Chapter 22

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Vera pov...

We return to our table were Seb and Mackie are talking to some guy and i can feel Chris tense up. "You okay...?" I ask him and he smiles at me and nods before letting me sit down and he slides in beside me wrapping his arm protectively around my shoulder. 

"Hi i am Ryan..." The guy says holding out his hand for me to shake but the fact that Chris is so tense because of him and my own gut feeling something is off about him makes it that i dont shake his hand. "Vera..." Is all i say and i can see the guy smirk at Chris. 

I turn to Chris and see he is more tense than i thought so i put my hand on his face turning it to me and i kiss him. He smiles at me as he cups my face running his thumb over my cheek. "I love you gorgeous..." He whispers and i can feel him relax a little. "I love you too handsome..." I whisper before we kiss again passionate.  

"Want to tell me why that guy makes you so tense..." I whisper in Chris his ear and he look at me and gives me a sad smile. Chris sighs and kisses me again and it feels desperate... "Just remember that i love you so much..." Chris whispers and proceeds to tell me what he had said at Shanna's birthday party and what his reaction to it was. Chris looks at me to see my reaction and i just smile at him. "He doesn't matter..." I whisper and kiss him again. 

"So, this is a real thing huh..." Ryan scoffs looking at us pulling us out of our little moment. I look at him and sigh. "You really going to settle for her..." Ryans says staring Chris dead in the eyes. Before Chris can react i interrupt. "Do you have a girlfriend... Ryan?" I ask him and i can see Seb and Mackie starting to smirk. "I dont..." Ryans says caught off guard by my question. 

"Well maybe you should focus more on you own relationships and love life instead of ours... But i am beginning to understand why your judgmental ass is single... I may be curvy and not up to your ideal beauty standard... But at least if i wanted to... i could do something about it... You have a shit personality and there is nothing you can do about that..." I spit at him and Mackie and Seb start laughing. "She got you there... Ryan..." Mackie says giving me a smile and a high five. "I think it is time for you to leave now..."  Seb chimes in looking annoyed at Ryan. I look at them both with a thankful smile. 

I can feel Chris smirk as he plants a kiss in my neck. Ryan stands up and storms off and i let out a sigh. "Sorry..." I say blushing feeling a little guilty. "Dont be gorgeous... He had it coming..." Chris says before planting another kiss on my shoulder. "Yeah, girl dont ever apologize for defending yourself... He was out of line, and you put him back in his place... We are just sorry you have to deal with people like that..." Mackie says and Seb nods in agreement. Chris just takes my hand kissing it looking at me with the biggest smile on his face. 

The rest of the night was amazing Chris and i danced some more... Laughed and joked with Seb and Mackie and just had fun... Normally a comment like Ryan made would have put me off for the rest of the night... But i dont know what it was.... Maybe it was having the guys stick up for me... But not before they let me have the opportunity to stick up for myself.... It was a real confidence boost. 

Knowing that they had my back if needed was a great feeling. Or maybe it was the amazing fuck in the bathroom that boosted my confidence the feeling of being desired by Chris... The fact that he couldn't wait until we would be back at his place... That he had to have me right then and there... The way he touched me made me feel like the most beautiful woman on the word and by that reasoning in this club. Not once during the whole night i caught him checking other women out... and believe me they tried to get his attention... But as far as i noticed he had only eyes for me. 

He didn't pay attention to our waitress who was clearly trying to flirt with him and as it would normally make me insecure... I didn't mind because for one he never flirted back and two deep down inside the feeling began to settle that he was mine and only mine... My walls were crumbling and as scary as it was i was done fighting it. 

I smiled looking at Chris as he was talking with Mackie. Seb was dancing with some girl. I just listened to their conversation about Mackie now being Captain America and they were exchanging experiences. "What do you think...?" Mackie asked smirking revering to people saying that Captain America couldn't be replaced.  

"I think you are going to do great..." I say smiling at him. "I think people are stuck on Steve Rogers being Captain America... and that is ridiculous. You are not going to be Steve Rogers so i dont see the big deal... The story is continuing and not being rewritten..." I said smiling at Mackie and when i looked at Chris he had the biggest smile on his face. 

After a few more drinks i was feeling the buzz. Mackie was asked to dance by a beautiful girl leaving Chris and i alone sitting at our table. Seb was nowhere to be seen anymore and from what i understood he had texted Mackie that he had taken off with the girl he had danced with. 

The alcohol made me bolder and crawled in Chris his lap kissing him passionately and he smirked as his arms that were laying spread out on the back of the couch moved and wrapped around me. I moved in his lap, and he growled into our kiss making me smile. "Let's go home..." I whispered into the kiss as i just wanted to go and rip his clothes off and have my way with him as he had been teasing me all night. He nodded with a smirk on his face and i got up from his lap. Chris grabbed my hand holding me tight and leading me outside. He texted Mackie that we were going home and i response he got a thumb up emoji.  

While we waited outside for our ride Chris wrapped his arms around me kissing me passionately. We had our little make out session until the ride arrived. We got in and Chris kissed the back of my hand smiling at me as the driver took us home.

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