shivering as we were sitting on the cold floor so i stood up and pulled her with me. And without thinking i lifted her up bridal style carrying her to her bedroom. Vera murmured something i couldn't understand but i just kept walking...  I laid her down in the bed and crawled in next to her after taking of my clothes and pulled her into me holding her tight until she had cried herself to sleep. 

Even in her sleep she was holding me tight and i just played with her hair. My phone rang Scarlet was calling and i picked up whispering. I told Scarlet she was in rough shape and that i dont know what to do. She said she would be over in the morning so we could make a plan for fighting this... If Vera wanted to... I had my doubts and what could we do...? 

The article was out there... I didn't know how to fight this... I was at a loss... I know it was selfish... and maybe i should let her go... but i just couldn't... I wanted her in my life but i also wanted her happy and if that meant letting her go than maybe... I should just let her go... But the thought of that hurt... The thought of her with someone else made me sick... I wanted to be hers and i wanted her to be mine...

"She looks so broken Scar..." I whispered and i started crying myself. The thought that she was in this shape because of me... Became too much and i told Scarlet i had to hang up and that i would see her in the morning. 

I kissed the top of Vera's head. "I am going to fix this gorgeous... I promise..."

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